career plan


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Catherine OwensAmanda Smith

CareerPlan Rubric

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Item /

Item Mark

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Use of

methods and



No description of

methods and analysis of

the information/data.

Insufficient information

on methods and

insufficient analysis of

the information.

Description of methods and

analysis of information/data

is lacking in a number of

placed. Used methods and

analysis of data/information



Description of methods and
analysis of information/data

is mostly complete, but there

are lacking some details.

Used methods and analysis

of data/information are


Description of methods

used and analysis of the

information is appropriate,

complete and clear.

Reflection on


No reflection on the

results of the test results.

Discussion only touches

trivial or very general

points of criticism.

Student identifies only

some possible

weaknesses and/or

points at weaknesses

which are in reality

irrelevant or non-


Student indicates most

weaknesses in the results and

is able to weigh their impact

on the main results relative to

each other.

Student indicates all

weaknesses in the results

and weighs them relative to

each other. Furthermore,

(better) alternatives for the

methods used are indicated.

Student is not only able to

identify all possible

weaknesses in the results,

but is also able to indicate

which weaknesses affect the

outcome of the test results


Career Plan

Does not identify at least


next steps in career


Identifies at least two

next steps in career

planning (e.g., courses,

experiences, contacts)

Explains these next steps the

career planning such that

someone who is unfamiliar

with them will understand


Gives examples of how the

student will pursue these

next steps so as to benefit

from them in making her

career choices

Considers the significance

of the benefits the student

will derive from taking these

next steps in her career

planning – why are they

important for her to




Does not identify at least

one career option


Does not identify any

reasons for considering

this career option(s)

Identifies at least one

career option the

student is considering


Identifies the reasons

for considering it

Explains the career option(s)

the student is considering

such that someone who is

unfamiliar with them will

understand them

Gives examples of the

academic skills, strengths,

and/or personal qualities

needed to be successful in

this career

Considers the relationships

among the personal

characteristics and strengths

and the academic skills,

strengths, and/or personal

qualities required for

success in this major – in

what specific ways is it

and/or is it not a good fit?

Integration Provides no connections Rarely provides Occasionally provides Usually provides (good) Consistently provides

among ‘the results and

career goals’ with what

is asked from the student

to connect to.

(minimal) connections

among ‘the results and
career goals’ with what

is asked from the

student to connect


(adequate) connections

among ‘the results and career

goals’ with what is asked

from the student to connect


connections among the

results and career goals’

with what is asked from the

student to connect to.

(strong) connections among

the results and career goals’

with what is asked from the
student to connect to.

Precision &


Provides no specific

details and never defines



Rarely provides specific

details or defines terms


Occasionally provides

specific details and/or defines

terms used

Usually, but not always,

provides specific details

and/or defines terms used

Consistently provides

specific details and defines

terms used

Depth Never addresses “why”

questions; never

considers complexities;

always over-


Rarely addresses “why”

questions; rarely

considers complexities;

usually over-simplifies

Addresses few of “why”

questions; considers little of

the complexity of the

issue(s); occasionally over-


Addresses some, but not all,

“why” questions; considers

some. but not all, of the

complexity of the issue(s);

rarely over-simplifies

Thoroughly addresses

“why” questions; considers

the full complexity of the

issue(s); never over-


Fluency of

language and

writing skills

The report is badly

structured. In many

cases information

appears in wrong

locations. Level of detail

is inappropriate


Main structure incorrect

in some places, and

placement of material in

different chapters

illogical in many places.

Level of detail varies

widely (information

missing, or irrelevant

information given).

Main structure is correct, but

lower level hierarchy of

sections is not logical in

places. Some sections have

overlapping functions leading

to ambiguity in placement of

information. Level of detail

varies widely (information

missing, or irrelevant
information given).

Most sections have a clear

and unique function.

Hierarchy of sections is

mostly correct. Ordering of

sections is mostly logical.

All information occurs at the

correct place, with few

exceptions. In most places

level of detail is appropriate.

Well-structured: each

section has a clear and

unique function. Hierarchy

of sections is correct.

Ordering of sections is

logical. All information

occurs at the correct place.

Level of detail is appropriate


Formulations in the text

are often


inhibiting a correct


of the text.

Vagueness and/or

inexactness in wording

occurs regularly and it

affects the interpretation

of the text.

The text is ambiguous in

some places but this does not

always inhibit a correct

interpretation of the text.

Formulations in text are

predominantly clear and

exact. Internship report

could have been written

more concisely.

