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Warda Alaisari

Ms. Groves


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4 March 2021

Social Support, Stress, and Adaptation in Immigrant Youth

The purpose of this proposal project is to write a research paper about social support, stress, and adaptation in Immigrant youth. The proposed research aims to address two main indebtedness concerning the adaptation of immigrant students to the United States school environment, which are the absence of longitudinal information about post-migration adjustment and lack of data about the impact of immigration on students varying age levels (Cory et al. 258). This research focuses on the behavioral, academic and emotional adaptation of immigrant adolescents and children regarding the support offered by the social networks and their levels of post-migration stress. This research will offer an essential window on the original adaptations of immigrant adolescents and children.

Various studies have recognized several neglected areas in terms of study, such as a disruption of social network relations, the effect of migration-related stress on families, effects of perceived discrimination and prejudice, and socioeconomic background (Cory et al. 258). Reviews of literature propose that many immigrant children adjust successfully; however, immigrant adolescents were found to have lower efficacy and more distanced from their peers than non-immigrants (Cory et al. 258). Academically, immigrants’ students aim to outdo non-immigrants student of the same cultural background but the existence of divergence across sociocultural boundaries.


One of the methods that will be used in this research will be taking information and statistics from specialized research in this field. Because it is a quantitative research, reports and research will be selected that contain real statistics from migrant children and adolescents. The length of this research will be about 10 pages, and many academic resources will be used. 6-7 sources will be selected for this research.


Research and reports will be selected on the behavioral, academic and emotional adjustment of adolescents and immigrant children. The most important points and interesting statistics will be taken to be added to the research to make it interesting and to avoid boredom while reading the research paper.

Works Cited

Cobb, C., Xie, D., Meca, A. and Schwartz, S., 2017. Acculturation, Discrimination, and Depression Among UnauthorizedLatinos/as in the United States

Alaisari 1

Warda Alaisari

Ms. Groves

FYS 112

24 March 2021

Carlos Bulosan


Carlos Bulosan is acknowledged and sits at the center stage among the prominent writers

and poets in the United States’ history. His work of poetry, essay and stories are still celebrated in

the Philippines. Being an immigrant in the United States will be going through a lot of hardship in

the workplace and racial discrimination. Despite the hardships, he still pursued his dream of

becoming a writer, which was achieved in the 1940s. His most outstanding achievement is the

publication of the book “American by blood”. In 1936 he was diagnosed with tuberculosis of

which resulted in his death several years later, (Alquizola & Hirabayashi, 2012).

Early life

The exact date of Bulosan is not yet confirmed since there have been different arguments

over the actual date and place of his birth. However, it is known that he was born in 1911. He later

immigrated to the united states in 1930 from his native Philippine in search of better jobs and

education as other emigrants do. On his arrival in the United States, Bulosan did not find what he

anticipated but rather the worst economic depression in the history of the U.S.

Adult life

There is nothing much about his education life since he only completed three years of

schooling. He moved to America to dream of better education and wealth and the dream of

Kristina Groves
Citation? Proofreading?

Kristina Groves
Your thesis statement is that he died?

Kristina Groves
MLA uses page numbers only after introducing the sources as I described in class.

Kristina Groves
MLA does not allow for these headers.

Alaisari 2

becoming a writer. Together with his two elder brothers, he purchased a steerage ticket which cost

him 75 dollars. On 22 July 1930, he arrived in America while still a teenager. In his semi-fictional,

semi-autobiographical novel, the American in the Heart,

Bulosan described his life story growing up in a humble family and a poor area of the

Philippines. These poor economic and social conditions were created by American and Spanish

colonialism. In his work, he describes the push factor that drove his generation to the United

States. Like Bulosan, his generation hoped for a bright future, not putting bin mind the rigid and

adaptive community in the hostile and exploitative European American culture in the United

States. Being an immigrant in 1930, the other immigrants work in migratory labour jobs and labour

organizations. He worked in labour organizations with fellow Philippine immigrants during this

period; Bulosan shared the typical experience with the fellow Filipino immigrants who are termed

as the first-generation immigrants, Most of whom are working in agricultural sectors, doing

domestic jobs, migratory labour circuit, and cannery labour all across Alaska, Oregon, Washington

and California. Over the period, he built his connection with fellow immigrants and developed the

concepts he used in his writings.

The story of his struggles during the 1930s and early 1940s

Recorded in the autobiographical American in the Heart (1946) had a significant impact on

ethics writing after being republished by the University of Worthington press in 1973. Bulosan has

written many books in his life but American in the Heart. Bulosan’s life story is a puzzle by itself

for many reasons. First, his most excellent literature work is termed as a mix between fiction and

fact. Some scholars argue about the date of his birth, the place of his birth, the date of his death and

the place where he died. What is expected by all scholars is that he was born in the village of

Kristina Groves
Missing citations.

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Mangusmana near Binalonan on the island of Luzon in the Philippine. He had other siblings. His

case was similar to other families since his family was suffering economic hardship due to United

States colonization.

