CIS 505 Student Response

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Discussion post responses.

Please respond to the following two discussions.

After completing your reading and assignments this week, what do you think about the trends in communication and networking? How have you seen it impact business or do you think it will impact business? Do you think the burden on managers is greater or lesser when it comes to technology skills? Why do you think that?

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RR’s post states the following:Top of Form

I agree with the author Thomas Case who stated, “Three different forces have consistently driven the architecture and evolution of data communications and networking facilities: traffic growth, development of new services, and advances in technology” (Case, n.d.). I think these forces continue to force a trend in which companies must continue to increase communication, and grow their networking systems.

These trends have impacted businesses and it is evident. For example, advances in technology led The Columbia Association for the city of Columbia Maryland to implement a converged network that would combine voice and data to minimize operating costs and improve service to their customers. Prior to the implementation the Association had a 20-year-old central mainframe, no data networks connecting its facilities, and an outdated legacy telephone network (“Data Trends”, n.d.).

I believe the burden on managers is greater when it comes to technology skills. Managers can no longer afford to be out of step with an evolving IT landscape. If they are unable to understand business objectives and architect a technical solution to achieve the business objectives, they will find themselves less essential to the business and unable to competently do their job.


Case, T. Business Data Communications- Infrastructure, Networking and Security. [Strayer University Bookshelf]. Retrieved from

Data Trends (Data Communications and Networking), (n.d.). Retrieved from 

BB’s post states the following:Top of Form

After completing your reading and assignments this week, what do you think about the trends in communication and networking? How have you seen it impact business or do you think it will impact business? Do you think the burden on managers is greater or lesser when it comes to technology skills? Why do you think that?

I read through the material last night, and I did definitely notice and learn about some obvious trends in communication and networking. Especially in our textbook, Business Data Communications by William Stallings, in Chapter 1.2 (Data Communications and Networking for Today’s Enterprise Trends), I learned a lot about today’s upcoming trends in communication and networking in technology. For instance, organizations have been increasingly drifting toward some form and level of commitment to unified communications. “The unified communications architecture, together with a converged network approach, will drive requirements for business data communications from the fundamental transmission and networking level up though the applications and services upon which the enterprise depends” (Stallings, 2013). I have worked in the wireless technology/ telecommunications industry for ten years, so it was not a surprise to me when I read that there has been a trend toward ever-increasing mobility for decades which has freed the working man from the limitations if a merely physical enterprise. From pagers, to voicemail, to faxes, and cordless phones to wireless this has made businesses much more efficient and more organized. Still to this day, especially with 5G coming to light and all of the technical capabilities and opportunities it presents to businesses, the trend in technology communication is ever-increasing and will continue to become more efficient, reliable and proficient. As I stated, working in the telecommunications industry for ten years, I have learned that there are infinite possibilities in the development of new communication technology. This is will impact our business positively because we will be building these business solutions while other businesses will benefit from the increasing improvements made in technology communication for optimal efficiency and proficiency. As far as management goes, I actually believe the burden on managers is lessor when it comes to technology skills. Because most things are automated now, management seems to be trending towards more of a decision making position, rather than micromanaging their direct employees or working amongst them with technical projects.

Stallings, W. (2013). CIS 505: Business Data Communications: Custom edition (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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