Formulations in text are

clear and exact, as well as


Career Planning Report

You will be assessed via a 3000 words’ report that will demonstrate your research on the following:

1. Self-Knowledge and Career Exploration

You must complete Holland Code Career Test and reflect on the results. You can find the test in the following link:

. Attach the results in the Appendices. Discuss the following in this section:

· Values and workplace preferences based on the Holland Code Career test results.

· Identifying skills and interests of your preferred career options based on the results.

· Create a career goal based on the results.

2. Develop a Personal Brand

In this section discuss the following:

· What is a personal brand?

· Understand your brand and develop one.

· Suggest ways to communicate your brand.

3. Build Skills for Any Career

In this section discuss the following:

· Transferable Skills

· Workplace Culture

· Reflect upon your Holland Code Career Test results and your career goals and identify the skills needed based on that.

4. Career Portfolio/Resumes & cover letter

In this section discuss the following:

· Organizing information for a résumé or job application.

· Build your own résumé.

· Write a cover letter.

5. Networking & Job Search Strategies

In this section discuss the following:

· Career search strategies and identify the best strategy for your case based on your career goal.

· Build your LinkedIn page and include the screenshot of the final page in the Appendices.

· Networking and its success strategies.

· Develop your business card and attach it in the Appendices.

6. Interviewing

In this section, discuss the following:

· How to prepare for an Interview.

· What are the interview styles?

· How to Handle Interview Questions.

7. Consider the Opportunities

Overall, reflect on the previous elements and connect them together stating your opportunities in today’s market.

Report format:

Your report should follow the following guidelines:

· Font: Times New Roman

· Font size: 12.

· Double spaced.

· Must include a table of content and Appendices

Submission date: Week 4

This is my full result from the test, kindly use the information that suits what is needed, Welcome to your career report! There’s a lot of information here, so take your time and read through it at your own pace.

· I study business administration in university.

Your report is split up into different sections, each of which addresses a different


factor in your career search. You’ll learn about your interests, your personality, and the jobs and work environments that suit you best. You’ll get personalized advice and suggestions for exploring your career options and planning a successful job search.

You can read your report straight through, or you can skip to the sections that interest you most. Remember, your results are saved to your personal account. You can come back and refer to them anytime you need to.

So, let’s get started!

Your Career Interest Profile

This section shows your top career interest areas. There are 6 total interest areas, each with its own set of typical work tasks, roles, and values. Some of these interest areas will appeal to you, while others will be less attractive. Choosing a career which is a good match for your interest profile ensures that you enjoy your daily work and get satisfaction out of your accomplishments.

The Six Interest Areas

Each of the six interest areas describes a cluster of related work tasks and activities. People who are drawn to each of these interest areas tend to have certain characteristics, preferences, and personality traits in common.


Building jobs involve the use of tools, machines, or physical skill. Builders like working with their hands and bodies, working with plants and animals, and working outdoors.


Thinking jobs involve theory, research, and intellectual inquiry. Thinkers like working with ideas and concepts, and enjoy science, technology, and academia.


Creating jobs involve art, design, language, and self-expression. Creators like working in unstructured environments and producing something unique.


Helping jobs involve assisting, teaching, coaching, and serving other people. Helpers like working in cooperative environments to improve the lives of others.


Persuading jobs involve leading, motivating, and influencing others. Persuaders like working in positions of power to make decisions and carry out projects.


Organizing jobs involve managing data, information, and processes. Organizers like to work in structured environments to complete tasks with precision and accuracy.

Your Top Interests

Your primary interest area is also called your career type. Your career type describes the kind of job tasks and activities you enjoy doing, as well as what motivates and satisfies you at work. Certain personality traits and characteristics are associated with each career type.

Your secondary interest area shows what sorts of interests you may have, beyond your primary interest area. You can use your secondary interest area to get additional ideas and information about the career that may fit you.

Your primary interest area is Persuading

As a Persuader, you are driven to lead, influence, motivate, and direct other people. You are interested in making your mark on the world by impacting the perspectives and decisions of others. You enjoy feeling powerful and important, and want to lead the way.

Because you are a Persuader, you will often gravitate to roles that allow you to sell other people on products, projects, or initiatives. You will find a natural home in the business world, but will enjoy any role where you can set a course of action and use your ingenuity and influence to achieve your goals. You may feel drawn to entrepreneurship and enjoy the risk inherent in starting a new venture.

