can somebody write me a response paper over the film “The Deadly Deception”

Response Paper(Film):The Deadly DeceptionSocial life and human behavior can be interpreted from one of the three major theoretical perspectives (conflict, functional analysis, and symbolic interactionism). In your paper, you are to type a film analysis the documentary “Deadly Deception”. You should include the following: •Describe the film in general terms. Describe the plot and setting. What issues does it raise? What do you see as the main purpose of the film?•Relate the film to the textbook, class discussions, notes or knowledge. Is this film historically (or factually) accurate and realistic? Does it contradict or support anything you have learned?Plagiarism Warnings:•Donot use anyother films other than thisfilmand your own ingenuity to write this paper. Your borrowing from other critics will not fulfill the goal of this assignment, which is to demonstrate your fluency with our film terms and concepts.Do not consult any outside sources.

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