Capstone Project Part I: The Fundamentals


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Project Part I: The Fundamentals

The fundamentals of a strategic plan include the core values, mission, and vision which represent the organizational identification (ID). Your Assignment this week requires you to develop the organizational ID for your chosen Capstone Project agency, organization, or community.

To prepare:

· Review Final Project: Developing a Strategic Plan –Part 1: The Fundamentals media in the Weekly Resources.

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· To prepare for this Assignment, review your Discussion 2 post from Week 1. Research the core values, mission, and vision of your selected agency, organization, or community.

· In addition, consider the key stakeholders involved with the agency, both internally and externally, including other professions.

· Consider whether this agency addresses or supports the mental health and welfare or human rights of individuals.

By Day 7

The Assignment (3–4 pages):

For this Assignment, perform the following:

1. Identify and describe the core values of the agency.

a. Discuss the degree to which those core values are aligned with advocacy, leadership, or social change.

b. State how those core values contribute to the well-being of individuals, groups, societies, or international communities.

2. Identify and describe the mission of the agency, organization, or community.

a. Evaluate whether the mission statement is aligned with the core values of the agency, organization, etc.

b. Describe whether the mission statement promotes advocacy, leadership, or social change.

c. Discuss whether the mission statement provides evidence of how the agency/organization contributes to the well-being of individuals, groups, societies, or international communities.

3. Identify and describe the vision of the agency.

a. Evaluate whether the vision is aligned with the core values of the agency, organization, etc.

b. Describe whether the vision promotes advocacy, leadership, or social change.

c. Discuss whether the vision provides evidence of how the agency/organization contributes to the well-being of individuals, groups, societies, or international communities.

4. Identify and describe key stakeholders involved with the agency.

a. Discuss whether each stakeholder is internal or external to the agency/organization.

b. Describe the role each stakeholder has in the organization (i.e., leadership, management, staff, recipient of services, etc.).

c. Discuss how each stakeholder can be an essential element for gathering information to develop the strategic plan.

Final Project: Developing a Strategic Plan –Part 1: The Fundamentals

Introduction to the Final Project Program Transcript

SANDRA HARRIS: Hi, I’m Dr. Sandra Harris. I wanted to talk to you about your final project. Your final project for this course will be to develop a strategic plan for an agency, organization, or community. This project will require you to integrate concepts, theories, and principles from courses taken during your human and social services program of study at Walden University. You must select a focus for developing the strategic plan. The strategic plan could be for an agency, organization, or community, which can be at the local, national, or international level. You may also select an agency, organization, or community from the interactive learning communities used throughout your program of study. You will complete four assignments related to the final project. Those four assignments are related to major aspects of a strategic plan, which consist of the following– the needs assessment, the fundamentals, the strategic issues, and the technical. You will find additional details regarding each assignment under the relevant course assignment link

Part 1: The Fundamentals Program Transcript [MUSIC PLAYING]

SANDRA HARRIS: Hi, I’m Dr. Sandra Harris. The first step to developing a strategic plan is conduct a needs assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to identify the resources, personnel, and services needed by the agency, organization, or community for which you will be developing the strategic plan. You were introduced to the concept of needs assessment in previous coursework. You may refer to those resources and tools you utilized as supporting resources for this assignment. Your assignment for this week is to develop the fundamentals for the strategic plan. The fundamentals of a strategic plan includes the core values, mission, and vision, which represent the organizational identification. For this assignment, you will establish the organizational identification for the agency, organization, or community you’ve selected for the strategic plan. If you need assistance, contact your faculty or review weekly resources for this assignment.

S.W.O.T. Analysis Program Transcript [MUSIC PLAYING]

SANDRA HARRIS: Hi, I’m Dr. Sandra Harris. This assignment requires you to address strategic issues for your strategic plan. This will be accomplished through a SWOT analysis. You will prepare a SWOT analysis, which describes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the agency, organization, or community for which you are developing the strategic plan. You will find additional instructions for this assignment in the weekly resources

Part 2: The Technical Elements Program Transcript

SANDRA HARRIS: Hi, I’m Dr. Sandra Harris. This assignment requires you to address technical elements of the strategic plan. The technical elements includes developing strategic goals, developing strategies for implementing goals, addressing issues of accountability, describing leading indicators of success, identifying performance targets, and developing action plans for each year of the strategic plan. You will find additional instructions for the assignment in the weekly resource

To prepare for this Assignment, review your Discussion 2 post from Week 1

I have chosen to do my Capstone Project on a national organization the United Way of Central Carolinas (UWCC). An organization that focuses on helping make measurable changes in communities through strengthening the cornerstones for a good quality of life with education, financial stability and health of every person in every community. The reason I chose to focus on (UWCC) is that it’s a local organization which provides nationwide assistance to every community and family which this is a passion for me if I can assist to lead anyone towards a better life. My strategic plan for this project will be to develop from the perspective of mainly on a social change level. The reason is UWCC deals with strengthening change and resolving issues with the help of partnerships with business, financial institutions, and government agencies which can lead to social change (United Way n.d).


About: United Way Worldwide. (n.d.). Retrieved September 04, 2020, from

References that can be used


About: United Way Worldwide. (n.d.). Retrieved September 04, 2020, from

Wronka, J. (2008). Preface. In Human rights and social justice: Social action and service for the helping and health professions (p. xix). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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