CJUS675 A5

Review the recommendations of your instructor and your peers for improving your key assignment. Make revisions based on their recommendations, and then add the following section (4 pages) to your paper:

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Create a policy statement that outlines what you believe the primary priority of the U.S. law enforcement should be: fighting organized crime, or countering terrorism?

  • Offer research and data that support and justify your policy.
  • Why should the U.S. government adopt your policy?

Include a title page, abstract, and separate reference page.

Additional Resources

Center for Evidence-based Crime Policy

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: https://cebcp.org/evidence-based-policing/what-works-in-policing/research-evidence-review/counterterrorism-strategies/

  • Since September 11, 2001 preventing terrorist attacks has increasingly become a role of local law enforcement agencies, particularly those serving large urban areas. Homeland security efforts by police cover a range of activities including providing extra security and presence at vulnerable targets, investigating tips and suspicious activities, and information sharing with state and federal partners to avoid future attacks.

Law Enforcement Partnerships



  • DHS website that describes how the federal government partners with the law enforcement community to combat terrorism with the first line of detectors. 

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