Persuaders tend to be natural salespeople with a high energy level and enthusiasm for engaging with others. They are typically good at developing rapport with others, although they may overwhelm some with their aggressive drive. They are typically competitive, goal-oriented, and ambitious.

Persuaders like their work best when they can chase exciting goals, promote new ideas, and close important deals. As a Persuader, your primary career goal will be to find a job where you can take the lead to start and carry out initiatives, act quickly and decisively to set a course, and use your charisma to influence others.

Your secondary interest is Organizing

Because you have a secondary interest in Organizing, you will be interested in working with data, processes, and systems. You enjoy putting things in order and completing tasks in a systematic fashion. You appreciate a structured work environment where rules, policies, and standard procedures are clear and well enforced.

To satisfy your interest in Organizing, look for roles that allow you to keep orderly systems in place. You may enjoy office and administrative work, especially working with systems, records, and files. You like to maintain structure and enforce the rules, and want to work in an environment that is well organized and predictable.

Careers to Explore

In this section, we’ll show you the top careers that match your interest profile. There are a few things to keep in mind as you read over these career suggestions:

1. These career titles are just a starting point. The careers listed here are among the most commonly found in the labor market and are careers that many people will recognize, like lawyer or physician. However, many people have jobs that don’t exactly fit any of the descriptions listed here. You might end up with a job that combines several of these typical roles. You might have a job that’s specific to one company or industry. Or you might invent a new career altogether! In short, do not limit your imagination to the jobs listed here. These are a representative sample of jobs that fit your personality, but they do not cover every possibility or opportunity that you will come across in your career path. 

2. Your individuality is key. The careers in this section are listed generally by how well they fit your interest profile. However, you should not assume that the first career on the list is the best career for you, that the second career listed is the second-best, and so on. You may find careers that spark your interest anywhere on this list. You may also see several careers that do not interest you at all. This is normal and does not mean that your results are not accurate! Everyone is unique, and even someone with an identical interest profile to yours will have different inclinations, passions, and preferences. So while this assessment can point you in the right general direction and give you some good ideas to get started, the ultimate choice of your best career will be up to you.

3. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Because no assessment can tell you exactly which career will be perfect for you, the best way to think of this list is as a starting point for your career research. You can use this list to get ideas of careers that may suit you, but you’ll still need to read more about each career that interests you, do real-world research (like interviewing or shadowing people in the field), and evaluate each career according to your own personal criteria. We’ll discuss this in more detail later in your report, but for now, just read over this list with an open mind. See if any career ideas stand out as particularly interesting, and which seem worthy of further inspection.

With that in mind, let’s look at some careers!

Your Top Career Matches

This list includes the careers that best match your interest profile. For more information about any career, click the Read More link on the bottom right of the career listing. This will open a new window with a full description of that career. 

Computer and IS Manager


Average Earnings: $139,220

Projected Growth: 12%

Computer and information systems managers, often called information technology (IT) managers or IT project managers, plan, coordinate, and direct computer-related activities in an organization. They help determine the information technology goals of an organization and are responsible for implementing computer systems to meet those goals.

Financial Manager


Average Earnings: $125,080

Projected Growth: 19%

Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization. They produce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies and plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

Financial managers typically do the following:

· Prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts

· Monitor financial details to ensure that legal requirements are met

· Supervise employees who do financial reporting and budgeting

· Review company financial reports and seek ways to reduce costs

· Analyze market trends to find opportunities for expansion or for acquiring other companies

· Help management make financial decisions

Industrial Production Manager


Average Earnings: $100,580

Projected Growth: -1%

Industrial production managers oversee the daily operations of manufacturing and related plants. They coordinate, plan, and direct the activities used to create a wide range of goods, such as cars, computer equipment, or paper products.

Administrative Services Manager


Average Earnings: $94,020

Projected Growth: 10%

Administrative services managers plan, direct, and coordinate supportive services of an organization. Their specific responsibilities vary by the type of organization and may include keeping records, distributing mail, and planning and maintaining facilities.

Financial Analyst


Average Earnings: $84,300

Projected Growth: 11%

Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions. They assess the performance of stocks, bonds, and other types of investments.

Financial Examiner


Average Earnings: $81,690

Projected Growth: 10%

Financial examiners ensure compliance with laws governing financial institutions and transactions. They review balance sheets, evaluate the risk level of loans, and assess bank management.

Budget Analyst


Average Earnings: $75,240

Projected Growth: 7%

Budget analysts help public and private institutions organize their finances. They prepare budget reports and monitor institutional spending.



