case study


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Case Study for Chronic Condition

For this Assignment, you are to answer the questions regarding this  case study. Please make sure to support your answers using evidence  based practice.

56 y/o Caucasian male presents to the primary care clinic with  complaints of dizziness and nausea x 4 days. The patient reports he has  not been able to get out of bed since the symptoms started. The patient  reports symptoms are worse when he tries to get out of bed to stand. He  denies any headaches or blurry vision. He states he is urinating more  over the last few days and he has noticed an increase in thirst. He  reports he just drank a large sweet tea before he came into the clinic.

The patient reports that he is out of his Lantus and metformin  because he cannot afford the refill until he gets his disability check.  He is disabled after his second CVA that left him with generalized  weakness. His medical history includes DM, HTN, CAD.

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Upon arrival at the clinic, the patient’s vital signs are as follows- Blood sugar 405, B/P 190/101, HR 102, R-20, T- 98.5.

Using Evidence Based practice, answer the following questions thoroughly. Be sure to use APA formatting.

  1. What are the pertinent positive and negative findings in this patient assessment?
  2. Create a list of differentials with rationales for this patient?
  3. Discuss a medication regimen for this patient considering his financial status?
  4. What is the priority concern for this patient?
  5. How does this patient’s comorbid diagnosis impact his current symptoms?
  6. Discuss how the patient’s health beliefs, culture and behaviors impact the potential outcomes for the patient.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section under Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar checks to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 7th Edition format.


>Assignment Rubric


in the yellow cells in the


– Not submitted or largely incomplete. Work may indicate very little if any comprehension of content.

– Work shows some comprehension but errors indicating miscomprehension may be present.

– Work indicates overall progress toward comprehension. Minor errors may present.

– Work is complete and indicates full comprehension of content.


– 3.9


25% 0.00

25% 0.00

25% 0.00


Rubric (everyone starts with 4’s = no deductions)

Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient/Mastered Score Weight Final Score

2 3 4


4 35% 1.40



Writing Deduction 0
Final Score 0


Unit 7 Assignment grading rubric. Instructors: Enter total available points in cell H2, and values between

0 4 Score
Total available points = 100
Content Rubric Introductory Emergent Practiced Proficient/Mastered Weight Final Score
0 – 1.9 2 – 2.9 3
Discussed pertinent postives and negatives for the case study Needs improvement Partially addressed case study pertinent positives and negatives. Only listed one to two items Partially addressed case study pertinent postivies and negatives. Only two to three items Clearly and thoroughly presents pertinent positives and negatives. More than 4 items addressed from the case study 25% 0.00
Create a list of differentials and provided rationales Did not create a list of differentials No differential diagnosis listed but completed a thorough exam and lab work in order to rule in a diagnosis. List differential diagnosis but failed to rule in diagnosis with exams or lab work or other testing in detail. Did not provide rationale for differential diagnosis Correct differential and provided rationales to support list.
Discussed medication regimen Did not discuss medication regimen List one medication for the case study Two medications discusssed without rationale Addresses all potential medication regimens and their rationale
Developed plan of care One or two components addressed for the plan Three to five components addressed. Correct plan of care. Only six to seven components addressed. Correct plan of care. Thoroughly addressed (diagnostic studies, meds, education, health promotion, developmental stages, ethical and cultural considerations, follow up, and referrals). All eight components addressed.
(Do Not Change criteria below) Content Score
Writing Deduction
Grammar & Punctuation The overall meaning of the paper is difficult to understand. Sentence structure, subject verb agreement errors, missing prepositions, and missing punctuation make finding meaning difficult. Several confusing sentences, or 1 to 2 confusing paragraphs make understanding parts of the paper difficult, but the overall paper meaning is clear. Many subject verb agreement errors, run-on sentences, etc. cause confusion. A few confusing sentences make it difficult to understand a small portion of the paper. However, the overall meaning of a paragraph and the paper are intact. There may be a few subject verb agreement errors or some missing punctuation. There are one or two confusing sentences, but the overall sentence and paragraph meanings are clear. There are a few minor punctuation errors such as comma splices or run-on sentences. 35% 1.40
Spelling The many misspelled words and incorrect words choices significantly interfere with the readability. Many typos, misspelled words, or the use of incorrect words making understanding difficult in a few places. Some misspelled words or the misuse of words such as confusing then/than. However, intent is still clear. A few misspelled words normally caught by spellcheckers are present but do not significantly interfere with the overall readability of the paper.
Order of Ideas & Length Requirement Paper has some good information or research, but it does not follow assignment directions and is lacking in overall organization and content. The order of information is confusing in several places and this organization interferes with the meaning or intent of the paper. However, the paper has a generally discernible purpose and follows assignment directions overall. The order of information is confusing in a few places and the lack of organization interferes with the meaning or intent of the paper in a minor way. The overall order of the information is clear and contributes to the meaning of assignment. There is one paragraph or a sentence or two that are out of place or other minor organizational issues. A few sentences may be long and hard to understand. Meets length requirements. 2

0% 0.80
APA There is some attempt at APA formatting and citing. There are one or more missing parts such as the cover page or references list. Citation information may be missing. Citation mistakes make authorship unclear. This is an attempt use APA formatting and citing. There are both in-text citations and reference listings. Citation information may be missing or incorrect (i.e. Websites listed as in-text or reference citations). There is an attempt to cite all outside sources in at least one place. Authorship is generally clear. There is an overall attempt at APA formatting and citation style. All sources appear to have some form of citation both in the text and on a reference list. There are some formatting and citation errors. Citations generally make authorship clear. There is a strong attempt to cite all sources using APA style. Minor paper formatting errors such as a misplaced running head or margins may occur. Minor in-text citation errors such as a missing page number or a misplaced date may occur. Quotation marks and citations make authorship clear. 10% 0.40

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