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In this project you will be bringing together all of the information that you have studied in the Technology Management program, including courses from the College of Business and general education coursework.  This is an upper level course and the final course in the Technology Management program, and in this project you will demonstrate your ability to integrate information ascertained from previous classes within a capstone project. The result of the project will be a strategic plan that should be of the quality that you could present to an employer.  I strongly encourage you to come into my office to view projects completed by other graduates of the Technology Management program and to ask any questions that you may have about this project.   

            Each of you should be thinking about an organization that you want to study for your capstone project.  This can be an existing business, company, or unit within a business or company; or it can be a company that you would like to start, or already own.  I would prefer that you choose an area of interest to you.  Relevancy to your interests is critical to your success in this project. You will need to get my approval for the organization.   If you need some suggestions or would like to have me help you choose an organization, please let me know.   

            There are two components to this capstone project, with different due dates. The project will comprise 60% of your final grade in the course, thus it is very important that you devote an adequate amount of time and thought to this project.  The first part of the project will be focused on the industry in which the company resides and the second part will focus on the organization and the strategic plan that you will be developing.

            For each part you will have one week to make revisions and to resubmit the paper after you receive comments and a grade.  You will need to check the gradebook to see when your grade is posted-it will generally take me at least a week and up to two weeks to complete grading all of the projects-I will notify the class when all grades have been posted. You will have the possibility of raising your grade on the part by half of the lost points.  So for example, if you received 110 out of

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on the first submission and choose to revise the document and resubmit it, you could receive an additional 20 points on the assignment for a final score of 130. Resubmission of the section is optional.  If a section is turned in late, a late penalty will apply and the option of resubmission will not be available. 

General Guidelines (these guidelines should be used for both parts of the project)

·        USE the HEADINGS that are noted in bold in the grading rubric to organize your paper.  This is very IMPORTANT, and will help ensure your success with this project. 

        Please take a look at the Capstone Example , as this will give you an idea of the level of detail and scholarship that this assignment will require.

·        Use the APA Style Manual 5th edition.  It is very important that you use the APA guidelines properly for referencing material both within the text and in the bibliography.  You may find the following website helpful, (Links to an external site.)

=   If you have questions please contact me.

·        Include a cover page, with your name.

·        Make sure that there are page numbers.

·        Include a table of contents.

·        Include a bibliography.

·        Points will be taken off for spelling and grammar errors. 

            The readings in the textbooks used in the Technology Management program should be referenced in this project. You should also access the online databases at EMU for information.  Another good source of information is the Wall Street Journal.  If you obtain a subscription you will be able to search their database for relevant information.  Crain’s Detroit Business is also a good source for local information and it can be found at (Links to an external site.)

.  In addition there are many industrial/business trade journals with information that you will find helpful.  It is absolutely critical that you learn to scan the relevant environment in which your business resides.  Information on almost any industry is posted somewhere daily.  With practice this will become second nature and it will enable you to be a better manager. 

Part I. Industry Analysis and Assessment 

In this section you should be looking at the big picture, the industry as a whole.  When conducting an industry assessment and analysis you need to take into account many factors, some of which are more salient than others, and all are dependent upon the business or industry.  I will use the grading rubric below to assess your grade on this part of the project. To receive full credit you should address all of the points noted in the grading rubric. 

 Grading Rubric: Part 1-Industry Analysis and Assessment


Possible Points

Points Given

Introduction-Name and brief description of organization and unit within organization that you will be analyzing.


Competitor Analysis-Include the names and a brief description of your organization’s primary competitors within this industry. What are the key similarities between your organization and your competitors (aside from the fact that you sell the same goods and/or deliver similar services). What are the key differences?


Economic Factors of the Industry-What is the size of the industry? How many firms are in this industry? How many people are employed in this industry? What is the annual revenue generated by the industry? How do the following economic factors affect this industry: interest rates, government funding, workforce preparation, risk of entry, funding sources, etc.?


Societal Impacts of the Industry-How does the industry impact society?  What are the benefits to society of this industry?  What are the possible repercussions of this business to society?


Political Environment of the Industry-What type of regulations/laws affect this industry and the employees in this industry?


Technologies Used in the Industry-What type of technologies are used in this industry? Give a brief description of 4-8 critical technologies. (Consider information management technologies, production and operation technologies, marketing technologies, financial management technologies, distribution technologies, risk analysis tools and technologies, etc.). Also discuss key technological changes that are taking place in the industry, and how these changes are and will be impacting the industry as a whole.


Ecological and Environmental Issues of the Industry-What are the ecological and environmental impacts of this industry? Is this a sustainable industry?


References- Was there adequate research done (minimum of five sources, most likely more will be necessary for adequate analysis)?




Spelling, grammar, and APA errors (-2 points for each error)




Hi All,
I just wanted to take a minute here and give everyone some tips for completing the capstone.
1) Review the student example I’ve uploaded. You can find this under ‘files’. This should give you a solid understanding of the level of detail and scholarship that this assignment requires.
2) Shoot for one page, double spaced, for every 10 points that a section is worth. This would mean the ‘technology’ section, for example, should be roughly five pages, the ‘environmental’ section would be a page and a half, etc.
3) Proofread. This should be professional paper that you would feel comfortable distributing to co-workers or to a management team. If your paper is riddled with improperly placed commas, misspellings, or strange interpretations of the rules for capitalization your grade will suffer. Do not ask me to proofread your paper before submitting it for grading; that’s your job.
4) Make sure you correctly cite all your sources. Refer to your APA manual if you’re unsure how to do this.
5) Feel free to email me any questions.
Prof Downs



Vision and Strategy

Running head: Vision and Strategy

Vision and Strategy for the Equipment Calibration Laboratory at Robert Bosch, LLC

Patrick Butler
Eastern Michigan University

Executive Summary

Virtually every quality standard in the world, including the Bosch Group’s own quality management systems manual, emphasizes the importance of equipment calibration. It also makes good engineering sense so a great deal of emphasis needs to be placed on complying with these requirements. Of course this adds to the cost of doing business, but the benefit of avoiding audit non-conformances, re-work of suspect tests, shipping non-conforming parts, and reporting inaccurate data far outweighs the cost of calibration.