Average Earnings: $74,590

Projected Growth: 7%

Logisticians analyze and coordinate an organization’s supply chain—the system that moves a product from supplier to consumer. They manage the entire life cycle of a product, which includes how a product is acquired, distributed, allocated, and delivered.

Accountant or Auditor


Average Earnings: $69,350

Projected Growth: 10%

Accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.

Purchasing Manager, Buyer, or Purchasing Agent


Average Earnings: $66,610

Projected Growth: -3%

Purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents buy products for organizations to use or resell. They evaluate suppliers, negotiate contracts, and review product quality.

Securities, Commodities, or Financial Services Sales Agent


Average Earnings: $63,780

Projected Growth: 6%

Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents connect buyers and sellers in financial markets. They sell securities to individuals, advise companies in search of investors, and conduct trades.

Cost Estimator


Average Earnings: $63,110

Projected Growth: 1%

Cost estimators collect and analyze data in order to estimate the time, money, materials, and labor required to manufacture a product, construct a building, or provide a service. They generally specialize in a particular industry or type of product.

Project Manager


Average Earnings: $121,060

Projected Growth: 7%

Top Executive


Average Earnings: $104,700

Projected Growth: 8%

Top executives devise strategies and policies to ensure that an organization meets its goals. They plan, direct, and coordinate operational activities of companies and organizations.

Top executives typically do the following:

 Establish and carry out departmental or organizational goals, policies, and procedures

 Direct and oversee an organization’s financial and budgetary activities

 Manage general activities related to making products and providing services

 Consult with other executives, staff, and board members about general operations

 Negotiate or approve contracts and agreements

 Appoint department heads and managers

 Analyze financial statements, sales reports, and other performance indicators

 Identify places to cut costs and to improve performance, policies, and programs

Database Administrator


Average Earnings: $87,020

Projected Growth: 11%

Database administrators (DBAs) use specialized software to store and organize data, such as financial information and customer shipping records. They make sure that data are available to users and are secure from unauthorized access.

Physician or Surgeon


Average Earnings: $208,000

Projected Growth: 13%

Physicians and surgeons diagnose and treat injuries or illnesses. Physicians examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. They counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare. Surgeons operate on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bones; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates.

Physicians and surgeons typically do the following:

 Take a patient’s medical history

 Update charts and patient information to show current findings and treatments

 Order tests for nurses or other healthcare staff to perform

 Review test results to identify any abnormal findings

 Recommend and design a plan of treatment

 Address concerns or answer questions that patients have about their health and well-being

 Help patients take care of their health by discussing topics such as proper nutrition and hygiene



Average Earnings: $102,490

Projected Growth: 6%

Economists study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services by collecting and analyzing data, researching trends, and evaluating economic issues.

Management Consultant or Analyst


Average Earnings: $82,450

Projected Growth: 14%

Management analysts, often called management consultants, propose ways to improve the efficiency of an organization. They advise managers on how to make organizations more profitable through reduced costs and increased revenues.

Choosing the Right Career

Now that you’ve reviewed some possible careers, you may be wondering where to go next. Perhaps your list of suggested careers seems overwhelming and confusing. Perhaps you saw some career ideas that sounded interesting, but you’re not sure how to proceed, or how to decide which is really best for you. This section is designed to give you a roadmap that you can use to navigate forward as you explore your career possibilities.

As you continue in your career search, it will be crucial that you have a system for evaluating your opportunities. You need a well-defined approach to looking at various careers and deciding whether they are worth further exploration. You’ve already taken the first step by assessing your interests, but now the task is to take that self-knowledge and translate it into a game plan for exploring your career options.

The first step is to clearly understand your criteria for the career path you seek. You don’t need to know exactly which career is right for you, but you do need to know what you are looking for. You must understand the factors which are more important to your happiness and satisfaction in a career. Equally, you must understand the aspects of a career that you want to avoid, so that you don’t end up in a job that frequently requires you to do things that are not a good fit.

This section will suggest some criteria that you may want to use as part of your career exploration process. These are based on your interest profile, but you will probably find that some of the suggested criteria seem more relevant to you than others. You may also find that you want to add to what is given here. Use these suggestions as a starting point to build your own system of evaluating possible careers.

What Makes Your Ideal Career?

In choosing a career, you want to be mindful of the factors that are most important to you. Many of these factors will be based on your interests and personality, but some will be unique to you. This section will provide you with some guidance in the factors that may be important to you in your career search. 

