Civic Engagement Paper

Paper: Students should conduct 2-3 pages to discuss their chosen social disparity( my chosen disparity is homelessness)  through the use of theoretical knowledge, statistical data, research studies and popular media. Students should have a minimum of two scholarly sources (no older than 5 years) and 2 popular sources (websites, newspapers, documentaries etc.). In this section students will identify their disparity, the contributing factors and the manner in which this disparity is currently impacting society. Students should use this space to justify social intervention in this issue.   ntly impacting society. Students should use this space to justify social intervention in this issue.  m

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Students should clearly state the steps for intervention.

How will you measure if this intervention is successful?

What is the desired outcome of the intervention?

What difficulties may be encountered when implementing this intervention?

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What steps may be taken to address these difficulties?

Double  spaced, 12 pt. font or less with 1 inch margins. Students should follow all rules for APA formatting when citing references or completing a reference page. Students do not need to complete an abstract.

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