There is much value in having confidence in your measurements especially considering the immense quantity and variety of measurements that Bosch makes on a daily basis. Ensuring accurate and valid data is an important part of product development and manufacturing. Therefore, it is imperative that the equipment calibration program remains effective while balancing the cost of quality. The management team at the Farmington Hills facility realized this back in 1996 when they decided to take ownership of their equipment calibration and develop that capability in-house. This has resulted in significant savings to the organization over the years.

Due to the fact that the workload has grown disproportionately to headcount, the calibration laboratory strayed away from the initial purpose it was formed—to effectively manage compliance to the relevant quality standards. The calibration laboratory must return to its roots and offer more services than simple calibration. With experienced metrologists and a powerful equipment database, the calibration laboratory is poised to supplement the organization’s risk management strategy in a way that minimizes total cost.

Table of Contents



Industry Analysis


Economic Factors

Societal Impact

Political Factors

Technologies Used

Ecological and Environmental Impact



Objectives and Purposes


SCOT Analysis


Organizational Structure


Geographic Range


Economic Structure


Strategic Plan


Project Management





Over 100 years ago, when Robert Bosch sold his first magneto in the United States, he formed what is now Robert Bosch, LLC, the North American subsidiary of the Bosch Group. Robert Bosch’s drive for quality excellence can be summed up in his statement regarding his products

It has always been an unbearable thought to me that someone could inspect one of my products and find it inferior in any way. For that reason I have constantly tried to produce products which withstand the closest scrutiny – products which prove themselves superior in every respect (Robert Bosch, 1918).

Building on Bosch’s scientific innovation and benevolent values, the organization has grown to be the world leader in automotive technology. Today the Bosch Group is a leading global manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology, consumer goods, and building technology. Over 270,000 employees generate almost $50 billion euro annually (Bosch, 2008).

Like any organization, Bosch has endured ever-changing quality standards to improve its products and processes. Many of these standards, such as MILSTD45662A, ISO9000, ISO/TS16949, as well as individual customer requirements have a common thread to ensure quality—equipment calibration must be performed in order to insure the quality, accuracy, and integrity of any measurement made. Lord William Thomas Kelvin, a 19th century physicist, can be quoted as saying, “to measure is to know” (Zapato, 2008). He also stated, “If you can not measure it, you can not improve it,” but I claim that if you do not measure accurately, then you know nothing (Zapato).

Calibration is what insures accurate measurements but what exactly is calibration? According to the Fluke Corporation’s definition, “calibration is the comparing of a measurement device (an unknown) against an equal or better standard (a known)” (1994, p. 3-4). This really breaks down to mean that calibration is the process that verifies a result displayed by a measurement device or generated by an output device is the correct or true number as established by a national laboratory. In the United States, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, commonly known as NIST, is the national standard laboratory that ensures traceability to an international system of units. Worldwide traceability is maintained by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France.

Although calibration can be performed just about anywhere, it is generally done in laboratories where environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity are monitored and controlled. Inside the laboratory you will find calibration technicians, calibration engineers, and/or metrologists performing a variety of measurement science activities. At Bosch’s North American headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan, there is such a laboratory. Their equipment calibration laboratory maintains a database of nearly 17,000 items. This provides many challenges for a small laboratory that consists of only four direct personnel performing over 5,500 calibrations per year and coordinating the outsourcing of at least 1,000 more.

Industry Analysis

Not only is the automotive industry highly dependant on the test and measurement industry, so are the aerospace, defense, and consumer electronics industries. Besides ensuring accuracy and uniformity in industrial measurements, calibration insures fairness in the marketplace. Whether it be for purchasing a gallon of gasoline, a pound of grapes, or paying your water bill, we are all subject to the effects of calibration. Because we are all so dependent on this activity, the need for calibration services is everlasting. With ever-advancing measurement technology the demand for calibration services will continue to rise.

The benefits of calibration have been realized since ancient times when the ancient Egyptians were able to build the great pyramids with incredible dimensional accuracy through the use of length standards called royal cubit masters. The commercial application of calibration is relatively young. In the United States, the need for standardization and calibration surfaced when more than 1,500 buildings burned to the ground in Baltimore, Maryland due to incompatibility of fire-hose couplings. Even though firefighters from neighboring states came to help, their efforts became futile when they could not connect their fire hoses. (Ost, 2000). Although the fire could not have been prevented with standardization, a lot more buildings could have been saved. Inevitably, this was an eye-opening event that proved the value of NIST as its investigations led to developing one standard to replace the more than 600 different fire-hose couplings in use. Traceable calibrations ensure the equipment used in manufacturing would produce the standardized products.

The United States Department of Defense created MIL-C-45662 as a standard document to enforce the calibration of devices used to qualify products that the military purchased. Eventually, this standard evolved into MIL-STD 45662 Calibration System Requirements in 1980. The purpose of the standard was to “provide requirements for the establishment and maintenance of a calibration system to control the accuracy of measuring and test equipment (M&TE) and measurement standards used to assure that supplies and services delivered to the Government comply with prescribed technical requirements” (2). Section 1.2 of the standard states that it “applies to all contracts under which the contractor uses M&TE or measurement standards” (1). This essentially made it impossible to do business with the government unless you had a calibration program in place. As a result, the commercial calibration industry really broke ground as organizations scrambled to find ways to get their equipment calibrated. Some developed internal laboratories; others outsourced their equipment to the original equipment manufacturer or third-party laboratory.

As the world evolved into a global economy, standards were developed in order to assure global acceptance of products. The evolution of ISO 9000 guidelines for developing a quality system included a section specific to test and measurement equipment. In 4:11 it stated that the “supplier shall identify, calibrate, and adjust all inspection, measuring, and test equipment…to nationally recognized standards.” This was the economic jolt the calibration service industry needed as compliance to the standard was becoming “a requirement for international competitiveness” (Evans, 2008). Now, even organizations not directly selling to the United States government were required to have their equipment calibrated. Standards continue to emerge while existing standards morph into new ones but one thing remains the same—calibrating equipment is essential to any quality system.

