career aim and strategies


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a brief two page paper on Top three career aims a


strategies (My major is Information systems, pick three career aims and at least three strategies form the below guidelines)

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Finding the Treasure

“In a way you’ve already won in this world because you’re the only one who can

be you.”

Fred Rogers

Top 3 Career Aims and Strategies Excerpt for HBS 211

Unedited Version for 2


Edition of CYC 11/23/2020

© 2018 Billingsly Associates, LLC All Rights Reserved

Top 3 Career Aims and Strategies Guidelines and Examples

Getting Started

Hats off to you as you begin this phase of your journey, whether you know or are

undecided about what you want to do next. Either way, embracing this process can

provide guidance, support, and inspiration for your path ahead. Whether you are certain

or still exploring what you want to do, remember there is great value in replacing, “I don’t

know what I want to do,” with “I am exploring what I want to do,” or “I am investigating

what I want to do,” rather than repeating the old words. This is your opportunity to remain

curious, experiment, explore, and discover every step of your journey! Being okay with

the temporary “not-knowing phase,” allows you to investigate possibilities and options.

Just as in the Bedrock chapter, where defining your purpose brings joy and confidence,

by giving your Career Development Plan a form, your dreams begin to unfold, and appear,

blossoming into unimagined options, further inspiring your joy and confidence.

“If you can be focused, clear, and remain open to all possibilities, you might be amazed.

There’s a certain magic that happens when honesty and clarity join hands.”

CYC Bedrock Chapter page XX

The foundational steps to initiating your CDP are to create three very different career

aims, design themes, and build strategies that will support your aims for today, this week,

this month, and throughout the year(s). As you grow and change, your life and career

aims may change. By remaining open to considering all opportunities that come your way,

something you had never thought of may appear and be perfect. This discovery process

is an abundant journey for those of you who know exactly what you want to do and those

who are still exploring. In either situation, it includes re-evaluation, planned and

unplanned changes, and tweaking at times. It is independent of whether you are

beginning your career, pivoting into a new career, searching for a new job, or exploring

the final chapter of your career. This process can enrich every step of your journey, not

just the outcome. It can change the entire trajectory of your career.

Before beginning, you may want to revisit your answers at the end of the Dream Weaving

and Bedrock chapters. Know that it is natural if many of your answers have changed or

expanded. You may also want to take an inventory of any serendipitous experiences and

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© 2018 Billingsly Associates, LLC All Rights Reserved

opportunities that have evolved since experimenting with The Power of Words and The
Fundamental 4. Learning to distinguish yourself through resume writing, communicating,
interviewing, networking, and other career building skills, you have set the stage for your
Career Development Plan framework.

Top Three Career Aims

These are your big picture dreams for your career and life journey. They are not the next step

on your path, or something that you will attain quickly from the perspective of your entire career.

For example, securing an internship, is only part of a top career aim to join a multinational

company in your preferred industry(s), be accepted into their Leadership Development Program,

and through succession planning be promoted into a senior management role. You may be

inspired to expand the internal promotion to the CEO role, and include the path to CEO in other

companies, as Brad discusses below. On the other hand, one of your career strategies may be

to create an entrepreneurial portfolio in preparation of owning your own business someday. See

Jen’s delightful empowering experience in creating her career aims below.

Career Aims are a result of dreaming big. Create a minimum of three different career

aims with emphasis that each is significantly unique to you. Stretch your mind to ensure

each is not a mirror image of another. As you gain various work-life experiences, re-

evaluate and update your CDP, since your career aims may easily shift or change. You

can see below how both Anna F. and Anna P. experienced this while creating their first


Before you explore the CYC Alumni successes and experiences, here are some

guidelines to consider while creating your Top Three Career Aims:

▪ Some favorite general career aims are: (1) Creating and maintaining work/life

balance, (2) Building an entrepreneurial portfolio in preparation to becoming self-

employed, (3) Starting a company, (4) Upward mobility in a company or industry,

(5) Corporate or management consulting, (5) Teaching, (6) Pivoting into

something completely new and different like the engineer who wants to become

a nurse, or the human resource executive who wants to change industries.

