Chem Lab 4

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DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 13



  • Experiment 4: Introduction to Spectrophotometry
  • Introduction

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    Spectrophotometry is an experimental technique to measure the amount of light absorbed by a
    substance at a particular wavelength. In this experiment, you will use spectrophotometry to
    examine a series of solutions with differing concentrations of a chemical substance, cobalt(II)
    chloride hexahydrate. You will interpret these results using Beer’s law, which states that there is a
    linear relationship between the absorbance of a solution at a specific wavelength and the
    concentration of the absorbing species in solution. You will also determine the value of the
    proportionality constant between the absorbance and the concentration, known as the molar
    absorptivity or extinction coefficient, using a line of best fit. This line of best fit will also allow
    you to calculate the concentration of a solution containing an unknown amount of cobalt(II)
    chloride hexahydrate.

    Physical and Chemical Principles

    Many molecules and ions are colorful when isolated or in solution. Color is observed by the eye
    because some wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum are absorbed by a material and others
    are transmitted or reflected and then detected by the retina. The particular wavelengths of light that
    are absorbed depend on the chemical species present. Upon absorption of a photon (a particle of
    light with a discrete amount of energy), a molecule or ion is promoted to an excited state (a state
    higher in energy). As this excited state is not stable, the energy absorbed will be released at some
    later time when the molecule or ion relaxes to its ground, or most stable, state.

    Spectrophotometry is a highly useful tool in many areas of chemistry and biology. The primary
    reason for its utility is the fact that the amount of a particular wavelength of light absorbed is
    related to the concentration of the absorbing species. Therefore, spectrophotometry provides a
    relatively quick, straightforward, and sensitive way to determine the concentration of a species in
    solution that absorbs visible light.

    In a spectrophotometer, it is the intensity of light transmitted through a sample that is actually
    measured. The instrument isolates a narrow beam of light at a particular wavelength. This light,
    which has intensity I0, is passed through the sample. The intensity of the transmitted beam I is then
    measured. If a species is present that absorbs the wavelength of light passing through the sample,
    the intensity of the transmitted light will be decreased relative to the initial intensity. The ratio of
    the intensity of the transmitted light to the initial intensity, I/I0, is called the transmittance T of the
    sample. The transmittance T, or more often the percent transmittance %T (equation 1) is related to
    the absorbance of the sample according to equation 2.


    % 100%IT

     
    = × 
     


    ( )log 2 log %A T T= − = − (2)

    The unitless value A is the absorbance of the sample and is more commonly used over the
    transmittance as the measurement of light absorption in chemistry, although spectrometers can
    usually report both A and T. The reason that absorbance is more common (and more valuable!) in

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    chemistry is because of the relationship between the absorbance of the sample and the
    concentration (in units of molarity, or moles of species per liter of solution) of the absorbing
    species. This relationship is given by the Beer-Lambert law, more often called Beer’s law, which
    is expressed as:

    IA abc

     = =  
     


    where a is the molar absorptivity (L∙mol−1∙cm−1), b is the pathlength (cm) that the light travels
    through the sample, and c is the concentration (mol/L) of the substance being analyzed. The molar
    absorptivity (also called the “extinction coefficient”) depends on both the substance and the

    Colored species in solution generally have broad absorption peaks in the visible region of the
    spectrum (approx. 380–740 nm). When attempting to determine concentrations, the absorbance is
    usually measured at the wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax) to obtain the most sensitive
    measurements. Therefore, you will first obtain the visible absorbance spectrum of cobalt(II)
    chloride hexahydrate to identify λmax. All subsequent absorbance measurements will be made at
    this wavelength. Ensuring that the spectrometer is set to the correct λmax and reporting the specific
    value of λmax used to collect absorbance measurements are vitally important in spectrophotometric
    experiments because each species has its own wavelength-dependent value for the molar

    By examining the absorbance of solutions containing varying amounts of cobalt(II) chloride
    hexahydrate, a plot of absorbance vs. concentration, known as a standard curve, can be constructed.
    If the pathlength of the cuvette used in the spectrophotometer is held constant throughout the
    experiment, Equation 3 indicates that such a standard curve can be used to determine the molar
    absorptivity of a substance at a particular wavelength. With a standard curve in hand, the
    concentration of an unknown solution of a substance can be determined.

    The generation of a standard curve is a frequently encountered task in chemistry. Because your
    line of best fit is dependent upon accurate and precise concentrations, careful and consistent use
    of volumetric glassware (volumetric pipettes and volumetric flasks) is required. The accuracy and
    precision of your pipetting skills will greatly affect the results of this experiment, so take care
    while preparing all of the necessary solutions.


    Table 1 lists the equipment and chemicals needed for this experiment.