Whether calibrating a laser used for nanometer measurements in a semi-conductor production facility or an analog scale at the local grocery store, the calibration process employs the latest technologies. Because measurements are made to sub parts per millionth uncertainties, knowledge of electronics theory, statistical analysis, and fundamental physics is mandatory. The metrologist uses an array of tools to properly calibrate a device making this an extremely high-tech industry.

Economic Factors of the Industry

Measurement science has an enormous effect on the economy because measurements are always occurring. Approximately eighty percent of worldwide material trade is influenced by test and measurement through various regulations (NIST). The National Institute of Standards and Technology alone has a budget of nearly $1 billion that influences more than $7 trillion of the United States’ gross domestic product (NIST). According to the World Calibration Services Market, the test and measurement market earned revenues of $1.77 billion in 2006 and estimates this to reach $2.33 billion in 2013 (White, 2007).

Even as new measurement equipment hits the market, older devices still have usefulness. In fact, with a declining economic picture overall, businesses are reducing their capital budgets. This will in turn force organizations to further invest in their existing equipment. This is good news for calibration service providers as they will be called upon to keep older equipment in specification or even calibrate the equipment to tighter specifications for newer measurement applications.

Outsourcing equipment to various calibration service providers has its advantages. External laboratories are generally efficient and provide a reasonable turnaround time. They are especially suited to handle the calibration workload of individual organizations that do not have the resources to develop or workload to support their own in-house laboratory. However the economics work out, the cost of outsourcing must be weighed against the risk of having this vital function performed by someone else.

The benefits of having a laboratory on site are numerous. This is generally reserved for very large organizations that perform massive amounts of measurements thus having a considerable inventory of test and measurement equipment. The internal laboratory will typically have much faster turnaround times because they are located near the equipment. Internal laboratories have lower costs mainly because the profit from calibration is eliminated but also because there are fixed costs already built into handling the equipment. The largest benefit of internal calibration laboratories comes from the on-site measurement expertise. Trained metrologists are proficient in the proper use of measuring and test equipment. The experienced metrologist has the knowledge and understanding of measurement uncertainty, equipment specifications, and quality systems. More importantly, they are able to apply that information to the areas that matter most to the parent organization.

Test equipment manufacturers will have a calibration laboratory that is used to calibrate the equipment they produce before it leaves the factory. They often attempt to maximize utilization by providing commercial calibration services; however, they tend to be the most expensive source with the slowest cycle time. Their advantages include an inherent expertise with the equipment they manufacture and they have the ability to make major repairs at the time of calibration. Table 1 shows some typical calibration costs.

Table 1

Typical Calibration Prices




Internal lab cost

External lab cost

Manufacturer cost

Benchtop Multimeter




Handheld Multimeter




Function generator










Note: Internal cost was based on capital and labor cost at Robert Bosch, LLC based on $86/hr. Other costs were obtained by contacting vendors and manufacturers.

Outsourcing still adds an additional cost to the price of calibration that is not included in the figures listed in Table 1. This is the internal fixed cost of processing the item. Multiply the incredible savings by hundreds or even thousands of items that are calibrated annually and the total amount saved becomes staggering. Even with the significant savings, there are numerous factors to consider. First, since the most typical calibration standards can cost $50k to $100k, there must be sufficient workload to justify the capital investment. Secondly, the examples given are typical for a mature, internal laboratory with properly trained metrologists. It will take some time before these savings are realized; it can take even longer when rising interest rates reduce the organization’s purchasing power.

Societal Impacts of the Industry

Measurements are such an important part of our lives and calibration insures these measurements are accurate.


is one of the most fundamental measurements we rely on in society. Without calibration, it would be impossible to coordinate the world’s clocks. Imagine setting up a 9 am meeting only to find that every participant shows up at different time but all of their watches display 9 am when they get there. Without a universal agreement of time, there would be mass chaos. The National Institute of Standards and Technology operates an Internet time service that calibrates approximately 2.6 billion time measurement devices each day (NIST).

Although not always in a direct manner, society receives an incredible benefit from calibration services. On an airplane, the passengers’ lives are in the hands of the pilot; they depend on his skill. But, the pilot is entrusting that all of his gages indicate correctly. Imagine what would happen if the altimeter was not calibrated correctly and the plane’s instrumentation indicated that the plane was flying a few meters higher than it actually was flying. When the pilot attempted to land the airplane, it would hit the ground much sooner than anticipated. The result would be devastating.

Calibration plays an enormous role in commerce by ensuring the quantities or weights of goods bought and sold. When the cost of a gallon of gasoline eclipsed four dollars, many consumers started to question whether they were actually getting the amount of fuel that the gasoline pump displayed. In one instance a gas station owner was shorting his customers by 5% (Morath, 2007). In 2006, the State of Michigan levied $200,000 in fines for inaccurate gas pumps (Morath). Unfortunately, some gas station owners use calibration only to improve the quality of their pockets.

Political Factors of the Industry

Equipment calibration and its relation to politics can be seen by the various government agencies have a great deal of interest in the business of calibration. The United States Constitution empowers Congress with setting up standard weights and measures (US Constitution). In the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 covers the rules for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA protects the American population by regulating products that constitute 25% of the Gross National Product (Korn, 1998). The consequences of a breakdown in the processes that the FDA regulates would be catastrophic. As a result, the FDA is bound by specific requirements for equipment calibration. In the Code of Federal Regulations, 21CFR211.68 clearly states that equipment requires calibration if it is used in the process of manufacturing a drug product. This even includes ancillary functions where equipment is used for processing, holding, and packing the drug product. Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations has several other references that mandates test and measurement equipment be calibrated at regularly scheduled intervals.

