Address the following topics tying your studied course content to your chosen field:

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-(My chosen field is Finance)

· Provide an example of data, information, and knowledge in your field

· Discuss how information systems help people manage data, information, and knowledge in your field

· Discuss how information technology and/or information systems are impacting managers’ jobs in your field

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· Describe a business process in your field and the role of IT and/or IS in that process

· Describe the business environment for your field

· Consider Porter’s 5 forces model as it relates to your field. Where does IT/IS play a role?

· Consider Porter’s strategies for competitive advantage. How does IT/IS play a role in each of those strategies?

· Address the following topics tying your studied course content to society:

a) How is IT positively affecting your quality of life?

b) How is IT negatively affecting your quality of life?

c) How is IT positively affecting society?

d) How is IT negatively affecting society?

· Address the following topics regarding ethics and information technology:

a) Do you think there should be both an opt-in and an opt-out model of data collection? Why?

b) Should companies be allowed to collect data about you unless you tell them not to? Why?

c) Who do you think should own your data and information? Why?

d) Do you think organizations should be allowed to sell your data and/or information to others? Why?

e) Do you think companies should conduct searches on Google and social media sites before hiring an individual? Why?

· Address the following topics regarding information security:

a. Describe two unintentional threats to a company’s information system in your field. Be specific about the threats.

b. Describe how the company may be vulnerable to each of those threats.

c. Describe the level of possibility that said threats would cause harm to the information system.

d. Discuss information security controls the company could implement to protect against the two threats. (could be physical, access, or communication controls)

e. Research and discuss a data breach that has impacted your field.

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