▪ Even if you know that you want to pursue an accounting career, there are so

many different options that may be part of your dreams: (1) to become an audit

partner in one of the big 4 accounting firms, (2) upward mobility in corporate

accounting, (3) to become a CFO of a non-profit organization, (4) to have your

own accounting firm in 15 years or less, or (5) to teach accounting fulltime, part-

time or as a volunteer.

▪ The key to creating a career aim is to describe each one from a global perspective

with as much detail as you can. Following the accountant theme, see the

difference in the two ways the same career aim is presented:

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 I aim to become an accountant in an accounting firm.

 I aim to join a regional or national accounting firm committed to

professional development and offers upward mobility into an audit

partner role within 15 years or less.

Which career aim has more focus and flexibility at the same time? It’s okay to be

general if you are not ready to be specific, as you paint the pictures of your aims

and dreams.

▪ Be careful to not confuse a career strategy with a career aim. While more detail

regarding strategies follows, here is an example, based upon the accounting


 I aim to get my CPA one year after receiving my undergraduate degree.

This example is not a career aim, it is a strategy within a professional

development/continuing education career building theme.

 I aim to join a national accounting firm with a strong commitment to

professional development, continuing education, mentoring and upward

mobility into a Partner level role. This is an excellent career aim.

▪ The beauty of your career aims going forward is that they all can happen along

your journey, and in some cases concurrently. As you update and work with your

CDP, new career aims, which fit perfectly for you, can appear instantaneously! In

the above example, many times clients ask their accounting firms’ consultants to

join their organization. Thus, many young accounting firm consultants’ careers

have changed overnight. Many have eventually become CFOs, and maximized

their career options; later returning to consulting or private equity.

Top Three Career Building Themes and Long-Term Strategies

It is now time to select three career building themes to support your top three career aims. As

they evolve, your themes will each be supported by multiple active and some passive

strategies. This is where your creativity infiltrates your themes and strategies, allowing your

unique CDP to take shape. As no two careers or lives are the same, no two individual’s CDPs

are the same.

Designing Career Building Themes

After reviewing your answers to the 2X Active Strategies listed in The Journey, Chapter 13, of

Chart Your Course, ask yourself, are there themes that support your top three career aims?

During every class or coaching session, new themes are created and tailored to the individual.

For purposes of demonstration, here are some themes students and professionals have found


▪ Being a Lifelong Learner

▪ Seeking Internal and External Upward Mobility

▪ Creating Work Life Balance

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▪ Designing an Entrepreneurial Portfolio

Again, as you review your answers in The Journey, what strategies appealed to you? What

strategies support your top three themes? Can you create new strategies to support your

themes? How can you integrate networking into all strategies? These and more questions will

come to mind as you begin. Getting started is the key. As with all new ventures, you do not need

to know all the answers or how-to steps before you begin. Being as clear as possible on “what”

you want to do, the “how to steps” have an interesting way of appearing. It is not like fitting jigsaw

puzzle pieces into place. It is like drawing your own picture and cutting out your own puzzle

pieces; and then interlocking them together over time. This is a creative process that requires

curiosity, research, persistence and dedication.

Constructing Career Building Strategies

To assist you in this part of the work, we will expand upon the above career building themes

and select long-term strategies that will support your themes. Your CDP will have a minimum

of 80% active strategies, and no more than 20% passive; with networking integrated into all of

your active strategies.

Since “Being a Lifelong Learner” is a popular theme for many, begin by selecting active long-

term strategies that support this theme:

• Career Building Theme: Being a Lifelong Learner

▪ LT Strategy #1: Choose – Mentorship and Coaching

▪ LT Strategy #2: Explore and Develop – Hard, Soft and Transferable Skills

▪ LT Strategy #3: Engage – Professional Development and Association Resources

▪ LT Strategy #4: Discover – Continuing Education Options

▪ LT Strategy #5: Publish – in Professional Journals, Periodicals, or Online

▪ LT Strategy #6: Speak – at Conferences or through various online options

▪ LT Strategy #7: Create – Step Outside the Box

Select a minimum of three strategies for each theme and be willing to commit 1-3 years or

longer to working each strategy. This includes creating your “designer” strategies noted in CYC

Strategy #21: Be Creative – Step Outside the Box. If during your annual CDP review, you find

that a strategy is not working for you, explore your options. What can you do to learn from your

experience? What can be done to rework the strategy? Is it time to discard the strategy and

replace it with something new?

