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Gifted Individual Case Study and Instructional Plan 2

5 points

Due March 16, 2021

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Participants will synthesize the academic, social and emotional and family characteristics of giftedness in
diverse populations by creating a descriptive profile (case study) of an historically underrepresented
individual with gifts and talents. The case study may be based on a fictional character or a real-life
individual, such as a family member, student, or a famous gifted individual. The case study is written as
if the writer has consulted student records, observed the student, and interviewed the student’s
teachers and family members. The profile must include multiple data points that would be used to
identify this student for gifted and talented education programs and services. At least two sources of
quantitative data and two sources of qualitative data must be included. The selection of assessments
and gifted characteristics must be supported with research, and the case study must include a reference
list of two or more sources.

Using the information that has been provided in the Gifted Individual Case Study, participants will
develop an instructional plan for the gifted and talented education programs and services to address the
student’s needs. The instructional plan should account for the student’s cognitive and affective needs
as well as his/her interests. The decisions about gifted education programs and services must be
supported with research and include a reference list of two or more sources.

Participants with use the case studies and instructional plans in a class session where they assume the
role of a Gifted and Talented Education Specialist who is presenting the student for review by a Gifted
and Talented Education Review Committee. Each Committee member will provide oral and written
feedback on the effectiveness of the plan to meet the needs of this student.

Gifted Individual Case Study and Instructional Plan Components Possible Points

The Gifted Individual Case Study of an underrepresented gifted
individual includes multiple data points from hypothetical student
records, observations, and interviews. At least two sources of
quantitative and qualitative data are included. Selection of data points
is supported by research from at least two references that adhere to
APA guidelines for formatting.

10 points

The Instructional Plan describes gifted education programs and services
that are aligned with the data presented in the Case Study. The
effectiveness of the services is supported by research from at least two
references that adhere to APA guidelines for formatting.

10 points

Class presentation to the Gifted and Talented Education Review
Committee observes time limits and allows for discussion of
effectiveness of the plan and written feedback.

5 points

TOTAL 25 points

Instructional Plan

To best maximize Larz’s gifts, and to help him socialize and be engaged in school, Larz’s parents decided to put him in a school that implements cluster grouping for gifted children. Pierce et al. (2011) share that cluster groups can lead to better association, socialization, and focus for gifted grade school children (p. 569). The cluster groups allow Larz to be in a regular classroom with children with similar abilities. This attribute of cluster grouping helps children to not feel like exceptional cases and creates a social group of children with related gifts. Matthews, Ritchotte, and Mcbee (2013) explain that cluster grouping can help socialize a child by

surrounding them with a class of comparable children and a teacher who is specialized in teaching and helping gifted children (p. 87).

The teachers in cluster group classrooms are dedicated to assisting talented children in

maximizing their gift, as well as receiving a well-rounded education. It will be up to him and his teacher to determine the best path forward through intermittent check-ins and dialogue. It has been shown to be beneficial to group together boys of similar academic, racial, or socioeconomic backgrounds, to provide a teacher with higher-level training, and to supply appropriate tests (Winnebrenner et al. 2000, p. 62). Nonverbal tests such as Raven’s Progressive Matrices and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) will be essential to ensuring that his progress is appropriately measured (Naglieri & Ford, 2003, p. 158). These tests are more representative because they tend to be more culturally neutral (Lohman et al, 2008, p. 277).

Since joining the cluster group classroom, Larz has excelled. This may be, in part, due to how this approach also supports the affective nature of his African-American background. Brulles et al. (2010) found that cluster grouping nearly doubled ethnic minority testing performance as compared to their ethnic peers in standard, heterogeneous classroom configurations (p 341). Consequently, Larz shows more social skills and less anxiety around other children. He is now demonstrating interest in different subjects and showcasing exceptional aptitude for mathematics. The cluster group allows Larz to have a positive social group and an experienced educator to help him develop his gift and engage in other subjects.

To develop his aptitude for mathematics, it would be beneficial to consider Larz for

achievement grouping with other students who also excel in mathematics and be paired with a teacher who has training in supporting gifted needs students (Chang et al, 2009, p. 29). This cluster group supports his racial affect and cognitive development by combining him with similar students while also intermittently supplying engaging acceleration in mathematics (Gentry, 1999). Students with subject-specific skills can be placed in the cluster classroom to take part in advanced work when appropriate (Winebrenner & Devlin, 1998). This would allow Larz to have time focusing on developing this subject at a more fitting pace without detracting the benefits he is already receiving from the broader cluster grouping.