Laboratory accreditation brings about the most political aspect of calibration in terms of corporate politics. ISO 9000 and similar standards focus on a system of quality where an organization is certified that it complies with its own policies, accreditation goes one step further; it addresses the issue of technical competency. “Laboratory accreditation is a process that provides customers of measurement services with assurance of the quality of the services provided” (Fluke, p. 29-3). As Roxanne Robinson of the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) mirthfully exclaims, you can be (ISO 9000) registered to make “cement life preservers” whereas (ISO/IEC 17025) accreditation would never allow such an activity to occur (NCSLI Meeting, 2008). This leads to a constant battle between certifying and accrediting agencies.

There is no doubt significant lobbying is occurring between various accrediting agencies such as A2LA and Laboratory Accreditation Bureau to incorporate accreditation into standards. The accreditation community achieved a major victory when the automotive quality standard published by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) published the international standard ISO/TS16949 that required accreditation for all external labs used for testing or calibration. The effect on measurement quality is certainly worth the additional cost.

Technologies Used in the Industry

Metrologists who work in calibration laboratories apply fundamental physics—length multiplied by mass—to calibrate a torque measurement device. When calibrating nanosecond, pulse-generating equipment, metrologists employ high-speed oscilloscopes capable of acquiring signals at billions of samples per second. Metrologists write sophisticated programming code that can control multiple calibration standards and the unit under test simultaneously to facilitate completely automated calibrations. However, no other technology used in a calibration laboratory comes close to that of the equipment calibration database.

The equipment calibration database is the heart of the calibration laboratory. Granted, a metrologist could not calibrate a single device without traceable standards and proper training; but, imagine not knowing what equipment required calibration; where it is located; what are the measurement specifications; when is it due for calibration; and so on. Modern equipment calibration databases include a host of features that organize and drive the workflow through the laboratory. Some basic features are:

· Complete inventory information such as manufacturer, model number, serial number, and description

· Equipment specifications that cover range of use and measurement accuracy

· Calibration history detailing date of calibration, calibration interval, when the next calibration is due, who performed the calibration

· Equipment location that tracks who has the equipment, who used it over its last calibration cycle, where it is physically located

· Complete customization of the user interface including field names, screen displays, password protection for levels of access

With technology improvements, more advanced features are desirable. The most common features include:

· Ability to incorporate bar-coding control of the equipment

· Automated systems that generate and send email reports

· Internet or Intranet based database access to calibration information

· ODBC compliance for communicating with other databases

Keeping track of equipment for calibration and general asset tracking can be a daunting task that falls into the calibration laboratory’s responsibility. Utilizing bar-coding technology is a very simple and efficient means of doing this. Every piece of equipment is assigned a unique identifier (usually numbers but can be letters or a combination of the two). This identifier gets printed on a label and affixed to the equipment. This now forms the link between the equipment and the information stored in the database. Whenever the equipment is scanned with a laser bar-code reader, information about that equipment can be retrieved. Barcodes boast speed by reading a label in milliseconds as opposed to several seconds typing the information manually. Because bar-code labels are nothing more than fonts, they are easily printed from common software applications. Further adding to their appeal is the price; labels can be printed for pennies a piece and a very suitable bar-code reader can be obtained for under $200. Although, wireless bar-code readers that communicate with the database or host computer remotely can cost considerably more.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is on the heels of bar-coding. It provides another means to track equipment but boasts even faster speed, non line-of-site reading, and higher throughput. However, the cost is still much more than bar-codes even though the price has been dropping steadily. The basic technology behind RFID is that a tiny microchip is embedded or attached to an object. The microchip acts as a transmitter sending information to a receiver about what the device is by sending its unique identifier code. While this technology could certainly help large organizations keep track of their inventory and reduce costs associated with locating equipment, there is not much use for it in the calibration lab. After all, the calibration process requires having physical control of the equipment already.

Most manufactures of test and measurement equipment make a claim that their equipment will meet its specifications over a period of one year, thus creating the calibration interval—the time period between calibrations. One of the more popular trends used in calibration laboratories is interval analysis. Using various statistical techniques and factoring in a devices’ history and usage the calibration interval is evaluated for possible lengthening for cost savings. This is a perfectly acceptable practice especially when dealing with reference standards that are very stable and are used in controlled conditions. Sometimes, however, it is determined that the calibration interval needs to be shortened so that the standard will remain in specification. Because general purpose test and measurement equipment is becoming more stable—and more expensive to calibrate—interval analysis is being looked at by the general users of equipment. This could definitely impact the calibration laboratories revenue. If used properly, it is a great tool for eliminating unnecessary work. If used only as a cost reduction tool, the quality of the measurements an organization makes will suffer.

As stated previously, calibration involves comparing an unknown value to a known value. Generally speaking, the standard or the device under test becomes the output device, while the other becomes the input device. Each of these have to be set up to match a particular test profile. After that, the result has to be compared to a specification and recorded along with a pass or fail status. Finally, the equipment calibration database has to be updated with all the records. This can be an extremely time consuming process. Automation of the calibration process is not only an efficiency improvement; it is required to stay competitive.

Calibration of instruments using IEEE, USB, and Ethernet interfaces are used to control instruments during the calibration process and collect the resultant data. Software applications like Fluke’s MET/CAL® Plus do an excellent job of this, allowing experienced metrologists to turn manual calibration procedures into fully automated programs. In addition to dramatically improving the throughput in a calibration laboratory, automation ensures the accuracy and repeatability of the calibration by performing measurements at pre-defined test points irregardless of the technician. It also insures the consistency of the data collection by eliminating common human errors such as typos and fat-fingering. Since calibration is an intangible service, it cannot be overstated how important it is to maintain the veracity of the data.

Ecological and Environmental Issues of the Industry

All industries impact the environment through the waste they generate. Because the calibration industry is a service industry, the waste is relatively low compared to that of those involved in manufacturing goods. However, calibration does play a prominent role in ensuring that regulations regarding hazardous materials are complied with by making sure the measurement of waste is valid.

The ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems realizes the importance of calibration. This standard is designed to help an organization determine the impact their activities have on the environment. This sets the stage for measuring and controlling their operations so that their environmental impact can be minimized. The standard states that if equipment is used for the monitoring or measurement of environmental activities, it must be calibrated.