Integrating Networking into all Strategies

Networking is key to the success of all career building strategies, themes and ultimately your

career aims. After reading Networking Gems, and creating or refining your CNC, you have

gained a newly expanded frame of reference regarding the value of networking. Networking is

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a lifelong building block to professional and personal happiness and success. Integrated into

your CDP, you can experiment with it first-hand and discover the career-transforming results.

Remember that all your active strategies will have networking built in. To illustrate this point,

let’s continue with the previously mentioned Career Building Theme of Being a Lifelong Learner,

and the selected long-term active strategies.

• Career Building Theme: Being a Lifelong Learner

▪ LT Strategy #1: Choose Mentorship and Coaching

 Share your CDP with your mentor asking for constructive feedback.

 What recommendations does your mentor have to stretch further and

hold yourself accountable? Or do you need to perhaps stretch less?

▪ LT Strategy #2: Explore and Develop Hard, Soft and Transferable Skills

 Add your hard, soft and transferable skills inventory from Chapter 6 to

your CDP and create a “wish list” of skills.

 Research profiles of successful professionals that have your “wish list” of

skills and are serving now in the positions of your dreams. Be bold and

arrange for exploratory meetings or calls with them.

▪ LT Strategy #3: Engage – Professional Development and Association Resources

 Get to know board members and senior leadership by researching their

profiles, asking them about their path to success, and how they balanced

these time commitments with work and family.

 Volunteer to assist and serve in all levels of leadership roles.

▪ LT Strategy #4: Discover – Continuing Education Options

 Network with alumni, professional colleagues and others who have

attained the degrees and certifications that you aspire to. What did they

find most valuable? What were their lessons learned?

 Create your own criteria for decision making as you listen and learn.

▪ LT Strategy #5: Publish – in Professional Journals, Periodicals, or Online

 Who in your network is published and what can you learn from their


 Who may have produced a Podcast?

▪ LT Strategy #6: Speak – at Conferences

 Join a club like Toastmasters

 Seek opportunities at association meetings

▪ LT Strategy #7: Create – Step Outside the Box

 Shadow someone in your network for a day

 Ask to spend a few days in another role in your organization

 Learn how information is gathered or used in up or downstream

departments that you rely upon or feed

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The Art of Tailoring Strategies

As you begin to organize your career aims, themes and strategies, many find the CDP Excel

file at the end of this chapter a good start to customizing your own CDP. There is a worksheet

for your Statement of Purpose and CNC. Each of your three themes and supporting strategies

have a separate worksheet. It is recommended that you write out each strategy in your own

words. They may or may not mirror what is in The Journey chapter, and that is perfectly fine.

There is additional value to using your own words and phrases that come from your heart.

The next step is to determine individual implementation plans for each strategy. The more

detail, even if based on simplicity, provides keys for actionable efforts on your part. As you step

by step design the implementation plans, new and different ideas will come to mind. Think of

this part of the process as if it were a strategic plan you were creating for your business, boss

or professor. For each of your strategies, begin with at least an outline for the Implementation

