Case Study:Trek BIcycle

Case Study: Trek Bicycle

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“Trek Bicycle Corporation (Links to an external site.) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of bicycles. Its global team includes program management, engineering, industrial design, and product development professionals. Because Trek’s revenue hinges on the timely introduction of new models to market, it continually evaluates its manufacturing process and business practices.”

In 2009, Trek brought on a team of full-time project managers to oversee workloads with the goal of increasing efficiency. Basic project visibility remained elusive because teams continued to use a variety of disparate project management tools. They used Microsoft Project, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides, Word documents, and Enovia project approval software. The senior management team’s leader stated that he spent a lot of time on the phone and in sending out emails to reach out to the global teams to get information on the status of various projects. His subordinate team members spent about 30 percent of their time doing manual work, such as retyping timelines into emails, sending the timelines out to other team members, and collecting the results. These results were presented in the status meetings, which were held two to three times per week.

1. List and answer the following questions regarding the case.

2. What are the roadblocks that prevent Trek from being efficient?

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3. How can processes be improved?
4. What steps should Trek take to meet customer demands?
5. Research Trek Bicycle company and provide an update on the status of the company.
-What are its earnings?
-Is it still considered a leader in the bicycle manufacturing industry? Why or Why not?

-Should use the following format for their written assignment.
-Use APA to cite your resources
-Do your resources meet the CRAAP test?
-Use Times New Roman—12-point font
-Use a minimum of 3 references
-Use professional language
-Include a Reference Page

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