Final Project Evaluation Report

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Your Final Project will be 15–20 pages, not including title page, abstract, or references. You must include at least 15 sources and the following elements:


· Include a description of your original Clarksville social issue and your original Clarksville social program to address this issue.

· Describe the new service, program, or population to service with your Clarksville program. Analyze how you will meet the needs of culturally diverse clientele.

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Needs Assessment

· Develop a needs assessment that addresses the following questions for your updated service or population:

. What is the problem that needs to be addressed? Who are the stakeholders who are invested in the social problem you have identified?

. What is the extent of the problem? How is the community affected? Is this a new problem in the community? How has the issue been addressed previously? Why does the problem continue? What services, if any, are available that address the need?

. What types of data will you use for your needs assessment?

. Who is the target population?

. How will your needs assessment be used to bring about changes in the community?

Logic Model

· Create a logic model for the updated service or population for the Clarksville community.

. Describe the inputs, outputs, and outcomes are represented in your model.

. Describe the approach you used to create your logic model.

. Analyze how your logic model can be used to conduct research.

Process Evaluation

· Conduct a process evaluation for your program. Be sure to address the updated services and populations.

. Identify and describe the target population

. Identify and describe any challenges in processes

. Identify and describe any challenges in the resources

. Identify appropriate data sources

. Make recommendations on how the program can be run more effectively

Outcome Evaluation

· Apply a group research design method to plan an outcome evaluation of your updated Clarksville program(s) and populations.

. Describe a group research design method applicable to planning your outcome evaluation.

. Describe your approach (using the appropriate research terminology), your plans for randomization (if appropriate), and your groups.

. Describe possible threats to the validity of your study.

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Design

· Develop an outcome evaluation for your original and new program and population in Clarksville.

. Stipulate which outcomes you are measuring using the qualitative approach and which outcomes you are measuring using a quantitative approach.

. Describe why you chose to measure the outcomes with your selected approach.

. Describe how you think your results can be used to improve your original and new program and population in Clarksville.

Creating and Selecting Assessments

· Create a 5-question data collection survey that addresses a process or outcome of services within your updated program. Describe what you are measuring.

· Go to the 

Walden University Library

 and select a standardized test that can be used to measure a target process or outcome within your updated Clarksville program.

. Summarize the standardized test you selected from the Walden University Library.

. Discuss why you selected this measure.

. Discuss your analysis plan and how this analysis can be used to inform services within your program.

Evaluation Report Implications

· Discuss the broader implications of your findings for practice (i.e., the practical or clinical significance).

Social Change

· Explain how your Clarksville program promotes social change.

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