
CASE STUDYRead Snedaker Industry Spotlight #4 – Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery for Small and Medium-Sized BusinessesIn no more than two pages, answer the following questions:Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for a small or medium-sized business (pick one).  What recommendations would you have for critical and essential business functions for that business?Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for the small or medium-sized business (same as above).  What risks would you identify and what recommendations do you have for developing a BCP and DRP? What recommendations would you make differently based on business size?The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and, if needed, a reference page.  Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.EXCERISEPlease read the following article:“How to Create an Effective Business Continuity Plan”Please answer the following questions in no more than two pages:What were the plan development steps highlighted in the article?What recommendations would you have for small and medium-sized businesses based on the article?What recommendations might you have for the Wilmington University library?

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