
Mr. Freung’s personality dynamics and presenting problems

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Due to the lack of a father figure Mrs. Freung found herself in a bit of a pickle, having to present herself not only as both roles but work as head of the household as well. Her son, we only know as Mr. Freung, therefore became rather attached to his mother. This aligns with the Oedipus complex where, according to Freud’s Psychosexual stages of personality development, he feels himself drawn to his mother in a sexual manner even if he himself does not realize it at the time. With this stage he would try to do his best to destroy his father figure, or any male figure in this role.

As a result of his mother’s death, Mr. Freung has lost a significant piece of his life, now facing a crisis of sorts he turns inwardly, reflecting upon his feelings and thoughts and along the way he comes to a few conclusions. He finds that he is anxious, his wife doesn’t show him the affection and love that he believes he deserves, he has found her to be boring and mundane, and due to his Christian beliefs, he is unable to leave the marriage as it is a sin. However, it seems as though he allows the ID part of his brain to take over, allowing his sexual desires to take front and center within his mind thus pushing him towards extramarital affairs. The anxiety he is currently feeling is washed away as the conflict between his ID and superego’s conflict comes to an end during the moments of his affairs while returning shortly thereafter.


Treatment and Prognosis

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Treatment is required at this stage of Mr. Freung’s life as he is dealing with a crisis. Crises are sudden changes in this state that disrupt the equilibrium (Viederman, 2016). This would enable Mr. Freung a safe environment where he would be able to reflect on his life’s choices, cope with the passing of his mother and perhaps reignite the flames of love with his wife if they were both willing to take this step.


Recommended Treatment and/or Assessments

This must first include an assessment, allowing the person to understand what is going in with their patient and what may be an underlying cause, such as his Oedipus complex, once this has been taken into consideration, a treatment can be created. Allowing Mr. Freung to cope and move forward with his life and goals.

PSY3442 Case Conceptualization

Mr. Freung is a married, Caucasian male in his late forties. He has two teenage children with his
wife. He works a full-time job doing construction, where he is able to earn a middle-class
income by working a lot of overtime. He is unhappy with his job, as he believes he is a much
harder worker than his colleagues and ends up having to take on a lot of the work as a result.
He has been with his wife since high school. He is presently experiencing marked anxiety, which
appeared to have its onset after his mother died. He describes his mother, to whom he reports
he was quite close, as a very nurturing and caring person. He describes poor relationships with
his father and siblings. His parents were married up until when his mother died. He describes
his anxiety as constant worry, physiological discomfort, and sleep disturbances. He recently
began having extramarital affairs with women who he describes as exciting and who give him a
lot of attention, unlike his wife, who he finds boring, rigid, and uninterested in him. He is
adamant about not separating or divorcing from his wife, as he reports this does not align with
his strong Christian values. He perceives his emotional and interpersonal concerns are
interfering with his daily functioning and relationships with his children, and is uncertain what
direction his life should take.

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