The city of Atlanta, Georgia lost a 118 day supply of water due to an improperly calibrated gage (McCaffrey, 2006). This United States Army Corps of Engineers were relying on a water level gage that was installed to monitor the levels of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River system. But because the gage was not calibrated correctly, it indicated that the lake water level was two feet higher than actual. As a result, the Corps of Engineers mistakenly released 22 billion gallons of water that it should not have (McCaffrey). This inevitably landed them in court as the state of Georgia filed a lawsuit against them.

The most interesting way that calibration relates to the environment is how measurements are defined by the International System of Units (SI). The SI units are the basis for all measurements used throughout the world today. Table 2 lists the SI units and shows that length is the only measurement traceable to a physical a physical artifact; all others are traceable to some naturally occurring physical phenomena.

Table 2

International System of Units

SI Quantity

Name (Symbol)

Brief Description


meter (m)

Speed of light in a vacuum


kilogram (kg)

Physical artifact


second (s)

Cycles of radiation

Electric current

ampere (A)

Current needed to produce a specified force between two wires

Thermodynamic temperature

Kelvin (K)

Triple point of water

Luminous intensity

candela (cd)

Source that emits a specified frequency of monochromatic radiation

Amount of substance

mole (mol)

Contains as many elementary items as atoms in a specified amount of carbon 12

Because the SI units can be derived from nature, intrinsic standards can be developed by local laboratories with repeatable results. A major ecological change to our planet Earth could affect the entire measurement system as we know it. This makes the science of calibration one of the most environmentally dependent industries in existence.


Bosch’s primary mission is Customer Satisfaction Through People Dedicated to Excellence. The RBNA/ETC department builds on that mission statement by creating their own which states, “With people dedicated to excellence, we provide our customers with the service, technology, quality and systems integration capability to support their need for continuous improvement.” The calibration lab is committed to the hierarchal mission statements by ensuring the satisfaction of our internal customers through dedication to those key functions. In order to accomplish this, the following mission is what drives the calibration lab.

Our mission is to partner with each division of Robert Bosch, LLC to insure the accuracy and integrity of their measurements through systematic techniques that balance the cost of calibration with the measurement requirements. We will also provide measurement support by assisting with test equipment acquisition, selection, tracking, and usage. This will allow us to become the preferred supplier of calibration services and measurement support within Robert Bosch divisions throughout North America.

Objectives and Purposes

The calibration laboratory has one primary goal: maintain compliance to ISO/TS 16949 with respect to monitoring and measurement equipment. This means that the calibration laboratory manages the organization’s equipment calibration program whether an item is calibrated internally or outsourced. Secondary to maintaining compliance, the next goal is to continue to provide equipment calibration and technical support services at a lower cost and with less downtime than commercial laboratories.

In order to achieve these goals, the calibration laboratory must complete the following objectives.

· Develop a partnership with the quality departments to strengthen our ability to make decisions that are not questioned as to whether they are compliant or not

· Gain a better understanding of equipment utilization

· Develop programs that reduce the amount of calibrations performed without sacrificing quality

· Implement efficiencies that reduce the cost of calibrations performed

SCOT Analysis





Products/ Services

· Calibration is a quality requirement

· Equipment tracking system

· Equipment and measurement technical support

· Not tangible

· Quality audits

· Cost transparency

· Interval analysis

· Equipment management

· Accelerometer calibration (CoC)

· Vehicle instrumentation tracking

· Equipment management

· Not a core business function

· Poor turnaround time (currently)

· Equipment quantity reductions

Customers/ Markets

· Support all product divisions

· Albion facility

· Ply storage process

· EAP limit part tracking

· Bosch is dedicated to quality

· Integrating CC/AF divisions

· Segregating customer data by department

· Too many special requests

· CC vehicle instrumentation

· Other Bosch sites

· Bosch’s non-automotive divisions

· Transition Albion to Met/Cal

· External vendor competition

· Extreme cost-cutting

Technology/ Infrastructure

· Powerful database

· Located in North American headquarters

· Large inventory of premium test equipment

· Aging cal standards

· Supporting Plymouth after CC move

· Centralized location in facility (lab redesign)

· General Delivery Specification

· CIT policies


Financial Resources

· Bosch is financially strong

· Bosch is dedicated to reduced outsourcing

· Willing to invest if ROI exists

· RBNA/ETC has greater scrutiny for purchases

· Cross charging correctly

· Willing to invest if ROI is there

· Overall economic picture

· Cross charging under microscope

Human Resources

· Technical expertise

· ASQ certification

· Dedicated employees

· Tenure with company

· Getting two non-calibration technicians up to speed

· Hiring freeze

· Absorb metrology lab

· Continued headcount reductions

· Newer associates are inefficient





Organizational Structure

· Part of shared services division (RBNA)

· Director is well connected (politically)

· VP dedicated to overall savings to Bosch

· Customers report through different divisions

· QMM dept transfer to RBNA

· Combine Calibration, Metrology, and Instrumentation

· Divisional Politics

Management Structure

· Standard hierarchal structure

· Well-connected director

· Strong leadership at manager & director level

· Excessive tracking systems

· Report to one division but support many

· Bosch Start/Lead programs

· Advancement after degree completion

· Other departments seem untrusting / invidious

Core Competencies

· Onsite

· Technical expertise

· Knowledge of quality requirements

· Understand customer’s needs

· Custom test stand calibrations

· Understanding cost

· Measuring customer satisfaction

· Not operating within turnaround target metrics

· Inter-site knowledge sharing

· Utilize database for more non-calibration purposes

· Too many unique requirements

· Outsourcing

· Perceived non-value add

Organizational Chart

Geographic Range

Bosch provides products and services worldwide. Their North American headquarters is located in Farmington Hills, Michigan near the heart of the automotive industry. This is well suited to provide immediate response to its customers’ needs. Unfortunately, their global reach does not translate into the markets available to the calibration laboratory. In most cases, local internal labs support their own equipment calibration process and make their own decisions regarding outsourcing.

