Christology from Above or Below?

 NOTE: Use below Textbook only. 300 Words.
Create a thread of at least 300 words, which must include at least two citations. (NOTE: Your main thread must be at least 300 words. These word counts do not include Quotation or Footnotes; most deductions on discussion boards are for not meeting the word requirements)
Thread: In the 20th century, the study of Christology was center stage. Erickson discusses the debate over the last century in relation to the “quest of the historical Jesus,” “Christology from below,” “Christology from above,” and finally, his own “alternative approach.” Explain and evaluate this debate and its importance for understanding the person and work of Jesus Christ from a biblical perspective. Remember, this is not a personal-opinion blog. It is a serious engagement with your study of theology. Interact with Erickson’s discussion of these matters in “Contemporary Issues in Christological Method.”
You must only cite the course textbooks.

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© 2013 by Millard J. Erickson 

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