Case Study – Access Control

Case Study – Access Control You have just been hired as an information security engineer for a large, multi-international corporation. Unfortunately, your company has suffered multiple security breaches that have threatened customers’ trust in the fact that their confidential data and financial assets are private and secured. Credit card information was compromised by an attack that infiltrated the network through a vulnerable wireless connection within the organization. The other breach was an inside job where personal data was stolen because of weak access control policies within the organization that allowed an unauthorized individual access to valuable data. Your job is to develop a risk management policy that addresses the two security breaches and how to mitigate these risks.This assignment requires two to three pages in length, based upon the APA style of writing.Use transition words; a thesis statement; an introduction, body, and conclusion; and a reference page with at least two references. Use double-spaces, Arial font, and size 12.Assignment Grading RubricPoints%Assignment content4880%Required length610%Spelling and grammar35%APA style35%Total60100%

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