Currently the calibration laboratory provides services to the Farmington Hills and Plymouth, Michigan facilities as well as a limited amount of service to the Albion, Indiana facility. Test equipment requiring calibration is dropped off at the calibration lab; sent over via the courier service; or calibrated in place. The physical size of test and measurement equipment can be quite large resulting in additional shipping and handling costs. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to compete with the systems in place at the various facilities.

However, smaller devices such as accelerometers and pressure transducers are most likely already calibrated by shipping them across the country to various vendors and manufacturers. Because we have these capabilities in Farmington Hills, this could easily expand our market to Bosch facilities we already have a working relationship with. This would include automotive divisions located in Kentwood Michigan; Anderson and Charleston, South Carolina; South Bend, Indiana; and Waltham, Massachusetts. After successfully implementing a system of intra-site support, services could expand into virtually every major U.S. market through the Bosch Security Systems, Bosch Rexroth, and Bosch Power Tool divisions.

Economic Structure

Just about every organization is suffering economically at the moment. Fortunately Bosch is an extremely large organization with significant cash reserves. In fact, Bosch is the world’s largest automotive supplier and one of the largest private employers in the world. This makes Bosch well suited to survive the current economic strife. And the calibration laboratory could not be part of a better organization.

The calibration laboratory currently employs four personnel. The structure is very similar to what is found in most internal calibration laboratories. Although it is currently skewed in favor of the equipment, the total number of personnel is directly related to the quantity of devices requiring calibration. The group leader manages the day-to-day operations of the laboratory, acts as the quality expert, performs the more difficult calibrations, and fills in on the bench as needed. Two of the three remaining technicians handle the routine calibrations and general customer support as needed. The third technician is not well suited for the technical aspects involved in calibration so he has been relegated to handling logistics. His primary duties include shipping and receiving, equipment deliveries, ordering parts and supplies, and various other delegated tasks. When time permits, he receives calibration related training.

Financially the calibration laboratory is part of a zero cost department. This basically means that no profit or loss can occur. All costs associated with calibration are re-allocated back to the departments that use the services. A calculated labor rate of $72 per hour is applied to each technician within the whole RBNA/ETC department. In addition, capital equipment costs are added to the labor rate in the amount of $14 per hour. This covers the cost of the calibration standards, their maintenance, and other supplies utilized in the laboratory.

Any outsourced calibrations are charged directly to the department’s cost center and is fairly straightforward. On the other hand, charging the cost of calibrations performed internally is accomplished by recording the actual time spent performing calibration related work. Each associate enters their hours into the Bosch Engineering Time Tracking system (ETT). Every month, the hours are added up and sent to the using departments’ cost centers as invoices which include the labor and capital charges. The difficulty in this is tying the actual cost of calibration to a specific device since there is no direct correlation between ETT and the Met/Cal database. Furthermore, the problem is exacerbated by not having a mechanism to specifically track technical support and quality related functions back to a specific task or device. In the end, the customer merely receives an invoice for calibration services. The only current solution is to continually inform the customer on the support provided by entering specific details in the notes feature available in ETT.

Strategic Plan

Reviewing the current state of the organization shows a number of key areas requiring attention. Achieving the following objectives will define the calibration laboratory as a preferred source within the technical services organization. Strengthening these areas is vital to the continued success of the organization. The following are the four main strategic objectives.

1. Improve Efficiency

2. Reduce Cycle Time

3. Cost Transparency

4. Decrease Overall Calibration Cost

As a result of the economic downturn and reduction in headcount, some emerging strategies have developed that complement the calibration laboratory’s core function. They are part of the long-range plan that will be explored after the short-term goals are achieved.

5. Measurement Uncertainty/Measurement Systems Analysis

6. Equipment Management

7. Market/Service Expansion

Objective 1-Improve Efficiency

Historically, the calibration laboratory sacrificed its own efficiency in an effort to help the customer. The mindset was to support the customer however needed in order to ensure they are providing efficient, quality service to the external customers. This practice can no longer continue. Our internal customers need to take responsibility for their own efficiency. In order to keep total costs to the organization low, the calibration laboratory must also be efficient. Considering a typical device can be calibrated ten, twenty, or more times throughout its life cycle, having economical calibration processes are a must. Efficiency improvements can be achieved through calibration procedure management, proper training of new and existing associates, and process flow.

Of the nearly 6000 devices requiring calibration, there are over 2100 unique items. This significant variety creates a challenge for calibration procedure development. According to the numerous quality standards organizations must adhere to, a calibration is not complete without a technically valid calibration procedure. This is where detailed instructions are provided, the specifications are documented, and measurement uncertainty is calculated. In many cases, it can take more time to write the calibration procedure than it does to calibrate the device. However, economies of scale will reduce this cost. Calibration procedure development can be streamlined by implementing the following changes.

· Target the top 25% of items calibrated to ensure their procedures are clear, concise, and automated to the fullest extent possible

· Create templates for equipment categories

· Use sub procedures where items differ only in range (e.g., pressure transducers)

· Implement Met/Cal’s flexible standards feature

· Fully completing and testing the calibration procedure for new devices before the equipment is returned

Training of new technicians who do not have any formal calibration training or experience, such as the military’s PMEL program that most metrologists come from, is vital to the efficiency and integrity of the calibrations performed. As an example, calibration standards may not be available so a substitution is required. A trained metrologist knows how to select on and understand the impact on measurement uncertainty. Developing a training matrix specific to the calibration laboratory will help to identify the skills required to perform such tasks. This will ensure future candidates are selected appropriately. It will also help to show where we have gaps in knowledge. The immediate advantage of the training matrix will be to utilize it as a tool to develop the necessary training needed to bring the laboratory up to full speed.

Lord William Kelvin Thomson’s famous claim of “if you can not measure it, you can not improve it” is vital to process management. All processes within the organization must be evaluated for their significance. Those key processes must be measured so they can be improved.