Plan and add detail as you go forward. Brainstorming and answering the who, what, when,

where and how-to questions can provide a nice kick start. Also consider for each strategy:

o Implementation Plan

o Reasonable and flexible timeframes

o Ways to hold yourself accountable

o List additional resources

o Utilization of tools

o Necessary training

o Certifications required

o Other required support

o Process for re-evaluation

o Next Steps

As your detailed implementation plan evolves, with a conscious effort, you will find ways to

naturally integrate it into your daily, weekly monthly calendar and life. The details are most

important. Holding yourself accountable is key for all. Continual re-evaluation, discussions with

your mentor, and tweaking are the secret sauce. Once you begin this process with dedication,

serendipitous people and ideas may come into your life. You are constantly growing in

partnership with your CDP. Keeping this partnership as a top priority can result in a very

powerful force inspiring multiple next steps along the way. A CDP stuck on a shelf or in a file

will be limited. Initiating and then dropping your efforts is like planting a seed, not watering it,

putting it by the window and hoping the rainwater on the other side will come through the

window “pain.” Other than in the case of a hurricane or burglar, the rain will remain on the other


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CYC is about being proactive. Your CDP is also proactive, flexible, and organic. It truly takes

on a life of its own as you continue to feed and nurture it. Remember to balance and blend

your “to dos” with your work style. By placing as much value on your CDP as you do your work

or school projects, integrating The Fundamental 4 throughout your career, incredible

opportunities can come your way. Although we are only halfway through describing this

navigation process. Get ready now to explore what this all means on a daily, weekly, and

monthly basis. Experience the big picture of giving, receiving, balancing and more!

Finding the Treasure

“In a way you’ve already won in this world because you’re the only one who can
be you.”
Fred Rogers
Top 3 Career Aims and Strategies Excerpt for HBS 211
Unedited Version for 2
Edition of CYC 11/23/2020

© 2018 Billingsly Associates, LLC All Rights Reserved

Top 3 Career Aims and Strategies Guidelines and Examples

Getting Started

Hats off to you as you begin this phase of your journey, whether you know or are
undecided about what you want to do next. Either way, embracing this process can
provide guidance, support, and inspiration for your path ahead. Whether you are certain
or still exploring what you want to do, remember there is great value in replacing, “I don’t
know what I want to do,” with “I am exploring what I want to do,” or “I am investigating
what I want to do,” rather than repeating the old words. This is your opportunity to remain
curious, experiment, explore, and discover every step of your journey! Being okay with
the temporary “not-knowing phase,” allows you to investigate possibilities and options.
Just as in the Bedrock chapter, where defining your purpose brings joy and confidence,
by giving your Career Development Plan a form, your dreams begin to unfold, and appear,
blossoming into unimagined options, further inspiring your joy and confidence.

“If you can be focused, clear, and remain open to all possibilities, you might be amazed.
There’s a certain magic that happens when honesty and clarity join hands.”
CYC Bedrock Chapter page XX

The foundational steps to initiating your CDP are to create three very different career
aims, design themes, and build strategies that will support your aims for today, this week,
this month, and throughout the year(s). As you grow and change, your life and career
aims may change. By remaining open to considering all opportunities that come your way,
something you had never thought of may appear and be perfect. This discovery process
is an abundant journey for those of you who know exactly what you want to do and those
who are still exploring. In either situation, it includes re-evaluation, planned and
unplanned changes, and tweaking at times. It is independent of whether you are
beginning your career, pivoting into a new career, searching for a new job, or exploring
the final chapter of your career. This process can enrich every step of your journey, not
just the outcome. It can change the entire trajectory of your career.

Before beginning, you may want to revisit your answers at the end of the Dream Weaving
and Bedrock chapters. Know that it is natural if many of your answers have changed or
expanded. You may also want to take an inventory of any serendipitous experiences and

The Journey

CYC Chapter 13

Page 2 of 9 The Journey, Chapter 13

Target Company


Network Contact





































CYC Strategy #3


CREATE a Target Company List – Your “Wish List”

CYC Strategy #4

EXPAND Industry Preferences and EXPLORE Transferable Skills


Make a list of your industry “wish list.” Even if you’ve been in the same industry for many years, list at least two other industries you’re interested in exploring.


List your transferable skills that traverse your industry selections. Include both hard and soft transferable skills.

Hard Transferable Skills

Soft Transferable Skills


What are some hard or soft transferable skills that you would like to develop in order to change industries? These could include an additional degree, certification, learning a foreign language, leadership development, or public speaking training.

