Capstone Research Companion

Attention Wizard Kim. 

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     Please pay attention to her questions and instructions, the Journal 1 wasn’t good but I am cool with that. 88/110. Be care with her crazy questions and how she want it. We are almost done with her. She said refer back to Journal 1 and Prepare the log. 

Week 7 discussion: Practicum Project  Progress check  3 pages.

Week 7 Assignment: Journal 2 ( 3 pages) 

Week 7: Capstone Synthesis Practicum

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Practicum Project Progress

The Practicum Project is a defining achievement of your work in the nurse executive track of the MSN program. To successfully complete the Practicum Project requirements, you must devote time and attention to evaluating your progress and addressing any concerns that arise during implementation.

1. In this week’s optional Discussion, you have the opportunity to consult and collaborate with your colleagues about the progress of your Practicum Project. You are encouraged to use this occasion to address any questions or concerns you have encountered and to learn from others about how they are facilitating their projects.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Apply scholarly literature related to health care issues or problems in practicum settings

· Analyze practicum experiences in the context of a nurse executive role

· Evaluate the application of theory as it relates to the practicum or practice experience

· Formulate solutions to authentic problems in health care settings

Learning Resources

Jasper, M. & Mooney, G. P. (2013). Reflective writing for professional development. In M. Jasper, M. Rosser, & G. P. (Eds.), Professional development reflecting and decision-making in nursing and health care (2nd ed., pp. 83-108). John Wiley & Sons.

Discussion Part ( 2 pages)

Practicum Project Progress Check

Consider the following scenario:

When Maria created her Practicum Project Plan, she thought she would have plenty of time to work on it after approval. However, she was not nearly as far along with her Practicum Project as she had expected, due to scheduling difficulties with her Preceptor over the past couple of weeks. She knew that she had limited time to finish her project, and she was starting to feel nervous. Was there some aspect of her plan that could be adjusted given these constraints? Alternatively, would she and her Preceptor be able to adjust her practicum hours in the next 2 weeks to give her the time she needed?

Photo Credit: Andrey Popov –

Is Maria’s experience similar to yours? In Week 5, you submitted your Practicum Project Plan. How has the implementation of your project progressed since you received approval of your plan? Have you been able to adhere to your timeline?

This Discussion allows you to assess the progress made on your Practicum Project. It is not required, and you will not receive a grade for your participation. However, you may find the interaction with colleagues beneficial, particularly if working through any challenges or roadblocks to project implementation.

To prepare for this Discussion:

· Reflect on the goal and objectives you identified in your Practicum Project Plan.

· Evaluate your progress toward achieving your Practicum Project goal and objectives. Consider the following questions:

· How have specific activities helped you to meet your Practicum Project goal and objectives?

· If you are not satisfied with your progress toward meeting your goal and objectives, what will you do to ensure you accomplish them before the end of this practicum? How will you revise your project timeline?

· What challenges or unexpected opportunities have arisen at your practicum site?

· Consider what the next few weeks may entail in terms of your Practicum Project. Do you anticipate any challenges? If so, how will you mitigate or manage those challenges?

· Conduct a literature search and locate two or more articles that relate to your Practicum Project. As you read these articles, consider how you can apply insights to your project.

By Day 3

2. Post an assessment of your progress toward achieving your Practicum Project goal and objectives. Evaluate how your involvement in specific activities has contributed to your progress. Explain what you will do to make sure you accomplish your goal and objectives by the end of this practicum. Summarize obstacles or unexpected opportunities that have arisen, as well as any challenges that you anticipate may arise. Explain how you will mitigate or manage those challenges. Share insights from the literature that relate to your project.

Note: To provide sufficient time for dialogue and support, you are encouraged to post on or before Day 3.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to your colleagues using one or more of the following approaches:

· Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.

· Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting, synthesizing the information to provide a new perspective.

· Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Submission and Grading Information

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 7 Discussion

Journal Assignment (APA format 7th ed) 5 pages.

Practicum Journal Entry 2 (Students elaborate more on the bulleted area.

Your second journal entry provides another opportunity for active reflection—consideration, engagement, and application. You may notice that the prompts repeat from your first journal. This is deliberate, designed to foster reflection and iteration. Your perspective, focused as it is on the practical experience found at a dynamic institution, may shift. Or, you may find evidence to support a concept or theory you have applied or intend to apply.

To prepare:

· Reflect on your practicum experiences in Weeks 4–7.

· Think about the evidence, concepts, and/or theories learned throughout this program and your nurse executive specialization.

· Analyze a problem, issue, or situation that you have observed during your practicum experience.

· Using a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources of evidence, consider what you have observed within the context of your specialty using appropriate concepts, principles, and theories. Give special attention to observed events that vary from the scholarly literature.

· Including personal communications from leaders in healthcare administration is acceptable; however, this does not replace the requirement for three peer-reviewed sources of evidence.

· Determine the degree to which the problem, situation, or issue was addressed in a manner consistent with the theory, concepts, and principles detailed in the evidence.

· Given the various evidence-based approaches that can be used in addressing the observed problem, situation, or issue, think about a plan for approaching the matter differently.

To complete Practicum Journal Entry 2:

· Open your saved Practicum Experience Journal, which should already include your Journal 1 entry.

· In the Journal 2 area of the document, write a 250- to 300-word entry in which you do the following:

· Document specific objective(s) for the specific time frame.

· Describe a problem, issue, or situation that you have observed during your practicum experience (no more than half a page).

· Using no fewer than three peer-reviewed sources of evidence, analyze what you have observed within the context of your specialty using appropriate concepts, principles, and theories. Give special attention to observed events that vary from scholarly literature.

· Explain the degree to which the problem, situation, or issue was addressed in a manner that is consistent with the theory, concepts, and principles detailed in the evidence.

· Given the various evidence-based approaches that can be used in addressing the problem, situation, or issue, formulate a plan for approaching the matter differently.

· Include APA-formatted references immediately following the content.

By Day 7

Submit Practicum Journal Entry 2.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK7Journal+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.

Click the Week 7 Journal Assignment Rubric to review the

Grading Criteria

for the Assignment.

Click the Week 7 Journal Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.

Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK7Journal+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.

If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.

Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 7 Journal Assignment 2 Rubric

Submit Your Journal Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Journal: Week 7 Journal Assignment

Practicum Time Log

Remember to consistently document your practicum hours in Meditrek using the following website:

HSoft Corporation. (n.d.). Meditrek.

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