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In effort to help get your mind prepared and focus on selecting a topic/idea for your Proposal, you will have to find an article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study around a topic of your choice on a industry’s website that is focused on Information Technology/Systems, or related professional domains, (i.e. Data analysis/analytics, Business Analysis, Project Management, Business Architecture, etc..)

Suggested industry resources website:

  • The Institute for Critical      Infrastructure Technology (ICIT)
  • Business Analyst Times
  • Modern Analyst
  • Institute for      Operational Excellence
  • Gartner
  • TED
  • Global Knowledge

Once you find your topic/idea, you will have to answer the following questions in your response to this discussion:

Describe why you chose the topic/idea.

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Briefly describe the main points of the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study.

What are your thoughts/take ways about the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast, or case study.

Note: please add the link or a copy of the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study in your discussion entry.

Please read and understand this assignment to avoid back and forth

In effort to help get your mind prepared and focus on selecting a topic/idea for your Proposal, you will have to find an article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study around a topic of your choice on a industry’s website that is focused on Information Technology/Systems, or related professional domains, (i.e. Data analysis/analytics, Business Analysis, Project Management, Business Architecture, etc..)

Suggested industry resources website:


The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT)


Business Analyst Times


Modern Analyst



Institute for Operational Excellence






Global Knowledge

Once you find your topic/idea, you will have to answer the following questions in your response to this discussion:

Describe why you chose the topic/idea.

Briefly describe the main points of the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study.

What are your thoughts/take ways about the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast, or case study.

Note: please add the link or a copy of the article, white paper, on-demand Webinar, video, podcast or case study in your discussion entry.

Please read and understand this assignment to avoid back and forth

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