Civil and Construction Engineering Professional Ethics


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Civil and Construction Engineering Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics is at the core of the Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering profession. Ethics has to do with doing “what is right”. Nevertheless, the role of ethics can often be blurred when individuals of varying opinions clash with each other. Under the same Document Specifications as the Civil Engineering Careers assignment, prepare a 10-page summary paper by answering the following questions. For each question, re-state the question and then answer it, in the order below.

Professional Ethics:

  1. What are the      8 “Canons” of the American Society of Civil Engineers code of ethics? List them and then summarize each in      your own words with an example for each Canon.
  2. What are the      4 Obligations of the Code of Ethics for CMAA (Construction Management Association      of America)? List them and then      summarize each in your own words with an example for each Obligation.
  3. Are there any      ethical standards that ASCE has that are not mentioned in CMAA? If so, what are they?
  4. Are there any      ethical standards that CMAA has that are not mentioned in ASCE? If so, what are they?
  5. How would you      define ethics?
  6. What are some      of the “tests” that can be used to determine if something is ethical or      not?
  7. What is      Deontology as it relates to Ethics? Provide an example.
  8. What is      Teleology as it relates to Ethics? Provide an example.
  9. What is Intuitionism      as it relates to Ethics? Provide an      example.
  10. If two people      disagree on a solution but both solutions work, how would ethical practice      pick the correct solution to use?
  11. In what areas      can business ethics be compromised?
  12. In what areas      can design ethics be compromised?
  13. In what areas      can construction ethics be compromised?
  14. In what areas      can academic ethics be compromised?

Your pdf or Word submittal shall be as follows:

  1. Cover page      with your name and Assignment Title (Civil Engineering Ethics).
  2. 10-page      summary report answering the questions 1 through 10 above.
  3. All pages      shall be numbered including the cover page.

Civiland Construction Engineering Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics is at the core of the Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering

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profession. Ethics has to do with doing “what is right”. Nevertheless, the role of ethics can

often be blurred when individuals of varying opinions clash with each other. Under the same

Document Specifications as the Civil Engineering Careers assignment, prepare a 10-page

summary paper by answering the following questions. For each question, re-state the question

and then answer it, in the order below.

Professional Ethics:

1. What are the 8 “Canons” of the American Society of Civil Engineers code of ethics? List
them and then summarize each in your own words with an example for each Canon.

2. What are the 4 Obligations of the Code of Ethics for CMAA (Construction Management
Association of America)? List them and then summarize each in your own words with an

example for each Obligation.

3. Are there any ethical standards that ASCE has that are not mentioned in CMAA? If so,
what are they?

4. Are there any ethical standards that CMAA has that are not mentioned in ASCE? If so,
what are they?

5. How would you define ethics?
6. What are some of the “tests” that can be used to determine if something is ethical or not?
7. What is Deontology as it relates to Ethics? Provide an example.
8. What is Teleology as it relates to Ethics? Provide an example.
9. What is Intuitionism as it relates to Ethics? Provide an example.
10. If two people disagree on a solution but both solutions work, how would ethical practice

pick the correct solution to use?

11. In what areas can business ethics be compromised?
12. In what areas can design ethics be compromised?
13. In what areas can construction ethics be compromised?
14. In what areas can academic ethics be compromised?

Your pdf or Word submittal shall be as follows:

1. Cover page with your name and Assignment Title (Civil Engineering Ethics).
2. 10-page summary report answering the questions 1 through 10 above.
3. All pages shall be numbered including the cover page.

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