
Part 1: Interview with Two Senior Citizens (Age 65+)

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Provide a transcript of your interviews using these questions. Plan to interview at least two senior citizens in order to complete the assignment.


How old are you?

Where were you born/raised?

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What was your family composition? How many siblings?

Were your parents married? Did they ever divorce?

What is your highest level of education?

What is the biggest difference about families now, as opposed to when you were being raised?

What do you think today’s families are lacking?

What were your parents’ roles in your household?

Was the community (neighbors, church, schools, etc.) more involved in the raising of families/children in your day? How so?

Do you have any regrets?

Are you involved in any activities?

What could society do to better support you as you age?

If you had to offer me one piece of advice about life, what would it be?

Part II: 5- Paragraph Essay

After you complete the interviews, review our readings of Week 2 Lessons. Write a 5-paragraph essay to include the following:

Compare the two interviewees’ responses

Address any public policies available to support senior citizens

Describe what are your two biggest ‘takeaways’ from these interviews

To support your statements within your essay, be sure to include at least two (2) in-text citations and matching references.

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