Clinical Field Experience D: Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary: I Do, We Do, You Do


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Allocate as least 1 hour in the field to support this field experience.

Consult with your mentor teacher to decide the direction you will take to provide small-group instruction to 3-4 students on a literacy topic in Fluency, Comprehension, and/or Vocabulary.

Part 1: Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary:

  • I Do, We Do, You Do
  • Complete the “Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary: I Do, We Do, You Do” template to guide appropriate instruction for the 3-4 students identified by your mentor teacher. Within the chart, identify the following to help design your lesson:

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    • Fluency/Comprehension/Vocabulary Concept
    • I Do, We Do, You Do

    • Differentiation
    • Assessment

    Upon completion of your lesson and with approval of your mentor teacher, facilitate the lesson to the students chosen.

    Part 2: Reflection

    Using the “Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary: I Do, We Do, You Do” chart, summarize and reflect upon your chart, strategy, and facilitation in 250-500 words. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

    Submit your “Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary: I Do, We Do, You Do” and reflection as one deliverable.

    Fluency,Comprehension, and Vocabulary: I Do, We Do, You Do

    Part 1: Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary: I Do, We Do, You Do

    Fluency/Comprehension/Vocabulary Concept

    Choose one of the fluency, comprehension, and/or vocabulary concept from above and aligning standards.

    I DO

    Describe the direct instruction that you will use to teach your concept.

    WE DO

    Describe how you will work together to help your students to reach the learning task.

    YOU DO

    Describe the independent work the students will do based on the concept you taught.


    Describe differentiation strategies to utilize with the students chosen by your mentor teacher.


    Describe an informal assessment that will help to monitor effectiveness of the activity.

    Part 2: Reflection

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