Satisfying your core needs

An ideal career should satisfy your most fundamental motivations to work. Although everyone wants to feel a sense of purpose, we all differ in how we like to feel that we contribute. To understand what sort of career will be satisfying, you must understand the factors that create satisfaction for you.

Below, you will see a list of the factors that are most likely to be important to you in a career. Generally, if a career has all or most of these factors, you will find the day-to-day work satisfying. As you explore different careers, you can use this list as a sort of checklist for each potential career. The more closely a career seems to fit your list of core needs, the more likely you’ll be happy with it in the long term.

Your Core Needs:

· Use my charisma and powers of persuasion to motivate and influence other people

· Set exciting goals and take risks to achieve success

· Increase my power and standing within my field

· Promote novel ideas and impact key decisions to make my mark on the world

· Use my organizational skills to maintain rational, orderly systems

· Work within rules and expectations

· Follow clear processes to achieve measured outcomes

· Ensure correct and accurate results

Doing tasks and activities that suit you

One of the most important aspects of job satisfaction is the extent to which your daily work fits with your preferred types of activities. Although this may seem obvious, it can be easy to overlook the mundane day-to-day aspects of a job that sounds exciting in the abstract. Before you decide a job is right for you, be sure you understand what the everyday tasks of that job entail, and compare these tasks with your preferred tasks listed below.

Your Preferred Tasks:

· Selling products or services

· Leading or managing a team

· Pitching ideas or initiatives

· Starting a new business or other venture

· Speaking in front of groups of people

· Influencing people to your way of thinking

· Managing data, files, or other forms of information

· Keeping things in order

· Developing organizational systems

· Following clear procedures

· Ensuring accuracy and correctness

· Maintaining efficient and well-ordered processes

Avoiding what you don’t like

Almost as important as understanding what tasks you enjoy is understanding which tasks and activites you would prefer to avoid. If some parts of a job are very appealing to you, but other aspects are boring, irritating, or otherwise unpleasant, it’s unlikely you’ll be happy in that job over the long term.

For each career you’re considering, take stock of the typical daily activities and make sure that you will not have to spend significant time on tasks you don’t enjoy. Although nobody has a job that they love all the time, it is important to avoid career paths that require a lot of time spent on activities that you simply aren’t suited to.

Tasks to Avoid:

· Working with tools or machines

· Working with plants or animals

· Repairing or maintaining things, especially mechanical systems

· Building, constructing, or crafting things

· Being athletic or physical

· Making something tangible, practical and useful

· Caring for others’ personal needs

· Educating or training people

· Counseling people on their personal issues

· Looking after vulnerable people, including the sick, very young, or very old

· Helping others grow and develop

· Being supportive and sympathetic

Asking the important questions

As you explore careers, you will be asking many questions. You are probably already wondering about common concerns, like how much money you might make, how much education or training you will need, or how easy it might be to find a job in a particular field.

But it’s also important that you ask questions that are personal to you and your interests. These questions will help you dial in to the careers that will suit your personality. Here, we suggest some questions that you may want to ask about each career you are seriously considering. 

You might answer these questions by doing research online, in books, magazines, or trade journals, or by interviewing people in the field. You may find that the answers to some questions are not a clear “yes” or “no,” and that’s fine. The goal is not to get black-and-white answers to every question, but to gain a better and more complete understanding of whether a career is a good fit for you.

Your Key Questions:

· Will this career allow me to influence and motivate other people?

· Will I feel powerful and important in this career?

· Will this career allow me to take risks and pursue exciting achievements?

· Will this career give me a platform to share my ideas and persuade other people to my point of view?

· Will this career allow me to use my organizational skills?

· Will I be able to identify and follow clear processes and procedures in this career?

· Will I be working with orderly, logical systems in this career?

· Will my success in this career depend on my accuracy, correctness, and ability to follow specific instructions?

The Next Step

You’ve just made an excellent start to your career search process by exploring your interests, talents, preferences, and values. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Although choosing a career isn’t an easy process, it can be an incredibly rewarding one when done right. By doing an objective assessment of who you are and what you are suited to, you’ve already gotten off to a huge head start. 

You’ve digested a lot of information, so take a while to sit with it. When you’re ready, come back to your list of careers and pick out the ones that sound most appealing. Click on the “Read more” link next to each of these careers to learn more about them. Use this as a jumping-off point to begin your own research.

You have plenty of work ahead of you to find your ideal career, but you should now feel well prepared to get started. We wish you the best of luck in your search!


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