CIS 524 Accessibility


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  1. Accessibility
    Building a user interface that meets the needs of a diverse population can be incredibly difficult. Research the best practices for developing a universally usable interface, as well as some of the federal legislation that applies (such as Section 508).
    Write a four- to five-page paper in which you:

    Assess at least five best practices for developing a universally usable interface.
    Evaluate how Section 508 affects developing user interfaces and assess this compliancy standard’s impact on users.
    Give three examples of available tools for verifying that your interfaces meet universal design guidelines and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
    Examine the practicality of building multiple interface options for diverse populations, rather than building one interface that meets the needs of the majority of end users.
    Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. 
    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    Evaluate the design of a user interface, including usability and accessibility considerations.

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** Note I had done a similar assignment before however I received no grade and it was marked for plagarisim. I will attach that assignment here as well, incase that helps.

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Unacceptable Needs Improvement Competent Exemplary

Assess at least five best practices for developing a
universally usable interface.

0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely assessed at least five best
practices for developing a universally usable interface.

12 (15.00%)
Partially assessed at least five best practices for developing
a universally usable interface.

13.6 (17.00%)
Satisfactorily assessed at least five best practices for
developing a universally usable interface.

16 (20.00%)
Thoroughly assessed at least five best practices for
developing a universally usable interface.

Evaluate how Section 508 affects developing user
interfaces and assess this compliancy standard’s impact
on users.

0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely evaluated how Section 508
affects developing user interfaces, and did not submit or
incompletely assessed this compliancy standard’s impact on

15 (18.75%)
Partially evaluated how Section 508 affects developing user
interfaces, and partially assessed this compliancy standard’s
impact on users.

17 (21.25%)
Satisfactorily evaluated how Section 508 affects developing
user interfaces, and satisfactorily assessed this compliancy
standard’s impact on users.

20 (25.00%)
Thoroughly evaluated how Section 508 affects developing
user interfaces, and thoroughly assessed this compliancy
standard’s impact on users.

Give three examples of available tools for verifying that
your interfaces meet universal design guidelines and the
advantages and disadvantages of each.

0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely gave three examples of
available tools for verifying that your interfaces meet
universal design guidelines and the advantages and
disadvantages of each.

12 (15.00%)
Partially gave three examples of available tools for verifying
that your interfaces meet universal design guidelines and the
advantages and disadvantages of each.

13.6 (17.00%)
Satisfactorily gave three examples of available tools for
verifying that your interfaces meet universal design
guidelines and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

16 (20.00%)
Thoroughly gave three examples of available tools for
verifying that your interfaces meet universal design
guidelines and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Examine the practicality of building multiple interface
options for diverse populations, rather than building one
interface that meets the needs of the majority of end

0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely examined the practicality of
building multiple interface options for diverse populations,
rather than building one interface that meets the needs of the
majority of end users.

12 (15.00%)
Partially examined the practicality of building multiple
interface options for diverse populations, rather than building
one interface that meets the needs of the majority of end

13.6 (17.00%)
Satisfactorily examined the practicality of building multiple
interface options for diverse populations, rather than building
one interface that meets the needs of the majority of end

16 (20.00%)
Thoroughly examined the practicality of building multiple
interface options for diverse populations, rather than building
one interface that meets the needs of the majority of end

Three references. 0 (0.00%)
No references provided.

3 (3.75%)
Does not meet the required number of references; some or
all references poor-quality choices.

3.4 (4.25%)
Meets number of required references; all references high-
quality choices.

4 (5.00%)
Exceeds number of required references; all references high-
quality choices.

Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements. 0 (0.00%)
More than 6 errors present.

6 (7.50%)
5-6 errors present.

6.8 (8.50%)
3-4 errors present.

8 (10.00%)
0-2 errors present.

Name: w03a1

Description: w03a1 – Accessibility

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Description:w03a1 – Accessibility



Assignment 1: Accessibility

Muhammad Jawad

Dr. John Dorociak

CIS 524


When a user interface is been created there are several things that need to be considered. To have the tasks that are more basic accomplished can tend to be complicated if at least the Four Pillars of Design are not incorporated for most suitable practices. Nevertheless, the practices that are known to be best are five in number and they should be considered for the purpose of diversity. The best first practice for discussion is the user interface requirements. Observation preparations, collecting in addition to gathering requirements for user are necessary for the success. Factors to be considered are such as: impairments, low levels of literacy, learning disabilities, age, socio –economic status, culture and in addition to gender. The use of practices such as ethnographic observation, defined as the systematic recordings and study of the cultures of human is important in requirements. The best second practice utilizes processes and guidelines documents, terminology, words, fonts, character set, colors, icons graphics in addition to backgrounds happen to be crucial because every project has a need that is different, however it needs a standard for the usability ease. Another practice that is suitable is the user-interface software gadgets. Creating software to be used by multiple users involves individuals with impairments as well as disabilities, in accordance with Tusler. In addition, usability testing in addition to expert reviews promotes completeness as well as consistency. Lastly, offering closing statements so that they can be used and seen by everyone, alongside the materials for training is a suitable practice (Gu,, 2018).

