Business and law question


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Edward was employed as a laborer by Vampire Falls. On May 5, 2010, Edward was sent to the Vampire Falls Cemetery and instructed to install a row of headstones along the property line between the Town Park and the neighboring property, owned by Bella. Edward went to the Town Park and began to dig holes for the headstones along the line he believed was the line between the properties, relying on stakes that were erroneously placed by Vampire Falls on Bella’s property. After he had dug several holes, Bella came out of her house, advised Edward that he was digging on her property, and ordered him to leave. Edward became enraged and swung his shovel at Bella, narrowly missing her head. Frightened that Edward would strike her, Bella turned to run away, tripped and broke her ankle. On October 5, 2010, Bella, by her attorney, commenced an action against Vampire Falls and Edward, alleging a cause of action in trespass, seeking damages for the cost of restoring and reseeding her property, and a cause of action for assault, seeking damages for pain and suffering due to her broken ankle.

On what theory could Vampire Falls be found liable? Discuss

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