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Unit 1 Final Exam

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Content: Apply content in order to evaluate relationships and draw conclusions.

 Learning Target

Advanced (ADV)

Proficient (PRO)

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Approaching (APP)

Incomplete (INC)

3c. I can evaluate the causes as well as the positive and negative consequences of events and interactions.

I demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject. In-depth analysis is evident throughout. Ideas are fully developed with strong supporting evidence. Relevant connections between content and course themes are explained.

I demonstrate a good understanding of the subject matter. Some analysis and supporting details are present but may not be fully developed. A few basic connections between content and course themes are explained.

I demonstrate a weak understanding of the subject matter. Little analysis and few supporting details are present. Connections between content and course themes are attempted, but are too obvious, or are not explained.

I demonstrate no real understanding of the subject matter. Ideas are inaccurate. No relevant facts are included. Analysis and connections are inaccurate, irrelevant or are missing.


1. Make a copy of this document.

2. Respond to 4 of the 6 questions.

3. Download as a PDF.

4. Then submit to blackboard as a PDF and google link with editing rights.

1. Compare and contrast how the Spanish & English settled their colonies.

· How were they funded and how did they create settlements and where did they create settlements?

· What were their goals and were they successful or unsuccessful?

· How were they structured economically, politically, and socially?

Please respond to all bullet points and provide specific support from Lesson 1.

2. Evaluate the long term impact of the French and Indian War.

· Explain the cause and effects of the French and Indian War. (Economic, Political, and Social effects)

· Impact it had on the relationship between the British and Colonies.

· Events that led to the American Revolution.

Please respond to all bullet points and provide specific support from Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.

3. Describe the compromises that needed to be made in order to create our government.

· Federalism

· Checks & Balances

· Arguments of the Anti-federalists v. Federalists

· Articles v Constitution

· Bill of Rights

All bullet points must be included in your response and you need to use specifics from Lesson 3.

4. Analyze the Market Revolution.

1. Explain the inventions and improvements.

2. Explain the impact/effects of these inventions and improvements. (Be specific)

Provide specific support from Lesson 4 readings.

5. Analyze the compromises that had to be made over the slavery during the early 1800s prior to the Civil War.

1. You must explain at least 2 compromises made between slave states and free states.

2. Explain these compromises in-depth including the year.

Please respond with two specific events from Lesson 5.

6. Evaluate the cause and effect of the Civil War.

· Sectionalism

· Economic differences of the different regions

· Civil War Amendments

· Reconstruction

Provide specific support from Lesson 6 & 7 readings.

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