Capital Punishment

This writing project will consists of you creating a PowerPoint presentation on the topic listed below. You must have at least 5 credible resources cited in your Power Point as in text citations. You must also include a reference citation slide in APA format. You must also have a title slide in APA format.  Your presentation must have a minimum of  15 slides not including a title slide, an abstract slide and a reference slide.

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For this project, you will write about capital punishment ethical dilemma in criminal justice that you find interesting. In the first part of the project you will briefly discuss the dilemma that you chose. 

Then you will persuade the audience to see the dilemma from your point of view using research to support your stance. The powerpoint MUST BE ARGUMENTATIVE/PERSUASIVE AND PICK ONE SIDE TO DEBATE TO ARGUE INSTEAD OF INFORMATIONAL .

Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation or a vague overview, whether you addressed all parts of the question asked, and how you support your argument/discussion – as well as the citing of a variety of sources/use of references and whether you met the mandatory minimum page requirement. 

Please make sure to use AT LEAST 5 sources for your research. 

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The presentation should be written using APA Forma


Then you will persuade the audience to see the dilemma from your point of view using research to support your stance. The powerpoint MUST BE ARGUMENTATIVE/PERSUASIVE AND PICK ONE SIDE TO DEBATE TO ARGUE INSTEAD OF INFORMATIONAL- whether you give a detailed presentation or a vague overview, whether you addressed all parts of the question asked, and how you support your argument/discussion – as well as the citing of a variety of sources/use of references and whether you met the mandatory minimum page requirement.  

Please make sure to use AT LEAST 5 sources for your research. 
The presentation should be written using APA Forma

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