Capstone Reflective Journal

Please include a narrative of the following criteria, as this pertains to your knowledge, skills, and attitudes gleaned from this Capstone Course. In addition, a short narrative summary of your educational experience in the RN-BSN program will assist in providing feedback for future curricular revision. Using the personal pronoun “I” is expected when writing a self-reflection within a reflective journal.

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Please include:

  • Description of experiences and accomplishments
  • Evaluate personal and professional growth
  • Evaluate experiences with collaborating with RN facilitator
  • Evaluate growth as life-long learner
  • Evaluate professional role as change agent




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Not Acceptable

Criterion Score

Title Slide: Title of project, your name, EBP Proposal site

1 point

All three items clearly stated.

0.66 points

Two items included.


3 points

Only one item present.

0 points

All items missing

/ 1

Significance of the problem and PICO(T) Question

1 point

Clear and complete on slide content.

0.66 points

Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.

0.33 points

Unclear from the slide content.

0 points

Not addressed or discussed.

/ 1

Evidence Review

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1

Plan for Implementation

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1

Plan for Evaluation

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1

Conclusion and Recommendations

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1


1 point

All references included and in proper APA format

0.66 points

All references included with minimal APA error.

0.33 points

Incomplete references or major APA errors.

0 points

No attempt to include references or use APA.

/ 1

PowerPoint Layout and Slides

3 points

Slide layout is visually appealing. Pictures or graphics do not distract reader from the content. Slides are not excessively wordy. No grammar or spelling issues.

2 points

Slide layout is visually appealing but pictures or graphics may distract reader slightly. Slides may be wordier than recommended. Minor grammar or spelling issues that do not distract the reader.

1 point

One of the following: Slide layout is not visually appealing. Pictures or graphics distract reader. Slides crowded with words. Grammar or spelling issues that distract the reader.

0 points

More than one of the following: Slide layout is not visually appealing. Pictures or graphics distract reader. Slides crowded with words. Grammar or spelling issues that distract the reader.

/ 3





Not Acceptable

Criterion Score

Title Slide: Title of project, your name, EBP Proposal site

1 point

All three items clearly stated.

0.66 points

Two items included.


3 points

Only one item present.

0 points

All items missing

/ 1

Significance of the problem and PICO(T) Question

1 point

Clear and complete on slide content.

0.66 points

Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.

0.33 points

Unclear from the slide content.

0 points

Not addressed or discussed.

/ 1

Evidence Review

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1

Plan for Implementation

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1

Plan for Evaluation

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1

Conclusion and Recommendations

1 point
Clear and complete on slide content.
0.66 points
Discussion with some detail lacking on slide content.
0.33 points
Unclear from the slide content.
0 points
Not addressed or discussed.
/ 1


1 point

All references included and in proper APA format

0.66 points

All references included with minimal APA error.

0.33 points

Incomplete references or major APA errors.

0 points

No attempt to include references or use APA.

/ 1

PowerPoint Layout and Slides

3 points

Slide layout is visually appealing. Pictures or graphics do not distract reader from the content. Slides are not excessively wordy. No grammar or spelling issues.

2 points

Slide layout is visually appealing but pictures or graphics may distract reader slightly. Slides may be wordier than recommended. Minor grammar or spelling issues that do not distract the reader.

1 point

One of the following: Slide layout is not visually appealing. Pictures or graphics distract reader. Slides crowded with words. Grammar or spelling issues that distract the reader.

0 points

More than one of the following: Slide layout is not visually appealing. Pictures or graphics distract reader. Slides crowded with words. Grammar or spelling issues that distract the reader.

/ 3

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