The first target will be to conduct a value stream mapping workshop to identify the overall process of equipment calibration from the time an associate decides they need to make a measurement until the time they have a calibrated device in their hands. The goal will be to measure cycle time, process time, and percent complete and accurate at each step in the process.

After the overall process is mapped, each individual process should be looked at to further define opportunities for improvement. The three main processes are equipment calibration, outsourcing, and workflow. Subsequent value stream maps will be conducted to further analyze them.

Metrics will be established for each of the key processes. While cycle time is important to the customer and productivity is important to management, careful consideration must be given so that the not so obvious parameters are also measured. Accuracy of delivery, time to outsource, in-tolerance probability, and overall database accuracy are integral to ensuring the efficiency of the laboratory’s processes.

Objective 2-Reduce Cycle Time

Backlog due to headcount reduction eventually replaced by untrained staff have led to an enormous increase in turnaround time. Additionally, the integration of the CC and AF divisions have further impacted turnaround time. Improvements in efficiency mentioned above will definitely improve the average turnaround time for calibration and return it to a more reasonable five working-day cycle.

Daily monitoring and measurement of the workload will also contribute to a reduction in turnaround time. This will ensure that tasks are completed as scheduled while hopefully catching and preventing anything from slipping through the cracks. A daily task list will be created so that employees will know what is expected of them. Management will be able to use this to provide support for adhering to that schedule. Employees will be empowered to deviate from their schedule based on the customer needs and opportunities for consolidation of work. Furthermore, a task list of non-calibration (support) activity will be created, prioritized, and monitored to ensure all open issues are closed out.

Identifying all of the calibration requirements upfront before the technician picks up the device will also reduce cycle time. This would constitute the identification of any accessories or special adapters required for the instrument when it eventually comes in for calibration. Noting in the equipment database whether the equipment needs to come to the calibration laboratory or if it must be calibrated on-site will be advantageous. Calibration due reports will be modified to include this information. Each of these will also have a direct impact on customer satisfaction as they will not make extra unnecessary trips to the calibration lab. A checklist will be created to ensure this information is captured when the equipment is initially added to the database.

Objective 3-Cost Transparency

The goal of cost transparency is to insure our customers are fully aware of the cost associated with calibrating their test equipment. It also serves the purpose of helping us understand the cost so that we can ensure we remain competitive. The first step in building transparency is to identify the actual cost of each calibration. This will be done by analyzing each unique item in the database and calculating an estimated standard calibration time based on historical data and engineering judgment. This will assume the item is in the lab awaiting calibration. The fixed costs associated with the equipment such as adding it to the database; tracking its location; transporting and handling; labeling; outsourcing; and maintaining quality documentation will be added to the estimated calibration time. Automatic reports will be created in an attempt to capture this information. It will be clearly communicated that additional costs will be incurred when new, unique items are purchased requiring calibration procedure development. Repairs or adjustment will also incur additional costs.

Items that must be outsourced due to a lack of internal capability are known in advance. Where possible, each of these items will have a cost entered into the database from the preferred calibration supplier or equipment manufacturer. When equipment is outsourced due to capacity, approvals will be sought before outsourcing to determine if longer lead times are an acceptable alternative.


activities will occur to ensure we are remaining competitive with external calibration vendors, other Bosch facilities, and captive laboratories within other organizations. Specifically working with calibration laboratories at different Bosch sites will provide an opportunity for information sharing that will result in the adoption of best practices that ultimately drive down the cost of calibration.

Objective 4-Decrease Overall Cost

After fully understanding the costs associated with calibration through cost transparency, there are several areas where the calibration laboratory can and should be saving the organization money. It needs to be understood that there is more to lowering cost than simply not calibrating devices. The overall objective is to increase the utilization of the existing equipment, not necessarily reduce it.

The equipment database lends itself to tracking utilization. Using the barcodes on the equipment, it can easily be tracked where and when it is used. With an understanding of where and how the equipment is used, the calibration can be better tailored to fit its application. Delay dating—the process of not starting the calibration “clock” until an item is first used—is an excellent tool to extend the calibration interval. It only works if there is formal control of the equipment to ensure it indeed has not been used.

The power of the equipment database lends itself to instituting many techniques that will reduce the cost of calibration. Establishing a metric for in-tolerance probability is the key component to this. Setting the target at 95% is the industry standard. This means that for all instruments calibrated, 95% of them will be found in tolerance during calibration. Monitoring this metric allows us to adjust the calibration process overall to see the impact on quality.

Partial calibrations and intermediate checks can be implemented and documented without voiding the calibration. This can reduce the amount of outsourcing while still maintaining the integrity of the instruments. Interval analysis is a tool to base the calibration interval on an items past history. An item’s calibration interval can be shortened or lengthened based on its reliability. Well defined processes for these activities will pass even the most stringent of quality audits.

A calibration extension is used when the item is due for calibration but is in the middle of a test that cannot be stopped. Currently an extension policy does not exist because attempts at utilizing them in the past quickly became a tool to avoid calibrating an instrument altogether. Equipment owners were repeatedly requesting extensions for no valid reason. Eventually, this came to light during an audit where it was found to be the rule rather than the exception even when equipment showed a history of being out of tolerance. The results of the non-conformance led to significant costs and process changes. Stopping a test, removing the equipment for calibration, then reinstalling, and restarting a test can bear significant costs as well as push an already tightened test schedule. A calibration extension is a valuable tool to allow for the completion of a test. Having well-defined policies for extensions will benefit the customer significantly as well as minimize emergent work for the calibration lab. We will work with the quality auditors from each division to develop an extension policy that allows extensions to be approved quickly while safeguarding against abuse.

Objective 5-Measurement Uncertainty/Measurement Systems Analysis

With the continued economic decline of the automotive industry, every department is looking to eliminate costs. Individuals often see an easy solution to trim a few dollars is by not calibrating their equipment by inactivating it or worse—making it “for reference only.” If this category of equipment is used to verify compliance to a specification, make decisions, or generate data, it is a major non-conformance in all of the quality systems Bosch must comply with. It seems illogical to invest in expensive test equipment to make a measurement that adds no value; auditors know this. The customers, whether internal or external, are relying on data generated or decisions made with equipment. They assume the values are correct.

