comment Sherry dq2

I NEED A POSITIVE COMMENT BASED IN THIS ARGUMENT..BETWEEN 150-200 WORDSStatistics is subject to error and manipulations contingent on the inappropriate intent of the source. Such as increasing the sale of newspapers throughout election time, newspaper businesses place indisputable headlines that a certain candidate is ahead in ballots. The headline could have been produced by a savvy journalist thatapproached this conclusion by assumption or sampling some of the constituents of the surrounding community and finding out with whom their votes landed.Afterward an inexact conclusion was attained. Another way statistics can be used inappropriately is by falsifying ballots to provide an erroneous conclusion. Suppose that ballot sheets were taken or voters took it upon themselves to place more than one ballot in the voters’ box, this would cause an inaccurate count at the end of the election and the incorrect candidate would be elected the victor. The health care system is not excluded from statistical manipulations. For instance referring back to the Veterans Affair(VA) scandal of 2014 where appointment dates for many VA clients were fabricated to show that clients were receiving early appointments when in factsome clients were not calendared for two years after the clients’ first complaint. The example given shows the misuse of statistics. The people involved with the scandal conveyed their conclusion and showed evidence to support it.Reference(2015). Veterans Affairs (VA) Scandal of 2014. Retrieved from

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