Bulosan’s literature work

In his life, Bulosan was lazy in retaining the copies of his works of literature and poetry. He

had no specific residence; hence he was mainly sleeping in his friend’s apartments and hotels,

especially in his latter days; therefore, he didn’t have a particular place to store his work. Most of

his poetry work is found in the letters and emails to his friends and associates. Most of his works

were sent to friends for safekeeping or forwarded to the publishers. They were not returned to the

owner. It was only after his death that a group of his friends formed a manuscript committee with

the main aim of hunting his work. This was done by placing an appeal to local newspaper and

union circulars. They also wrote to his former publishers to [provide the literature and poetry work

of Bulosan. After collecting the papers by the manuscript committee, the pieces made their way to

the University of Washington Libraries for a particular collection. These papers are preserved up to

date, (San Juan Jr, & Bulosan, 1995).


Bulosan is considered amongst the first Filipinos who could write in English while in their

stay in America as immigrants. Through his writing, he achieved the fame that made him

renowned poetry and story writer. In 1932 only after two years in America as an immigrant, he

started his journey as a writer. His first book “Freedom from Want” was published in 1943. This

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publication demonstrated Bulosan faith in American freedom. This ideal was encouraging and

troubling throughout his life since the desire to have America with that sense of freedom motivated

him, (Joyce, 2016).

Seeing the hardship that his fellow Filipinos are going through in America was troubling.

In 1944, he published “The End of War”. The publication was made in New York. This publication

was later faced with a legal suit of plagiarism. The legal case was later settled in the courts, but it

ruined Bulosan’s reputation and publicity. In the same year, Bulosan made another publication,

“Laughter of My Father”. This was a collection of stories that divided the New Yorkers since the

critics misinterpreted the stories as a humorous work which was a reaction to the legal suit that he

had faced. In his novels, he used irony to portray the hardship of life that Filipino immigrants are

going through in the United States. In most of his stories, Bulosan tried to avoid speaking of his

personal history, (Cabusao, 2016)

Analysis of Bulosan’s literature work

According to look Magazine, America in the Heart is considered among the 50 most

essential books in American Books’ history. As stated earlier, the book starts with the narrator’s

childhood in the Philippines. The book went further to explain his life in West America in search

of work. The book celebrates minor triumphs that the narrator experienced in America. Still, the

most significant part of the book was demonstrating the brutality that he and his acquaintances had

in racist Americans’ hands. For him to eliminate any doubt concerning him as a writer, Bulosan

presents the injustice resulting from a cruel and heartless system that generated a clear pathway

demonstrating the violence that the narrator had to go through in the racial basis and union

empathies. However, some moments of kindness saved the narrator from total anguish and

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prevented him from being outspoken. Some scholars have criticized the books as uneven since this

book was written as he was dying. In the book, the author himself recognized the crappy quality of

his literary work, (Evangelista and His Poetry, 1985)

Currently, there are positive signs that Bulosan work is being rediscovered, renewed and

published vat the same time. The skilled writer had no time to collect and document his career

since he had an early death. This rediscovery is done by the new generation of upcoming artists in

the Philippines and the Filipinos in the diaspora all across the globe. The latest renewal is the

enormous staging of the short story” The Romance of Magno Rubio” written by Bulosan The

revival; was directed by Loy Arenas. Some of the beneficiaries of his work are the typewriter and

his family.

Illness and Death

Bulosan was not always a healthy man since, in 1936, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis.

In the next several years after the diagnosis, he would spend most of his time in the Los-Angeles

General Hospital. During this time, he was undergoing surgeries and recovery. While still in the

hospital, he used his time productively. This was discovered after he said that he used to read one

book a day. Some of the books he read were from American classical authors such as Edgar Allan

Poe, Theodore Dreiser, Walt Whitman and Ernest Hemingway. Despite the challenges that he

faces throughout his illness, he never abandoned his dream of becoming a writer. Four years after

his diagnosis, he published his first poetry and essay, (Juan, 2008).

In 1956, Bulosan died of tuberculosis-complicated pneumonia. During this time, he was

around 42-45 years since nobody knew the exact date that the writer was born. After his death,

America and Philippine still celebrate his achievement as one of the world’s most skilled writers.

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Other writers appreciate the work of Bulosan years after his death, while some even criticize his

works. He left behind a large volume of poems, short stories, plays, novels and correspondences on

a variety of related topics.

Alaisari 7


Alquizola, M. C., & Hirabayashi, L. R. (2012). Carlos Bulosan’s Final Defiant Acts: Achievements

During the McCarthy Era. Amerasia Journal, 38(3), 28-50.

Cabusao, J. A. (Ed.). (2016, July). Writer in Exile/Writer in Revolt: Critical Perspectives on Carlos

Bulosan. UPA.

Evangelista, S., C. B. and His Poetry (1985); Morantte, P.C., Remembering C. B.: His Heart Affair

with America (1984); San Juan, E., Jr., C. B. and the Imagination of the Class Struggle


Joyce, P. (2016). A Neatly Folded Hope: The Capacity of Revolutionary Affect in Carlos

Bulosan’s The Cry and the Dedication. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United

States, 41(1), 27-47.

Juan, Jr, E. S. (2008). Internationalizing the US Ethnic Canon: Revisiting Carlos Bulosan.

Comparative American Studies An International Journal, 6(2), 123-143.

San Juan Jr, E., & Bulosan, C. (1995). On becoming Filipino: selected writings of Carlos Bulosan

(Vol. 222). Temple University Press.

Kristina Groves
You need to use MLA for this course. The sources all look fine, but this is APA citation style.

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