CYC Strategy #5

ENGAGE – Professional Associations and their Resources


List the professional organizations to which you belong. Put a checkmark if you perform any leadership roles, have certifications, are involved in mentoring, and if you have future interests.

Professional Organization

Leadership Roles



Future Interests


List the professional organizations that you are interested in joining and what next steps are required to be a member. Put a check in the margin beside the name if you aspire for a leadership, mentorship, or other role.

Professional Organization

Next Steps required to become a member

CYC Strategy #6

EXPLORE – Internships, and Graduate, Research, and Program Assistantships


Make a list of companies or organizations where you would like to do an internship. Put a checkmark beside each name after you’ve investigated next steps. If you are well into your career, make a list of continuing education courses or internships that sound interesting. Put a checkmark beside each one after you’ve investigated what the next steps would be.

CYC Strategy #8

PUBLISH – in Professional Journals, Periodicals, or Online


What types of online or hard copy reading do you do? Do you read daily, weekly, monthly, or hardly ever? List your professional and personal choices, journals, and social media. Also include names of those you’d like to add to your reading list. Put a checkmark beside any you would like to eliminate. Circle the ones you have found to be of greatest value. What did this exercise tell you about your priorities and your work/life balance?

____ Read___________

Books, Journals, Social Media





List your published articles, blogs, books, and your speaking engagements. Put a checkmark by the ones that are represented online when you do a search.

Written Articles, Blogs, Books, Other

Speaking Engagements


List some topics on which you would like to write an article, blog, or book. Begin a computer or paper file as a repository for your ideas. Add the date you aim to complete your first written piece and submit it for publication.

Target Date Aim to Target Date Aim to

Topic Complete Draft Submit for Publication


Send your favorite author(s) a note. With minimal research you can find their contact information, even if you end up sending the note to their publisher. List below the names of your favorite authors. Put a checkmark beside them when you’ve mailed your note, and another checkmark if you receive a response.


Search yourself online and note your findings. Do this at least once a month to be aware of what others are seeing. This could be the first impression you make with a future employer. List what you can do to increase your visibility through writing, speaking, or other activities and add the date.

Online Search Notes as of ___________


Aim to Increase Visibility:

CYC Strategy #9

BUILD – Relationships with Search Firms


Research search firms by size and specialties and select ten that interest you. Include the contact’s name who introduced or referred you.

Search Firm Intro/Referral/Contact

CYC Strategy #10

VOLUNTEER – Community/National Associations


List the community organizations that you have been involved with over the past 5 years. Also begin a “wish list” of organizations you are interested in joining.

Active Community Organizations

“Wish List” Community Organizations

CYC Strategy #11

VOLUNTEER – for the Joy of it


List the volunteer organizations that you support with your time, money, or both. Which ones are you most passionate about and do you have a “wish list” of those you would like to assist?

Volunteer with______

Volunteer Organization





“Wish List” to Join


Do you enjoy one of your volunteer organizations so much that you dream of working there in a full-time paying role? If so, what would that role look like and what would you do?

CYC Strategy #12

OPTIMIZE – Social Networking; e.g. LinkedIn


How do you currently use what is offered by LinkedIn? What has been most valuable? How many hours weekly are you willing to invest in order to bring your page up to speed?

I commit to spending _______ hours each week in order to optimize my presence on LinkedIn.

CYC Strategy #14

UTILIZE – Career Placement Office Resources


When did you last visit your career placement office? If you have graduated, when did you last contact your alumni association? What tools and resources have you found most beneficial from these organizations? If you have multiple degrees from different universities, do you have current contact information for some of your professors, mentors, administrators, or others?

Fill in the answers to the following questions:



Date of Last Visit

Tools & Resources Gathered

Career Placement Office

Alumni Association



Date of Last Visit

Tools & Resources Gathered

Career Placement Office

Alumni Association

CYC Strategy #15

MATCH – Target Companies where Employed Family Members, Friends, and Colleagues Work


Make a list of your VIPs that are already working with your target companies in order to inquire about employee referrals. Feel free to include companies that sound interesting that may not have been on your original target list.