Fortunately, there are more technically valid ways of reducing the number of calibrations. Having a detailed measurement uncertainty analysis or measurement systems analysis performed on each measuring process will identify key error contributors. If the test equipment is the largest source of error, then it must be calibrated. On the other hand, if it is found that the operator or some other factor is the largest source of error, then the possibility exists to lengthen the calibration interval, employ check standards, or avoid calibrating the device altogether.

Objective 6-Equipment Management

With tightened budgets come reduced capital expenditures. Individual departments cannot simply purchase any measurement device they need as they have done in the past. This will force the organization to make due with the technology we already have available. It also provides an opportunity to “right-size” the inventory with only necessary and reliable technology. This is the ideal time to implement an equipment management function that will reduce equipment purchasing, maintenance, and overall ownership.

Integral to implementing an equipment management function is having the knowledge of where the equipment is located. The Met/Cal database and On-time Support’s Barcode Magician program are already well suited to handle this task. Adding features such as automatic email notification when the equipment is due to be returned as well as developing an equipment chargeback model will ensure the equipment is used only as long as necessary. Sharing and tracking equipment usage in this manner will assist in determining utilization rates which will result in replacing underutilized equipment with those items in demand. With a good measure of utilization, calibration and maintenance costs can be lowered by a reduction in inventory and implementing delay dating programs.

Objective 7-Market Expansion

Looking into the future, the calibration laboratory can continue to contribute to Bosch’s bottom line by harmonizing activities with other Bosch locations. The smaller facilities rely on local vendors or the original equipment manufacturer for calibration service but the larger Bosch facilities all have in-house calibration laboratories. However, each one is operating in an isolated bubble that results in a lot of duplicate work. The first step will be to create a list of Bosch’s internal calibration laboratories and identify the key point of contact. Then, we will create a list of each laboratory’s profile, capabilities, and calibration needs. After that is complete, benchmarking and resource-sharing activates can begin.

It can be costly and challenging to maintain a reliable database for smaller inventories of equipment. Integrating smaller sites into the readily accessible Met/Cal database will save Bosch money. Since we already do work for the Albion facility and have a fair amount of their items listed in our database, they would be the perfect fit for such a venture. This will save them a significant amount of work by not having to re-enter the information when they receive their equipment back from calibration. They can also take advantage of our automatic email notification system.

It is very unlikely that any other Bosch facility has the capability to calibrate accelerometers with the speed and quality that we have in Farmington Hills. These are small and most likely shipped to various locations throughout the country already. Bringing the accelerometer calibration system on-line will be a significant step in achieving market expansion naturally. If this proves to be successful, the various Bosch sites will then be willing to send us more equipment where local options are not available or more expensive.

Project Management














































Task Name



Improve Efficiency


Target top 25% of cal items for procedure robustness



Build procedure templates


Implement sub procedures

Implement flexible standards


Procedure testing




Conduct VSM & identify task list


30 Day Review

60 Day Review

90 Day Review


Establish key metrics

Review/evaluate metrics



Identify initial training needs & sources

Complete training

Create training matrix

Reduce Cycle Time

Establish workload priority process


Non-cal task list

Identify special cal requirements

New equipment checklist

Cost Transparency

Estimate cal time/item

Create activity report

Outsourcing cost



Task Name










































Decrease Overall Cost

Delay Dating




Pilot cal lab general use equip


Evaluate impact on OOT conditions



Expand to other labs


Interval Analysis

Track in-tolerance probabilty

Develop interval adjustment policy

Start adjusting intervals


Evaluate impact on OOT conditions, modify policy



Implement site wide


Research and evaluation

Develop model


Pilot a test stand

Equipment Management

Get senior managers committement

Develop business case


Implement model

Market Expansion

Accel cal system mastered

Make Albion Met/Cal user

Offer accel cal services to other sites


Expand cal servies to other parameters

Bosch NA database



Banham, R. (2006). Bosch in the United States the First 100 Years. The Capen Company.

The Bosch Group. (2008). Corporate social responsibility report. Retrieved January 21, 2009 from

Caldwell, D (2006) ANSI/NCSL Z540.3:2006: Requirements for the Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment. NCSLI Measure, 1, 26-30.

Evans, J., & Lindsay, W. (2008). Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence.Mason: Thomson South-Western.

Fluke Corporation. (1994). Calibration: Philosophy in Practice (2nd ed). Everrett, WA.

Korn, D. (1998). Science Based Regulation Speaker Abstract. Retrieved from Food and Drug Administration

Magna Carta Translation. Retrieved January 11, 2009, from British Library Board

McCaffrey, S. (June 20, 2006). Ga. Gov. to Sue Army Corps of Engineers. Retrieved February 1, 2009, from Fox News,4675,WaterShortageLawsuit,00.html

Morath, E. (June 18, 2007). Wrangling renegade gas pumps – More state inspections reduce consumer rip-offs. Detroit News, The (MI) 01A. Retrieved February 4, 2009 from NewsBank on-line database (America’s Newspapers) on the World Wide Web:

NIST: Did you know…. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2009, from National Institute of Standards and Technology

Ost, L. (2000). NIST at 100. Gaithersburg, MD.

Roxanne R ( 2008, June). Thirty Yeas of Accreditation. Presented at NCSLI Michigan Section Meeting. Farmington Hills, MI.

U.S. General Accounting Office. (2008, April). Code of Federal Regulations (21CFR211.68). Retreived February 1, 2009, from General Accounting Office Reports Online via GPA Access:

White, Fred (2007, August, 28). Test & Measurement Market Showing Growth. Thomasnet Industrial Market Trends, Retrieved January 29, 2009, from

Zapato, L (2008, December 14). The Kelvin Library. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from Zapato Productions Intradimensional Web site:

Engineering Technical Center


M. Boos





M. McCauley

ETC3 Manager



Calibration Laboratory

P. Butler

Group Leader

W. Peppler


M. Edwards


Machine Shop



S. Davis

Senior Technician

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