Business ethics week 5


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Take a moment to review the Lake Champlain Basin Program: State of the Lake 2018 website at (Links to an external site.)

(it it easier to work with if you right-click on the link and open in a new window) and discuss the major environmental issues with the lake. Pollution, specifically from phosphorous, has been is a major concern. What are the key ethical issues associated with this topic?

This can be a surprising complex issue involving government (Federal and State), stakeholders, business, and individuals. For example, who bears the burden of the costs associated with remediation? Feel free to introduce academically legitimate external sources to enhance your discussion.

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2. W5F2

We are introduced to (1) The Contractual View of the Manufacturer’s Duties to Consumers, (2) The Due-Care View of the Manufacturer’s Duties to Consumers, and (3) The Social Costs View of the Manufacturer’s Duties to Consumers. Offer an example of a company and product that that fits the profile of either the contractual view, the due-care view, or the social costs view of manufacturer’s duties to consumers. 

3. W5F3

Velasquez (2018) states “the right to privacy can be defined as the right of persons to determine what, to whom, and how much information about themselves will be disclosed to other parties.” (p 274). This serves as the segway to the discussion on privacy within a business context. The balance between the consumer’s right to privacy and the legitimate needs of business is a subject that generates much discussion. Table 6.2 Business Efforts to Respect the Right to Privacy is offered as an approach to balancing the two.

Is the table sufficient from the consumer’s perspective? Is the description adequate for the consideration (Purpose, Relevance, Informing, Consent, Accuracy, Security/recipients/and uses)?

4. W5A1

Chapter 5 – Ethics and the Environment – describes at some length the dimensions of pollution and resource depletion and identifies some of the essential issues and questions. The chapter is further organized to introduce us to the topics of the ethics of pollution control, remedies and duties of the firm, and the ethics of conserving resources.

Select a topic of interest to you that focuses on ethics and the environment as applied to a business. Discuss and support the example in the context of applied theory. For example, ecological ethics and anthropocentrism, the last man argument (Routley), environmental rights (Blackstone), justice and fairness, remedies and justice (the utilitarian perspective), and rights and justice of future generations are suitable points to consider. As always, reference to concepts and theories discussed in earlier chapters is absolutely acceptable.

5. W5A2

Be sure to read Chapter 6  – The Ethics of Consumer Production an Marketing then read Case Study 6.1: Promoting Infant Formula in the Twenty-First Century. Address the following questions:

1. How did the marketing strategies of food companies such as Nestle differ from those of drug companies such as Abbot Laboratories? How did the code of the International Council of Infant Food Industries (ICIFI) fit the marketing strategies of the food companies, and how did the code developed by Abbot Laboratories fit the marketing strategies of the drug companies?

2. Assess whether it would be ethically right for the infant formula companies to withdraw their products totally from the developing world, basing your assessment on the probable costs and benefits of withdrawing, the way that withdrawal would impact the rights of stakeholders in the developing world, the justice of withdrawing, and the impact that withdrawal would have on the obligations of caring

Have attached Chapters 5 and 6 including the case study as well

Business Ethicscase study

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