the annotated bibliography will be used to build the Literature Review in Week Three and further to support the Final Project. Each peer-reviewed article, scholarly source, or credible source that you cite must engage at least one of the bulleted topics below. Further, each of the topics must be addressed at least once, with respect […]


If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided? You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures. Differences in […]

Marketing yourself plan

Simplified Marketing Yourself Plan for Personal/Professional Branding “Brand image exists in the minds of the audience members. It’s the marketer’s job to shape that image accordingly.” Typical marketing plans require marketers to assess their own sets of resources, evaluate the marketplace, determine their target market(s), and then create a set of reasonable objectives (goals) with […]


Book Name:  Current Trends and Legal Issues in Special Education David F. Bateman EDSP 522 Principles of Special Education Essay Assignment Instructions The candidate will develop a 5–8-page paper discussing the perspectives, theories, principles, philosophies, and/or trends that provide the basis for contemporary education practice. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize the various […]

Statistical and mathematical questions

1. An experiment was designed to identify a better ultrafiltration membrane for separating proteins and peptide drugs from fermentation broth. Two levels of an additive PVP (% wt) and time duration (hours) were investigated to determine the better membrane. The separation values (measured in %) resulting from these experimental runs are as follows:(a) Compute the estimates of the effects […]

Research paper on the Holocaust or to Antisemitism

  Please submit your second 5-page research paper on your pre-approved topic related to the Holocaust or to Antisemitism.  Cite and use at least 3 sources. Bring a hard copy (stapled) to class, size 12 font, normal margins, double-spaced, and post a copy to Blackboard by the beginning of class Wednesday 4/28. I do not […]

case brief

  I need a case brief for the business legal course I have attached the case   Your case to brief is Tietsworth v. Harley-Davidson, Inc., 661 N.W.2d 450 This cannot be written like a book report or a newspaper article.  It requires your use of your critical legal thinking skill and an erudite articulation of […]

reading and answer 3 questions

Please define school readiness? Why do scholars believe school readiness is important? Please list and explain two factors that influence school readiness? a short paragraph for each question. BROOKINGS| December 2011 ` Starting School at a Disadvantage: The School Readiness of Poor Children Julia B. Isaacs, Brookings Institution THE SOCIAL GENOME PROJECT The author expresses […]

database project

  You will type a three to five page paper on a topic dealing with Database Systems. You may use the textbook in addition to researching  the internet for additional sources. Please submit your APA-formatted paper in a Word document. Your paper must be double spaced and include a cover page and a reference page for […]


 Attached are the summaries of the course, this grade requires a 90% or higher, if not a refund will be asked Please resubmit your executive summary only for this assignment. Per APUS policy and accreditation for graduate level capstone courses, this documentation must be submitted to the APUS library. This is a non-searchable archive and […]

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