Cloud computing Assignments

  Course – Cloud Computing

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  • Residency Poster PresentationPrepare a PowerPoint presentation of your preliminary idea for your research project. The PowerPoint presentation must include the following:  

    Background on the problem (1-2 slides)
    Explanation of the problem to be studied (1-2 slides). Include evidence that the problem is current and significant
    The overarching research question(s) (1 slide)
    Identify at least three scholarly sources that directly inform the project. The sources should be relevant and recent.


Extended Annotated Bibliography (September 26th 6:00 pm EST)  [5 more references needed ]which includes the references delivered in poster presentation and cover the below requirements for the topic and for which we will be doinfg for final upcoming research paper] Begin organizing the research and topics for your project using an annotated bibliography. The format of the annotated bibliography is a referene to the article, formatted per APA 7th edition, and an annotation or summary of the article. The summary should include important topics and how the topic relates to your research. Your annotations should cover three areas (typically formatted in three paragraphs):  

  • Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?
  • Analysis: Was the author’s method sound? What information was missing? Is this a scholarly source?
  • Application: Does this article fill a gap in the literature? How would you be able to apply this method/study to yoru study? Is the article universal?
  • Writing annotated bibliographies will help you develop the skills to critically read and identify key points within an article. This will help you determine the validity and usefulness of the articles in relation to your research topic.
  • Residency Literature Review (september 27th 11:30 AM pm est)You will submit a draft of the literature review portion of your research paper. The literature review will form the main body of your final research paper. This will be where you provide a synthesis of the articles you have found related to your topic. When writing a literature review, you should include or consider the following:  

    An introduction and a conclusion
    Avoid direct quotes.
    Organize by topic or theme rather than by author
    Use headings
    Show relationships and consider the flow of ideas

  • Residency Draft Paper (September 27th 1:00 pm est)Submit a draft of your final paper. The draft must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 
  • Residency Research Paper (October 1st 7:00 pm est)Submit your professional research paper on a current topic in cloud computing. Amend your paper based on feedback you received during the residency weekend. The paper includes your final literature review and your completed analysis of your chosen research topic. The paper must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 

The Role of Load Balancing in the Next generation of Cloud Computing

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Cloud computing is a network of distributed computing where all applications run on many connected computers at the parallel time.

Tons of information has been shared from client to server or server to client.

By using load balancer cloud computing manages word load across on different server to achieve high performance.

Background of Problem

Load balancing plays a very important role in the future generation of computing for storing and accessing the applications and programs.
 Load balancing involves volunteer, server less computing into the clouding computing.

Load balancing is very important concept for the next generation of cloud computing.
Future user of internet will have just screen where they uses internet. Remaining all the calculations and other’s things will be done by computer.
We will define in our study that through future load balancing mechanism, internet will be aiming to spread all over, can manage traffic loads, depending and independent resources on networks.
Problem significance

Explore factors that cause load unbalancing problem in future cloud computing.
Examine different challenges of development of future load balancing algorithms.
Providing the detailed category of load balancing techniques, methods and algorithms for future.
Research Questions

Afzal, S., & Kavitha, G. (2019). Load balancing in cloud computing – A hierarchical taxonomical classification. Journal of Cloud Computing, 8(1).
Pourghebleh, B., & Hayyolalam, V. (2019). A comprehensive and systematic review of the load balancing mechanisms in the Internet of Things. Cluster Computing, 23(2), 641–661.
Tadapaneni, N. R. (2020, April 1). A Survey Of Various Load Balancing Algorithms In Cloud Computing. Retrieved September 26, 2020, from website:

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