Civil Engineering Research Paper

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Library Assignment

As senior-level civil engineering students, you have taken courses in a number of CE disciplines/areas
and have, hopefully, found something that you enjoy about civil engineering. Among the criteria that
ABET uses in evaluating engineering programs are a series of student outcomes. These outcomes
include “an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences “ and “an ability to acquire
and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.” The library
assignment is geared toward assessing how well you can research a current issue facing civil engineers
and then how well you can communicate your findings. In essence, it is a mini-research project.

• Start by picking an area of civil engineering that interests you. The more focused, the better –
water reuse rather just environmental engineering (even more focused would be “membrane
technologies in water reuse”).

• Find at least five (5) articles which relate to this issue or issues. The articles must be current,
with at least three from the past 5 years, while the other two must be within 10 years. If you
wish to use more than 5 articles, I won’t complain. Use at least four different publication
sources, such as:

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◦ Peer reviewed Journals,

◦ ASCE Civil Engineer magazine or other professional publications,

◦ At most 1 source can be from a website/blog/non-engineering publication.

Different issues of a journal or magazine count as separate publication sources.

• The first submittal is a bibliography of your articles. Use ASCE bibliography format. The due
date is listed on the syllabus and in BeachBoard. At this time, I only want the bibliography, not
the actual paper.

◦ The point of the bibliography submittal is simply to get you thinking about and starting the
research process on this paper.

• The second submittal is the actual paper. Prepare a 4-5 page double-spaced report on the
articles. The report is more than just a summary of each paper. It should be a synthesis of
all of the papers, discussing how each of the papers / issues you researched affects the field
of civil engineering or society. The due date for the paper is in the syllabus and on
BeachBoard. The final paper must also include the bibliography.

◦ If you find additional resources or want to change references/topics entirely, that is fine.

• I do not care if you use APA / MLA or some other format. What I do care about is that you
submit a well-written, properly cited synthesis of the material you researched.


CE 481


Concrete Mix Designs


Giatec Scientific Inc. “Concrete Mix Design Just Got Easier.” Giatec Scientific Inc., 8 Dec.


Civil Solution. “Fly Ash Lime-Bricks.” Civil Solution, 27 Aug. 2020,


Bowen, Frank, and Paul Ramsburg. “Concrete Mix Design: Proportioning.” Go to National

Precast Concrete Association., National Precast Concrete Association, 11 Sept. 2018,

Vakhshouri, Behnam, and Shami Nejadi. “Mix Design of Light-Weight Self-Compacting

Concrete.” Case Studies in Construction Materials, Elsevier, 14 Nov. 2016,

Ferdous, Wahid, et al. “Geopolymer Concrete-Filled Pultruded Composite Beams – Concrete

Mix Design and Application.” Cement and Concrete Composites, Elsevier, 17 Jan. 2015,

Dinakar, P., and S.N. Manu. “Concrete Mix Design for High Strength Self-Compacting Concrete

Using Metakaolin.” Materials & Design, Elsevier, 5 Apr. 2014,

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