com510 week 7 paper

Communications Plan Portfolio: Timeline and Evaluation    
Complete the “Timeline and Evaluation Template” for this assignment.

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Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. 

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COM-510 Topic 7 Communications Plan Portfolio: Timeline and Evaluation

Part I: Timeline

Create a timeline for the implementation of your Communications Plan by doing the following:

Choose 10 activities that you will do to make sure your Communications Plan is fully implemented in the most effective way possible (Assess stakeholders current attitudes toward the change, produce training materials, conduct one-on-one visits, conduct data analysis, design survey instruments, etc.)

For each of the 10 activities, give a brief explanation (50-75 words each) of why you chose the activity you did and how it will help to bring about the organizational change you are seeking.











Complete the table below by filling in the 10 activities you have selected and placing an “X” in the month that each activity will be accomplished by.


Month 1

e.g., March

Month 2
e.g., April

Month 3
e.g., May

Month 4
e.g., June

Month 5
e.g., July

Month 6
e.g., August

Part II: Evaluation

In 500-750 words, prepare an evaluation of your organizational change by doing the following:

State the organizational change:

Explain the methods you will use to assess the current state of your organization. These might include paper surveys, online surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. Explain why they are the best methods for your situation.

Explain which mechanisms (website, email address for team in charge of organizational change, etc.) you will create to allow internal and external stakeholders to provide feedback.

Explain what methods you will use to assess the state of your organization after you have successfully completed the organizational change. These methods might include paper surveys, online surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. Explain why you will use the methods you have chosen.

COM-510 Communications Plan Portfolio: Timeline and Evaluation Scoring Guide




A clear and well-delineated News Release

1) 10 appropriate activities chosen.


2) Brief explanation of why each activity was chosen and why it will bring about the desired organizational change.


3) Timeline table completed.


4) In 500-750 words, explanation of how the organizational change methods will be assessed is given.


5) Clarity and quality of writing.




Instructor Comments:

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