CCIS – HIST Term Paper ( TWICE)


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You will develop a Term Paper based on the topic you have chosen in Week 2, and built from the outline you developed in Week 3. It should identify at least four related primary sources from the Voices of Freedom readings or other primary source documents. It should utilize two secondary sources that help develop and support a thesis.

The format of the Term Paper should include an introduction, body, and conclusion and be organized into paragraphs with approximately eight sentences developing a single topic. Proper grammar, punctuation, correct spelling, and other aspects of correct composition should be maintained. It should be at least six pages of fully-typed text. Each page should be double-spaced, including at least 250 words and 25-27 lines using 12-point font. It should include a title page, end notes pages, and a bibliography page. It should be formatted using the Chicago Manual of Style, referenced in the Rampolla text. Visual images and infographics do not count toward the final page count. All papers must be in a , , or .rtf format.

All assignments must be your own original work, and you are not allowed to turn in papers for this course that you have used previously for another course (even if it is from taking this very course during a previous session).

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