Target Company


Referred Contact/Position


Next Steps:





Next Steps:





Next Steps:





Next Steps:




Next Steps:





Next Steps:


CYC Strategy #17

NETWORK – with Those Searching for a Job


Make a list of fellow job seekers. Also make a list of those who may be considering upward mobility inside or outside their companies.

Active Job Seekers Inactive Potential Job Seekers


Research online and in-person job seeker groups to see what they’re offering. List the top five resources for both online and local groups.

Virtual Job Seeker’s Groups Local In-Person Job Seeker’s Groups

CYC Strategy #18

CONTACT – Your Employed Peers


Write down one or more employed peers you admire and respect, but haven’t met as yet. In this example, your peer is someone who has a similar role as your most recent or current role. If you’re at the beginning of your career and haven’t met your peers in other companies, write down the name of someone who is in a position you aspire to achieve. Now, reach out in an email with attached resume or handwritten note and request a 15-minute phone call. This brief introduction enables them to pass on referrals. Put a checkmark beside their name when completed.

CYC Strategy #19

ASK – How They Found their Positions


Speak to at least three people over the next week and ask them how they found their job. Write down their stories and recommendations. Continue this practice informally as often as you would like.




CYC Strategy #20

WORK – with or Hire an Outplacement Coach or Firm


Search online for outplacement firms by location, size, and specialty. Review their websites for new resources and tools. Make note of your insights and new ideas.


CYC Strategy #21

BE CREATIVE – Step Outside the Box


As you experiment and tailor the above strategies to your career, listen to your creative ideas and expand this list. The strategies in this chapter are meant to stimulate ideas for your own “designer” strategies. Share your ideas with your CYC group, mentor, coach, or trusted advisors. Allow your individual talents and creativity to guide you in adding your own unique touch to your career building experiences. As an example, some create clever computer-designed thank-you cards, while others use beautiful personalized hand calligraphy for addressing envelopes. Being creative and stepping outside the box will assist you as you personalize and expand your career-building strategies.

Creative Ideas:

CYC Strategy #22

EVALUATE – Winning Strategies

Questions and Exercises for Inquiry as You Travel on Your Journey


List your career or life experiences where you experienced a surprising gift after much effort and dedication. Perhaps you received an amazing job, a promotion, were on a state champion team, or placed in an art show.


What tools help you to persevere in times of challenge as you proceed on your journey?


List the hard or soft skills that have assisted you during challenging times. These could include stamina, resilience, work ethic, organizational abilities, technical savvy, and more. Put an “H” beside the hard skills and an “S” beside the soft skills. If you’d like to further develop any of these skills, put a checkmark beside them.


Describe a “high-class opportunity” you have had in your career or in life. As a reminder, this is when you have had two or more great opportunities given to you simultaneously and the challenge was which one to select.


What are your personally unique strategies that you feel inspired to begin today?


What ideas for new strategies do you have that require you to begin additional research and efforts today?


Of these strategies, list what new hard and/or soft skills you are required to attain in order to implement them.


List the strategy numbers (e.g., #12 or #19) that are unappealing or uncomfortable and include what’s causing your assessment. For example, perhaps you’d be embarrassed, or they’re too time-consuming, or you may not feel experienced enough to be successful.


What new skills could you learn that would diminish the discomfort just mentioned?


List the most appealing top three strategies in this chapter that you want to initiate first.


What strategies can you commit to integrating into your daily work life and career development? Networking is strongly recommended as one of your top three. Revisit this answer periodically for additional insight and potential course correction.

© Billingsly Associates, LLC All Rights Reserved

This copyrighted material is authorized for use to all purchasers of the original book, “Chart Your Course, An Uncommon Approach to Career Building.”

© Billingsly Associates, LLC All Rights Reserved
This copyrighted material is authorized for use to all purchasers of the original book, “Chart Your Course, An Uncommon Approach to Career Building.”

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