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    Table 1: Equipment and Chemicals for Introduction to Spectrophotometry
    Equipment and Chemicals Quantity

    CoCl2·6H2O No more than 3.25 g

    Weigh Bottle 1

    Volumetric pipettes: 1.00, 2.00, 5.00 mL 1 of each

    Cuvettes (one for reference, one for sample solution) 2

    Spec 20 spectrophotometer 1

    Volumetric flask, 50.00 mL 1

    Volumetric flasks, 10.00 mL 4

    Miscellaneous beakers and flasks As needed

    Wash bottle, water 1

    CoCl2·6H2O solution of unknown concentration 5 mL



    It is necessary for you to come to lab prepared to do the exercise without the printed instructions.
    You should have written a list of the steps to complete the experiment. This list should not be a
    word-for-word re-copy of the instructions. It is better to make a “to do” list that is a reminder of
    both the steps and specifics of the procedure. At times, minor changes in the procedure may be
    announced at the start of lab. It is important to note these details as part of your notebook
    procedure. This requirement forces you to develop your own understanding of the concepts and
    procedures, and requires that you read the details of an experiment before coming to lab. The
    instructor and laboratory assistant will be checking your notebook to see that sufficient detail is
    present to complete the lab. If you cannot demonstrate that you are ready to start the experiment,
    you will not be allowed to enter the lab.

    You must come to lab with data tables already prepared in the notebook. This, too, provides you
    with a valuable opportunity to understand the data and the calculations that will be part of the
    assignment at the end of the experiment. It is not acceptable for you to paste or tape pages from
    the printed instructions into your notebook.

    Before the lab, you must calculate the mass of CoCl2·6H2O required to obtain 50.00 mL of a
    0.2500 M solution of CoCl2·6H2O. Make sure this calculation and value are written in your

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    Pre-lab Assignment

    You must complete a pre-laboratory quiz prior to entering the laboratory, which can be accessed
    through the D2L website for the course. A thorough reading of these instructions should prepare
    you to take the quiz. A score of at least 70% is required for participation in the experiment. You
    may attempt the quiz as many times as you wish. The quiz must be completed (with a minimum
    score of 70%) by 11:59 pm the night before the start of your lab section. You will not be allowed
    to participate in lab without a completed pre-laboratory assignment.


    Be sure that the spectrophotometer is on and warmed up for 20 minutes before use. There may be
    different models of spectrophotometer in the lab. Each will have a quick reference card that gives
    specific instructions for each model. Review these instructions before acquiring data.

    For precise work, solutions are measured in tubes (“cuvettes”) of square or circular cross-section,
    made from optical-quality glass or silica plates. The bottom half of the cuvettes must be kept
    scrupulously clean. Any dirt specks, smudges, fingerprints, or water droplets will reduce light
    transmission, thus simulating higher sample absorbance. Accordingly, clean the cuvettes
    thoroughly, dry them with Kimwipes, handle them only at the top, and make sure they do not pick
    up dirt from test tube racks, beakers, etc. These cuvettes are not disposable, and should be cleaned
    and returned to where they came from at the end of the experiment.

    In all subsequent measurements, the reference cuvette should be approximately three-quarters full
    with an appropriate solvent, and the sample cuvette approximately three-quarters full with the
    sample (after rinsing it twice with approximately 1 mL of the sample solution). If your
    spectrophotometer does not report the absorbance directly, then you must calculate the absorbance
    of the sample solution from the percent transmittance (%T).

    Preparation of Stock Solution

    Before entering the lab, calculate the mass of CoCl2·6H2O required to obtain 50.00 mL of a
    0.2500 M solution of CoCl2·6H2O. Make sure the calculation and value are written in your
    notebook. Measure out this amount of CoCl2·6H2O to a weigh bottle using the mass-by-difference
    technique (mass the CoCl2·6H2O vial, lightly tap some powder into the weigh bottle, then mass
    the CoCl2·6H2O vial again and use subtraction to determine the mass of the solid added). Your
    mass does not need to be exactly equal to your calculated mass–obtain a similar amount and record
    the exact mass obtained.

    Add a few milliliters of deionized water to your 50.00 mL volumetric flask and then quantitatively
    transfer your solid to this flask. The phrase “quantitatively transfer” means all of the solid must be
    transferred from the weigh bottle to the flask. You may need to use a small amount of deionized
    water to ensure all of the solid has been transferred from the bottle.) Gently swirl the flask to begin
    dissolving the solid. Keep adding small amounts of water and swirling until all of the solid is
    dissolved. Once the solid is completely dissolved, fill the flask to the mark with deionized water.
    The solid must be completely dissolved before the flask is filled to the mark with deionized
    water. Use a Pasteur pipette or a wash bottle to add water dropwise when nearing the mark.

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    Stopper the flask and invert it several times to sufficiently mix the solution. If you add too much
    water and the meniscus is above the mark, you must discard the entire solution and start again.

