Cave Paintings


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Assignment Instructions:

This assignment will require you to use your knowledge of the different civilizations we have discussed and apply them to understanding the art created in the places and times covered by this class. Choose one of the following pieces of art or architecture:

The Cave Paintings at Lascoux

(will be what you will be writing about)

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You will write a two to  paper on the art or architecture you chose. Your paper should answer the following:

-What civilization does this art represent?

-What is the title of the piece?

-Who is the artist (if possible)?

-Why did you choose this piece?

-How was the piece created? What is the medium?

-Why was the piece created?

-What does this work tell you about the civilization that created it?


Purpose of the Assignment:

This assignment is designed to give you an interdisciplinary approach to understanding history. People produced much more than written documents throughout history. Humans have long created art, even before they developed into civilizations. Artistic representations reflect the beliefs, customs, norms, mores, and social structures of people, though sometimes it takes time to understand what is being conveyed by a piece of art. By looking closely, we get a visual representation of the people and societies that existed in the past. By studying the visual remnants of the past, it also gives students the opportunity to tap into different learning styles and concepts.

What to Include in Your Submission

  • Coversheet and bibliography.
  • Three academic sources not including the textbook and provided website.
  • Citations for all facts and information from your research, not just the direct quotes.

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