Strategic management

Case study 9B18A005 APPLE WATCH: MANAGING INNOVATION RESISTANCE1 Tania Bucic and Gaganpreet Singh wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. This publication […]

Project #4

Database Project Project 4 Instructions Actions | Print and follow these instructions to complete this project You can build the database example I have outlined in these Instructions OR you can build your own database. If you build your own database The database must contain at least 3 tables (with at least 5 fields and […]

GL-m7 project

 Week 8: You will type a three to five-page paper on the topic dealing with Systems Analysis. You may use the textbook in addition to researching the internet for additional sources. Please submit your APA-formatted paper in a Word document. Your paper must be double spaced and include a cover page and a reference page for your cited […]

Sustainable Development & Global Philly, Science & Silence, LUKE CAGE

  1. Luke cage-  Watch the tv series (Netflix) Luke Cage. What correlations can be made between the show and Week 3 unit readings ( Slavery and Philly: Since arrival of first enslaved Africans, deep scars exists here, across Commonwealth )  ) and discussions if any ? What other critiques emerge from the show? What […]

Research Proposal

1. Choose a topic of interest related to family communication 2. Write a paper that proposes a research study of the topic. a. Review relevant literature b. Propose a new research question or hypothesis c. Describe the proposed study i. Sample ii. Method of Data Collection (QUANY or QUAL) iii. Method of Data Analysis iv. […]

Mkt655 DB4 Response 2

 V Jaramillo  Worst brand extensions – Colgate Lasagna   The above is an example of the ugliest brand extension on the market. There are different reasons for this statement. To make the brand extension successful, it must reflect the strength of the parent company, maintain the customer experience, and withdraw satisfactory ideas from customers and […]

career aim and strategies

write a brief two page paper on Top three career aims a nd strategies (My major is Information systems, pick three career aims and at least three strategies form the below guidelines) 1. Finding the Treasure “In a way you’ve already won in this world because you’re the only one who can be you.” Fred […]


Consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the course learning objectives listed in the syllabus. Discuss recommendations for future practice change based on the results of your practicum project. The following are the course learning objectives: Critically appraise current and innovative practices in nursing, including monitoring quality […]

Week 3 Assignment – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay: Part 1

 The assignment is divided into two parts: the prewriting paper (Part 1) due this week, and the essay (Part 2) due in Week 5. Overview When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this […]

Needs Assessment

The assignments in this course are interrelated and based on a practicum experience. The assignments culminate in a final presentation submitted during week 10.  As a nurse, you understand the challenges facing under-served populations.  For this practicum assignment, you will identify a vulnerable, at-risk population in your community.  You will examine the challenges currently facing members of this group […]

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