    Preparation of Diluted Solutions

    You will generate four diluted solutions using various quantities of the stock solution. Pour your
    stock solution into a clean and dry beaker. To generate these diluted solutions, first obtain four
    10.00 mL volumetric flasks. Using one or more primed volumetric pipettes, add the following
    volumes of the stock solution, each to a different volumetric flask: 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, and 7.00 mL.
    Label each flask according to the volume of stock solution added to it. Fill the flasks to the mark
    using distilled water. Mix each solution by inverting the stoppered flask several times. If you add
    too much water and the meniscus is above the mark, you must discard that solution and create it
    again from your stock solution.

    Absorbance Spectrum for Determination of λmax.

    You will use a Nanodrop One spectrophotometer to obtain the absorbance spectrum of your stock
    solution. The spectrophotometer screen should say “New Experiment” at the top. Select the
    “Custom” tab, and then select “UV-Vis”. Select “Done”. As requested by the instrument, load
    1.2 μL of deionized water using a micropipette onto the lower pedestal and lower the arm of the
    spectrophotometer. Once the instrument is initialized, you can touch “Blank” on the screen to
    acquire the blank spectrum. Raise the arm of the spectrophotometer, wipe away the water sample
    using a Kimwipe and load 1.2 μL of your stock solution of CoCl2·6H2O. Type a sample name
    using your initials and press “Measure” to acquire the spectrum. Based on your spectrum,
    determine the value of λmax and record it in your notebook.

    Absorbance of Diluted Solutions for Standard Curve

    Before entering the lab, prepare a table in your lab notebook with columns for volume of stock
    solution, concentration, and absorbance.

    Set the wavelength of the Spec 20 spectrophotometer to the value of λmax determined in the
    previous step. Be sure the Spec 20 is set to read absorbance (A), not transmittance (T). Rinse the
    sample cuvette twice with small (approximately 1 mL) portions of your most dilute solution.
    Discard the rinses in a waste beaker. Add some of the same solution to the rinsed sample cuvette
    and distilled water to the reference cuvette. The cuvettes should each be approximately three-
    quarters full. Wipe the outside walls of the cuvettes with a Kimwipe to remove any solution or

    Before measuring the absorbance of your diluted solutions, zero the spectrophotometer at λmax
    using the reference cuvette. Next, replace the reference cuvette with the sample cuvette and record
    the absorbance of this solution at λmax. Repeat the rinsing and measuring steps for the other diluted
    solutions and the stock solution, working in order of increasing concentration.

    Absorbance of Unknown Solution

    Following the instructions in the previous section, determine the absorbance for the CoCl2·6H2O
    solution of unknown concentration.

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    Waste Disposal

    Do not dispose of any solutions before you create your own standard curve (see Calculations
    section). After your plot has been reviewed by the instructor/TA, you may put all chemical waste
    in the container labeled Introduction to Spectrophotometry Waste.


    This section describes the five calculations that you will need to perform in Excel to successfully
    complete your assignment.

    Mass of CoCl2·6H2O Used

    Calculate the exact mass of CoCl2·6H2O used to make the stock solution from the initial mass of
    the weigh bottle and the final mass of the weigh bottle after adding CoCl2·6H2O.

    Moles of CoCl2·6H2O Used

    Calculate the number of moles of CoCl2·6H2O in the stock solution from the exact mass used and
    the molar mass of the compound.

    Concentration of Stock Solution

    Calculate the molarity of the stock solution you created, where molarity is a unit of concentration
    defined as the moles of solute divided by the total volume of solution in liters.

    Concentrations of Diluted Solutions

    In a dilution a small amount of a stock solution is delivered to a new volumetric flask and then
    filled to the line with deionized water. The number of moles of solute removed from the stock
    solution and present in the diluted solution are equal to one another, but the two volumes are not.
    Therefore, the concentration must also change. This process can be represented in a compact
    2211 VMVM = (4)

    where M1 is the molarity of the stock solution, V1 is the volume of stock solution added, M2 is the
    molarity of the diluted solution, and V2 is the total volume of the diluted solution. Note how the
    units cancel and work out to give you the correct units on your desired value. This equation is very
    useful for dilutions, but should never be used for stoichiometry calculations or other applications.

    Slope and Intercept of Standard Curve

    Use the appropriate Excel formulas to calculate the slope (=SLOPE) and intercept (=INTERCEPT)
    for the line of best fit for your plot of A vs. c corresponding to the data from the stock solution and
    the four diluted solutions. Make sure your concentrations are all in units of molarity. The slope of
    a plot of A vs. c is equal to ab according to Beer’s law (A = abc). The molar absorptivity a of your
    aqueous CoCl2·6H2O solution can be calculated from this slope and the pathlength b, which is
    1.00 cm in this experiment.