The United States congress had an amendment on the act of rehabilitation in order for the Federal agencies to enable information technology in addition to electronic technique to be accessed by individuals who have disabilities in the year 1998. The standards of section 508 apply to the procures of electronic as well as information technology made by federal government, inclusive of computer software and hardware, phone systems, copiers in addition to websites. 508 section requirements apply to all agencies of the federal government, inclusive of the communal libraries they are required to have this Act applied. Having the interface of a human computer configured so as to be in compliance to an extensive audience as much as possible improves the usability generally.

Guidelines of universal designs are compared with the organizational guidelines. Basically it lacks validation standard of section 508 to adhere to, in addition the government standards do not promote a particular tool of validation over another tool. Universal design is used to mean the products design, programmers, environments in addition to services that can be used by people generally, in the most suitable extent; it does not require specialized design or adaptation. Universal design is not exclusive of assistive gadgets for specific groups of people who have disabilities when it is required. Guidelines for universal design have three given examples which include; design of the software, websites, in addition to computers (Lewis, 2016).

Software – several software are in a position to provide functions within an extensive range. Application software, desktop publishing as well as operating systems generally they are software only that they differ when it comes to functionality. Concepts of software are supposed to configurations that are standard to make it easy for them to be used. A benefit for having software standardized is making sure that every word is precise in addition to icons exemplifying debts through visual concept. The con of failing to standardize software is that there is a possibility that the final users will lack the capability of reading materials due to issues with the screen layout such as backgrounds that are extremely bright, graphic lines being large thick. According to Buhler, it needs the presence of instructions, handbooks in addition to software that is appropriate.

Computer – the concepts that are basic for the body of a computer in addition to the structures include factors that are considered when the computer is created. A benefit of this is to have a computer that is designed and built when standardized for people who have or do not have disabilities, a computer that can be used by most individuals. The con would be having a computer that is designed without having the disable people considered. Based on Buhler, the accomplishment here is the components configuration or software depending on products that are standard.

Websites – forming websites without guidelines that are standard might be challenging. Several designers find it difficult to develop a website which highlights features of the web, and still adhere to the intuitive navigation. A designer is required to make sure that the page that has no clutter from content that is unnecessary. Search features on websites are wanted by all users. A con might happen in minor things, such as having search box where users least expect. Websites facing limitations in lacking support for standards of the web, mostly encounter challenges during entry into the web. Being of service equally to an audience that is wide, needs conversations that are thoughtful prior, during in addition to after the development commences, depending on Maier (Oulasvirta, 2017).

Practicality of creating an option of single interface for populations that are diverse has the possibility of been incredibly challenging currently. Additionally, making use of the approach in designing a single user interface through the use of a single computing platform is not able to effectively handle the diverse populations’ challenges. The society functions on a basis of need-it-now as well as having interfaces that are multiple as a peoples’ option is the most suitable approach. Computing platforms that are multiple consist of smart phones, mobile gadgets, laptops, traditional office desktops in addition to televisions that are based on internet. Speaking conceptually, a user interface that is multiple offers views that are multiple of information that is the same on platforms that are different as well as coordinating the service that is offered to a user that is single or users in a group. Utilization of the cloud technique is a good example for options of interfaces that are multiple. Organizations such as Google use technology that is based on cloud, hence offering persons with choices such as Google documents. Documents of Google can be accessed anywhere or anytime so long as network connection is available. People are able to have documents retrieved from laptops, smart phones in addition to traditional office desktops (Perez & Robbins, 2017).


When concluding, it is crucial to know how the interface of human computer is able to meet the necessities of a population that is diverse through the use of best practices, having an understanding on section 508 as well as its impacts on user interfaces that are developing, observations preparations, gathering in addition to collecting the user requirements is important for success. During the process of designing user interface to be accessible, several guidelines need to be followed so that there can be access to multiple users (Dudley & Kristensson, 2018).


Dudley, J. J., & Kristensson, P. O. (2018). A review of user interface design for interactive machine learning. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), 8(2), 1-37. Retrieved from

Gu, Y., Huang, D., Schultz, D. M., & Sheng, Y. M. (2018). U.S. Patent No. 9,910,554. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Retrieved from

Lewis, J. R. (2016). Practical speech user interface design. CRC Press. Retrieved from

Oulasvirta, A. (2017). User interface design with combinatorial optimization. Computer, 50(1), 40-47. Retrieved from

Perez, R., & Robbins, C. A. (2017). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/072,991. Retrieved from

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