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Write a 250-word (minimum) response to each writing prompt below. You must meet the minimum word count for each response to get full credit.Use only the assigned readings unless otherwise instructed.Your responses must include quotes from each text used to get full credit. Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.Robert Haydenbiography (pp. 2370-2372)”Middle Passage” (pp. 2372-2376)”Homage to the Empress of the Blues” (p. 2377)”Those Winter Sundays” (p. 2377)Raymond Carverbiography (2678-2679)”Cathedral” (pp. 2679-2689)Alice Walkerbiography (pp. 2714-2715)”Everyday Use” (pp. 2715-2721)Art Spiegelmanbiography (pp. 2734-2735)from Maus (pp. 2736-2752)Creative Nonfiction”Creative Nonfiction” (p. 2803)Edwidge Danticatbiography (p. 2827)from Brother, I’m Dying (pp. 2827-2829)In “Cathedral,” how would you describe the relationship between the narrator and his wife? Do you think their relationship will change after this experience? What do you feel is the significance of the Robert’s lack of vision? 2. Look at Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and explain how the quilts in the story symbolize the family’s heritage.  How do Dee and Maggie view the significance of the family’s heritage, and how is that represented by the quilts in the story?

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