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    Concentration of Unknown Sample

    Calculate the molarity of the unknown solution from the absorbance of the unknown solution and
    your line of best fit from the standard curve.

    Standard Curve

    Generate a plot of the five absorbance measurements (A of the stock and diluted solutions at λmax)
    vs. concentration in molarity. Fit these data to a line and include it on the plot. The plot and line
    must be created using Excel or a similar program.

    Note: Everyone should construct a standard curve of their own.


    You must hand in a partial report and your Excel file for this experiment at the beginning of your
    next laboratory meeting. In addition, you must submit both files in the appropriate submissions
    folder on the D2L website for your section. You should review the Lab Report Guidelines, Sample
    General Chemistry Lab Report, and Appendix E on D2L while writing to ensure that your drafts
    are correctly formatted. The rubric for the lab report can be found on the D2L site for your lab

    The partial report must be neatly typewritten and contain the following elements:


    It is sufficient to cite the procedure provided above (remember to provide a suitable reference or
    references if you used additional sources). The format for the citation can be found in the Lab
    Report Guidelines posted on the D2L site. Note any changes to the procedure in a bulleted list. If
    there were no changes made to the experimental procedure, please say so.


    The results section must contain a description of the main data, as well as any tables and figures.
    A table or figure can never stand alone. There must be narrative text that accompanies each one,
    describing and explaining the results in full sentences. Each table and figure must be introduced
    by number before appearing in the report. The data should be presented succinctly in a clear,
    organized fashion. Do not present all of the text, then all of the tables, then all of the figures.
    Everything should be interspersed within the narrative in a logical manner. Refer to the Lab Report
    Guidelines posted on D2L for more information.

    In your results section, be sure to include the following elements specific to this experiment. You
    should present sample calculations in the report by including only the equation in algebraic
    symbols with clearly defined variables (similar to how it was done in this lab manual). The actual
    numerical calculations, on the other hand, must be performed in Excel. The order of
    presentation should be dictated by the logical flow of your narrative, not necessarily by the order

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    Sample calculations

    For each calculation performed for the experiment, you must include the equation used in symbolic
    form along with definitions for each variable in the appropriate juncture in the results section.
    Equations should be logically interspersed within the results section. Equations should not include
    numerical values. The numerical values will be reported in tables and figures in the results section
    and in an Excel spreadsheet, as described below.

    All necessary calculations must be performed in an Excel spreadsheet and submitted electronically
    on D2L with your lab report electronic submission. The Excel spreadsheet calculations must be
    organized and clearly labeled so that they can be followed by your instructor. You must use Excel
    formulas (i.e., don’t use a calculator and then manually type in all of your calculated numbers!) to
    earn full credit for the calculations. If the instructor cannot follow the sample calculations or if the
    formulas are not present in the submitted Excel spreadsheet, no credit will be awarded.

    Concentration of your stock solution

    The concentration of the stock solution you prepared should be presented at a logical point in the
    Results section with the correct significant figures and units

    Identification of λmax for your stock soluion

    The wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax) for your stock solution should be presented at a
    logical point in the Results section with the correct significant figures and units

    Concentration table

    Create a table containing the volume of the stock solution used and the concentration of each of
    the dilutions along with their corresponding absorbance measurements. The table should be neat
    and organized with appropriate labels for each row and column that include correct units. All
    information should be reported with the correct number of significant figures. The table must also
    have a descriptive title.

    Standard curve

    Make a figure for the standard curve. The figure caption should contain the equation of best fit for
    the plot with appropriate units and the molar absorptivity of the analyte. Once again, see the Lab
    Report Guidelines for examples of properly formatted figures with captions.

    Identification of unknown concentration

    The identity (e.g., “Unknown A”) and concentration of the unknown solution should be presented
    at a logical point in the Results section with the correct significant figures and units.

    Discussion Question

    Discuss the quality of your standard curve, specifically the accuracy of the slope and intercept of
    the line of best fit and the precision of the data overall. The known value of the molar absorptivity

    DePaul University Exp. 4 CHE 131


    for an aqueous solution of CoCl2·6H2O is 4.8 M−1·cm−1 at 512 nm. (Hint: If your value of λmax was
    not 512 nm, would you expect your molar absorptivity to be larger or smaller than the value at
    512 nm?)

      Experiment 4: Introduction to Spectrophotometry
      Physical and Chemical Principles
      Pre-lab Assignment
      Absorbance of Unknown Solution
      Waste Disposal
      Sample calculations
      Concentration of your stock solution
      The concentration of the stock solution you prepared should be presented at a logical point in the Results section with the correct significant figures and units
      Identification of λmax for your stock soluion
      The wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax) for your stock solution should be presented at a logical point in the Results section with the correct significant figures and units
      Concentration table
      Standard curve
      Identification of unknown concentration
      Discussion Question

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