Because all these changes are complex logistically and socially, it appears that Larz

benefits from developing a relationship with a guidance counselor to help him with transitions between classes and the potential for peer stigmatization for the extra attention he receives. Wilson (1986) found that journaling is an effective way to integrate the stress of a child’s experience through supportive conversations with a counselor. Specific to his African-American7 background, Bruce et al. (2009) found that counseling intervention increased passing scores on high-stakes tests for African-American students from 38.7% to 63.2% in the first year of implementation (455). Indeed, upon starting a biweekly meeting with a counselor, Larz seems to

be much less overwhelmed by the changes to his schedule and academic demands.

Through cluster grouping and supportive counseling and testing, Larz has been able to

carve out an educational format that supports his African-American affect and cognitive needs.



Gifted student case study

Joy is a teenage student from a middle school in Florida; she just completed her seven grade a few months ago. Joy is among the few minority students in her school; having been among the few African-Americans in her school, she has faced various racial discrimination from other students. Joys come from a humble family where getting the school fees for joys has been an uphill task. However, Joy was able to face every challenge of racial discrimination since she was very young at the age of five years.

Joy family background

Both of Joy’s parents are undergraduates, where the mother is a graduate nurse while her father is a professional college teacher. Both the parents believe all students in school are equal, and they can achieve their highest goals through support from both the parents and teachers. They also believe that parents should ensure no or minimum domestic violence for a student to perform well. However, the family faces many economic challenges since Joy’s father lives with his parents, who are suffering various chronic diseases. Since most of the resources are spent to gather for health care issues, Joy’s father is sometimes unable to support his children’s education as he could wish.

Education background

Joy’s father noted that her daughter was a gifted student before even she had enrolled in school. Joy is the second and the lastborn of her family. The elder child is called George, and Joy has been having outstanding interaction since childhood because they could collaborate to accomplish their domestic duties. When Joy was yet to enroll in school, George was already in grade three. The father realized the Joy was gifted, particularly in mathematics, when he noted the girl could handle mathematical problems through couching from his father when guiding George through his homework at grade three.

In the evening, when the father was couching George during the evening could become curious at a very young which made to invite Joy during the coaching process evening, surprising Joy started performing better than her brother, who was at school by then. In mathematics, Joy could also show some interest in science, drama, and art even before enrolling in school. When Joy enrolled in school, teachers could not recognize and nurture Joy’s various talents while in grade one.

Although the girl has unique talents in solving mathematics and complex science concepts than her peers, she possessed other negative social psychological factors that made other students reprimand and distance themselves from Joy. In grade two, the child could not interact with her peers reproductive, and in most cases, she could be found alone, which made the teachers think she was depressed. Most students in her school nicknamed Joy “the girl of her own world” since she should not explain any social activities.

Mr. Andrew, a senior teacher, had attended some extra courses on gifted and talented education, became concerned about Job. From grade two, the teacher decided to monitor and coach the girl to perform even much better in mathematics sciences. At that young age, the girl could not have been exposed to guidance and counseling. Still, Mr. Andrew decided to keep her company while engaging her in special gifted education programs in mathematics and sciences.

Mr. Andrew realized Joy was talented in remembering details, facts, and concepts. The other advantage that made it easier to nurture Joy’s talent, Mr. Andrew could consult and collaborate with other teachers and Joy’s family. To ensure the girl continues to perform well and improves social interaction with other students, Joy comfortably attending school and interacting with other students from most white students.

In grade three, Joys, through her parents and teacher Andrew’s support, became an excellent student in Mathematics. Based on the quantitative battery and nonverbal battery test exposed to all students, Joy could score an average of ninety-eight percent in all the examinations. Although at grade three, the student was still timid to interact with other students seems more comfortable and interested in what was happening around the school.

3rd G based on the grade Measures of Academic Progress MAP (NWEA) Achievement Test

3rd Grade Reading NPR

3rd Grade Math NPR







3rd Grade Cognitive Abilities Test (Cog AT) National Percentiles (Joy)







From grade three until now, she has just completed grade three; Joy has been identified as a talented student in the entire school. The school has been taking measures and sponsor Joy for more educative programs across the United States to realize her broader dreams in education. Joy participated in so many programs, such as the “Program for the Enrichment of Academic Knowledge.” She has performed exemplary well; while she was in grade, she qualified for the talented art program. Immediately, before the start of the grade seven examinations, she had been chosen to participate in the award of honors at the state level. The school director has already set funds for Joy to enhance all her talents even after leaving the school and joining other higher education schools in the future. Mr. Andrew, on the other hand, has become the closest friend in the Joy’s family to continue nurturing the girl.

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