Classroom Management Plan


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For this assignment, you will add to the rough draft of the “My Personal Classroom Management Plan” assignment. This rough draft should now include sections 1-6.

Your classroom management plan rough draft should incorporate applicable feedback received from previous assignments and include the following in each section:

  1. Professionalism – Based on the feedback you received from your peers, revise your statement on professionalism.
  2. Student Engagement Strategies – Based on the feedback you received from your peers, revise your statement on student engagement.
  3. My Philosophy of Classroom Management – Based on the feedback you received from your peers, revise your philosophy of classroom management.
  4. Classroom Procedures – Based on the feedback you received from your instructor, revise your Topic 4 procedures assignment and summarize three of the procedures (one of which must address safe and responsible use of technology). Include your rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.
  5. Rules, Consequences, and Reward System – Based on the feedback you received from your instructor, revise your Topic 4 lists of rules, consequences, and rewards. Include the lists and the rationale that explains how the system will help create a safe and productive learning environment.
  6. Classroom Arrangement and Cooperative Learning: Include your classroom arrangement and rationale from this topic. You will revise it after you receive instructor and peer feedback.

Include at least 3-5 scholarly resources you used to create your classroom management plan.

Procedures, Rules, Rewards and Consequences

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Vanessa Gonzalez


Grade Level: ___3rd________

Part 1: Procedures

Procedure #1

Leaving the classroom

Purpose of procedure

Procedure steps
or activity

When the procedure will be:





 To ensure students are organized when leaving the classroom.

1.  Line up according to the number one has been assigned.
2. Stand patient until the teacher gives the permission to leave the classroom.
3. While walking in the hallway, ensure that you are silent in order to avoid distracting other students that are learning.

 The procedure will be introduced by the instructor during the first school day.

 The teacher will model the procedure at the beginning of the class during the first school week.

Teacher will continuously remind students of the procedure.

 Teacher will watch the students that follow the outlined steps and those that don’t. Those that don’t follow the steps will be taught more about the procedure.

Procedure #2

Communicating in the classroom

Purpose of procedure

Procedure steps
or activity

When the procedure will be:





 To develop respect for a teacher or student who is addressing the class.
To foster great communion the classroom.

1. Raise your hand in case you want to speak.
2. Wait for the teacher to pick you before airing out concerns or asking questions.

 Teacher will introduce the procedure at the beginning of the first class and continuously remind students of the steps.

Teacher will model the procedure during the first school week.  

Teachers and students will repeat the steps when reinforcement is required.  

 Students who follow the outlined steps will be rewarded for being able to foster efficient communication in the classroom.

Procedure #3


Purpose of procedure

Procedure steps
or activity

When the procedure will be:





To ensure students do not waste much time hanging their backpacks.

 1. Quietly get into the classroom.
2. Unpack the backpack and get the necessary materials required for the class.
3. Hang the backpack.

 Teacher will introduce this during the first school day.

 The teacher should demonstrate how to correctly follow the steps during the first school day.

 Teachers and students can practice how they should hang their backpack every morning when entering the classroom.

 Teacher will watch students follow the steps and correct any student that makes a mistake.

Procedure #4


Purpose of procedure

Procedure steps
or activity

When the procedure will be:





 To ensure students receive their lunch in an orderly manner.

 1. Line up orderly in the cafeteria.
2. While in the line, pick a packet of milk and silverware.
3. Patiently wait for your turn to be served by the kitchen staff.

 Teacher will introduce the procedure during the first school day.

 Teacher will model the procedure during the first school week.

 Teacher will continuously remind students to maintain order while receiving their lunch.

 Teacher will identify students that follow the steps and positively reinforce them.

Procedure #5

Use of computers

Purpose of procedure

Procedure steps
or activity

When the procedure will be:





 To ensure students are able to correctly and efficiently operate a computer.

1. Ensure the switch connected to the computer is on.
2. Put on the computer by pressing the power button.
3. Wait patiently as the computer starts.
4. After you’re done with the computer shut it down properly by going to start and pressing shut down.  

 Teacher will introduce this during the first school week.

 Teacher will personally operate the computer following the steps outlined while students are watching.

 Teacher will continuously remind students about the steps of operating a computer.

 Teacher will watch students that are able to efficiently follow the steps and correct those that don’t.


Procedures are a very critical part of a classroom because they reduce distraction and maximize instruction. The procedures clearly indicate what is expected from the students and the steps required in every procedure. As a result, students conduct themselves in a uniform manner based on the procedural steps outlined thus minimizing distractions that arise when students conduct various activities differently. Procedures maximize instructional time because time is not wasted by students who understand the steps they should follow (Strader, 2018). For example, when students understand how computers are operated, less time is wasted on turning on the computer allowing for more instructional time.

Part 2: Rules, Consequences, and Rewards System


1) Respect yourself, fellow students and teachers.

2) Follow the directions of teachers.

3) No bullying.

4) Be honest and kind.

5) Be an attentive listener to the teacher.


1) Warnings.

2) Loss of privileges such as “Fun Friday.”

3) Parent and teacher conference.

4) Spend time on wall during recess.

5) Call home to inform the guardian or parent of the negative behavior.

Documenting Consequences:

The “Refocus Area” sheet that students fill is the place whereby the consequences will be documented. A copy of the file will be made and in case a student keep on portraying negative behavior. The coming “Refocus Area” sheet will put in a red folder and forwarded to the administrator. The administrator will engage the parents and guardians from there.

Reward System

Teacher will come up with a “Class Dojo” which is an app utilized in rewarding students with points or communication with guardians and parents about the progress of their kids. The points that students have for positive behavior can be utilized in shopping in the school’s shop. When students know they is a reward for behaving well, they are highly likely to maintain positive behavior.


The system will promote a safe and productive learning environment in different ways. Firstly, students will comprehend why following procedures and rules is important. The students understand that the procedures and rules are created to improve their learning outcomes. When students receive points for positive behavior, they understand that positive behavior is accompanied by great rewards therefore practicing it is very important (Padmadewi, 2016). Students will be excited to utilize the points in shopping and they will ensure that they work hard to gather as much points as possible. This will promote a culture of positive behavior in school with a view of receiving as many points as possible. Positive behavior entails great respect for teachers and students, following the directions of teachers and being honest which are qualities that aid in developing a safe and productive learning environment (Patrick, 2016).


Padmadewi, N. N. (2016). Techniques of promoting autonomous learning in the classroom. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3, 45-52.

Patrick, H., Turner, J. C., & Strati, A. D. (2016). Classroom and school influences on student motivation. Handbook of social influences in school contexts: Social-emotional, motivation, and cognitive outcomes, 241-257.

Strader, L. (2018). Creating a Positive Classroom Environment: A Case Study of Elementary Teachers’ Reflections on the Work of Building Student Relationships.

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