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Executive dashboard

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In the current times, we are living in a world that is characterized by overflowing data. The most significant aspect with regards to business pace is bit by bit daily acceleration. Such scenarios enhance the application of executive dashboards that translate to a rapid business performance understanding through the tracking of crucial business data in a manner that is easy to understand. An executive dashboard concept can best be described as a reporting tool that enhances the provision of a visual display regarding organizational KPIs, data, and metrics. The fundamental objective with regards to the executive dashboard is giving CEOs the aspect of at-a-glance visibility with subject to the concept of business performance subject to the overall units and projects. Therefore, an executive dashboard can be elaborated as a visual representation that portrays an easy and quick way for the executives to view their company’s performance in real-time. In a situation, the executives’ dashboards have correctly been used would assist in making sense of the data and drive business. However, a poorly constructed dashboard has the possibility of impacting the business through the limitation of their effectiveness, translating to the possibility of killing the project entirely. Thus, this negatively impacts the business. Individuals can easily be carried away through putting too much information with regards to the dashboard, making it a jack of all trades while research establishes the fact that a dashboard that makes an attempt subject to becoming everything to everyone consequently ends up being nothing to anyone (Graham Charlton, 2018).

The first step towards the building of an effective analytics program is established as the creation of an analytics strategy and making the definition measurement metrics with regards to the measurement of return on every single analytics investment under consideration. Therefore, one is mandated to start small while deliberately moving forward. Conducting pilot projects alongside early wins and executive buy alongside dashboard development, and finally, the aspect of data governance. The most significant application with regards to competitive intelligence data is understanding what is happening with subject to the aspect of demand generation, in-depth search analysis, post site visit analysis, comparing and making identification of new targets with regards to marketing relationships. The tips associated with a more significant competitive intelligence entails the application of a system, establishing the right service, continual collection, seeking for the correct information, having analysis in mind, and having a unique strategy. The aspect of competitive advantage essentially can be described as the collection of information with regards to the customers and the completion with regards to the field in which an individual works (Avinash Kaushik, 2019)).

The trinity mindset concept entails empowering an individual with regards to understanding the aspect of customer experience in such an explicit manner in a way that an individual can influence the concept of the right customer behavior that establishes a win-win situation with regards to both the organization and its customers. The trinity mindset can be attributed to the development of an effective executive dashboard subject to contributing to an effective program based on the fact that the dashboard metrics enable the web analysis subject to the users to need development through the executive’s indirect application dashboard. Therefore, the most significant aspect of a trinity mindset is that its fundamental objective is a win-win situation. The trinity mindset objective is established as finding actionable insights through the process of metrics analysis whose focus is driving strategic decisions alongside establishing a sustainable competitive edge (Avinash Kaushik, 2019).


Avinash Kaushik. (2019, March 8). Trinity: A mindset & strategic approach. Retrieved from

Avinash Kaushik. (2019, March 8). Five rules for high impact web analytics dashboards. Retrieved from

Graham Charlton. (2018, September 13). Ten useful Google analytics custom dashboards – Econsultancy. Retrieved from

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