CJUS 750- Discussion Forum2-Reply1

Reply must be 250 words and include citations from at least 1 scholarly sources. Each thread and reply must follow current APA format.

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Glesne, C. (2016) Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction (5th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.


The role of a purpose statement and research questions, and the interrelationship between the two

The research question generally dictates the research approach:  quantitative or qualitative (Curry, n.d.).  Qualitative questions are exploratory in foundation, inductive, but scientific, with purposeful sampling in a natural setting (Curry, n.d.).  The research statement and questions summarize the goals of the research (Glesne, 2016).  The interrelatedness of the statement and questions first help to provide answers to the question ultimately connected to the purpose of the research and thus briefly described in the purpose statement (Glesne, 2016).  Furthermore, since the main question is expansive, a set of sub-questions are helpful in narrowing the focus (Richards, 2020).  As Glesne (2016) points out, the research statement and the research questions define components of what will be studied.  Research questions guide the researcher in choosing appropriate theories for data collection and in the creation of interview questions (Glesne, 2016).  The development of a research question should provide information about the topic to potential readers, help the researcher in determining theoretical background, and assess decisions through the process (O’Leary, 2005).

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The definition of dependability/reliability, validity/credibility, transferability/generalizability for qualitative data as applied in their own qualitative research study proposal

The credibility of a researcher many times is dependent on critical analysis of a topic, clear and concise understanding of the topic, and a framework or perhaps a comparison of collected work to existing work in the field (O’Leary, 2005).  These components can be addressed via a literature review that is purposeful and lays a foundation to endorse ideas (O’Leary, 2005).  The appropriate research question accomplishes validity in research, use of the methodology in context with the question and sampling, data, and conclusions are compelling (Leung, 2015).  Ontology and epistemology are initial challenges to qualitative research validity.  Ontology is one’s reality or perception of the world that ultimately shapes the questions to ask (Glesne, 2016).  Epistemology is a belief regarding knowledge that determines the scope of research, design, and theoretical preferences (Glesne, 2016).  My research study is based on criminality, trauma and reentry services.  Validity and credibility are centered on a critical analysis of existing literature to determine gaps in the research and compare knowledge.  The use of appropriate methodology and research questions continue to shape my ontological perspective.

            Reliability counts on a uniformity that relies on triangulation (Leung, 2015).  Triangulation is the reliance on several methods to acquire data, for example, conducting interviews and observing behaviors (Glesne, 2016).  Interestingly, the variability of results is minimally allowed in qualitative research if the methodology is epistemologically able to provide information that is comparable in ontology (Leung, 2015).  Due to the nature of qualitative research, the study of an issue within a population or group, generalizability is not frequently utilized (Leung, 2015).  However, it is possible to extend theory from other studies for explanatory purposes and comparison of experiences of individuals who are in similar situations (Leung, 2015).  Generalizability uses theory rather than probability and essentially adaptability of similar criteria as validity (Leung, 2015).  As part of my research, I do plan on using a mixed-methods design since one question focuses on causality, and the second question is qualitative-based in that interviews and case studies will be utilized.   


Curry, L.  (Senior Research Scientist).  (n.d.)  Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods.  

Glesne, C.  (2016).  Becoming Qualitative Researchers:  An Introduction.  Boston:  Pearson.  

Leung, Lawrence.  (2015).  Validity, reliability, and generalizability in qualitative research.  Journal of Family Medicine Primary Care 4(3), p.324-327.  doi:  10.4103/2249-4863.161306.  

O’Leary, Z.  (2005).  Researching Real-World Problems:  A Guide to Methods of Inquiry.  Thousand Oaks:  Sage Publications. 

Richards, M.  (2020).  Qualitative Designs and Data Collection Strategies and Procedures.  

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