Check Description for Question ” Principles of Marketing”

The company that needs to be used is                 Coca Cola companyMarketing PlanThis week you will continue your comprehensive marketing plan researching the SAME company that you researched in previous units. Again, utilizing the  Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as itrelates to this company.InUnit VI you will provide a comprehensive discussion of the promotion strategies of your company.PromotionThis section will provide a comprehensive look at the promotional strategies of your organization. Begin with a look at the promotional objectives or themes used by your company. From there, review the promotional mix,this should include apreliminary discussion of the importance of IMC to your company. Promotion methods such as personal selling mass selling (advertising and publicity) and sales promotion should all be addressed in detail.Competitive AdvantageCompetitive advantage is an important goal of every company,so address whether your company has a competitive advantage WITH RESPECT TO PROMOTION. The idea is to discuss whether your company has a competitive advantage with respect to how they promote their products. Again, this section should only discuss whether your company has a competitive advantage with respect to promotion(product, price and place are discussed in other sections).Once you have stated your position, remember to include your rationale.Submission should be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced with areference page and title page.References should include atleast one additional,credible reference beyond the textbook. All sources used must bereferenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Include the use of subheadings (this week considerPromotion and Competitive Advantage in Promotion).

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