
CLA 2 Comprehensive Learning Assessment – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5,CLO 6

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Read problem 22-4B (Departmental Contribution to Income P3) and answer the questions that follow. Explain your work in detail and include stating the initial situation and the assumptions. Include in-text citations. At least five scholarly references are required, among them one should be the textbook as a source of data.

Refer to the data about Phoenix Company presented in problem 21-1A (Preparing and Analyzing Flexible Budget P1 A1).

a. Based on the data identify fixed costs, unit variable costs, and unit price

b. Re-organize the income statement in variable costing format

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c. Find sales volume at breakeven and prepare income statement at breakeven

Explain your work in detail and state the initial situation and the assumptions. Include in-text citations. At least five scholarly references are required, among them one should be the textbook as a source of data.

*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) on page 13 of the syllabus for specific guidelines and expectations.

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