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Consider the research you have conducted, and in one final 6-8 sentence 

paragraph write a revised statement of your research. Now that you have explored more about this topic, how can you make your research topic more specific and/or more focused? Which sources in your annotated bibliography will you definitely use in your research, and why? Which sources are you less likely to use, and why?


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Australian Bushfire and climate change

Bushfires are common in Australia over the past century and it has been problematic because the underlying root cause of the fires is not clear. The topic is interesting because the unprecedented bushfires have continued to unfold and the principal causes of the fires are still a competing argument. In 2019, the temperatures in Australia was above average and the rising levels of the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere caused the lack of radiation balance on earth leading to less escape of heat. What are the underlying causes and negative factors that favour the occurrence of Australia’s bushfires? What is the role of climate change in relation to these devastating fires? To find an answer to the questions about the major causes of bushfires in Australia, I accessed the library search engines and discovered the following valuable articles related to the topic and formulated the following annotated bibliographies:

Brennan, Karl EC, Fiona J. Christie, and Alan York. “Global climate change and litter decomposition: more frequent fire slows decomposition and increases the functional importance of invertebrates.” Global Change Biology 15.12 (2019): 2958-2971. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com

The article discusses the main effects that bushfires in the temperate forests bring along. The authors illustrate how the pace of decompositions has been slowed by the changes in global climate. Moreover, the authors elaborate how the global climate changes have modified the mechanisms by which ecosystems function. This article related to the research topic since gives an in-depth explanation of how the continued bushfires across different parts of the globe could affect the functioning of ecosystem in the coming years and elaborates the need for finding solutions to climate changes.

Bowman, David MJS, et al. “Forest fire management, climate change, and the risk of catastrophic carbon losses.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11.2 (2018): 66-67. Retrieved from https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1890/13.WB.005

In the article the authors illustrate how climate change has affected the overall composition of carbon dioxide in the globe. They elaborate the need for forest management as a way of reducing the occurrence of bushfires. The article gives insights on the research topic through explaining to the audience the effects that the people should expect in the near future due to the extended burning of the Australian forest and gives solutions to how we can manage the global forests to avoid such disasters. It relates to other articles since it concentrates on the climate changes which are occurring globally.

Dowdy, Andrew J. “Climatological variability of fire weather in Australia.” Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 57.2 (2018): 221-234. Retrieved from https://journals.ametsoc.org/

Dowdy discusses the variations in the fire weather conditions for the last 66 years through discussing the numerous cases of bushfires that have occurred in this period. His discussion includes how climate changes have resulted in the changes in the fire weather condition. The article also forecasts the future of the Australian forests by elaborating the occurrence of bushfires in the future in relation to the increasing temperatures in the region. This article relates to the research topic in that it provides significant information regarding the predicted changes in the climate and how they will affect the occurrence of bushfires in the global forests. It relates to other articles through its discussion on forest fires and the climate changes caused by mismanagement of immediate environments.

Eckstein, David, et al. “Global Climate Risk Index 2020.” Bonn: German watch (2019). Retrieved from https://www.germanwatch.org/sites/germanwatch.org

The article discusses the major losses which have occurred as a result of climate changes in the last twenty years. It offers comparisons between the effects of burning forests in different regions in the globe. In addition, it offers recommendations for minimizing these effects through controlling the changes in the climate. Unlike other articles, this study offers information that is relevant to climate change by elaborating how each and every individual can take part in the efforts of reducing changes in the climate by helping to conserve their immediate environments.

Head, Lesley, et al. “Climate change and Australia.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 5.2 (2019): 175-197. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/

In the article, the authors explain the changes in the Australian climate through illustrating the trends in increased rising of temperature and more rainfall in the tropical areas whereas the temperate areas are experiencing reduced rainfall amounts. It elaborates on the causes that have led to these changes in the climate in the region and the necessary solutions that could be applied to reduce the anticipated effects of climate change in the future. It relates to the topic of Australia bushfires and climate change in that it offer an in-depth information on what really caused the bushfires and how the continent might experience continued loss of forests due to the effects of climate change.

Hughes, Lesley, and Will Steffen. Be prepared: climate change and the Australian bushfire threat. Climate Council of Australia, 2020. Retrieved from


The authors illustrate how the climate changes that the continent of Australia is experiencing and how these changes are affecting the manageability of the forests thereby causing increased cases of bushfires. In addition, they demonstrate the threat of climate change as a global threat that could wipe away the forests if solutions are not established quickly. The article seeks to illustrate the future of the forests and the anticipated changes in the climate. It provides a comparison between the current effects of climate changes and what the future will look like if people fail to take action of conserving the environment and managing forests.

Horton, Graeme, Liz Hanna, and Brian Kelly. “Drought, drying and climate change: emerging health issues for ageing Australians in rural areas.” Australasian Journal on Ageing 29.1 (2018): 2-7. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/

The authors illustrate how the changes in the climate of Australia are affecting the people living in the continent. In addition, they discuss how the climate changes have resulted in increased droughts and high temperatures in various parts of the continent which are causing more illnesses for people living in the rural areas. The article aligns with the topic of research by highlighting the major issues that people are experiencing as a result of climate change and how they are anticipated to increase in the future. Unlike other articles, the authors relate the changes in the climate and the increased occurrence of illnesses among people living in the rural areas.

Hope, Pandora, et al. “On Determining the Impact of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Record Fire Weather in Eastern Australia in February 2020.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100.1 (2019): S111-S117. Retrieved from


The article discusses the increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the globe. It indicates that most of the cases of bushfires across the globe are as a result of the increased amounts of carbon dioxide which are causing changes in the climate. The article is useful in pointing out the major causes of the fires in the forests and helping in understanding the best forest management methods to be used in order to prevent occurrence of similar disasters in the future. In addition, the article related to this research topic through offering insights on what the causes are and being able to provide solutions to this issue.

Morrissey, Shirley A., and Joseph P. Reser. “Natural disasters, climate change and mental health considerations for rural Australia.” Australian Journal of Rural Health 15.2 (2017): 120-125. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/

The article discusses the increased cases of natural disaster and linked them to the increased mental disorder among people living in the rural areas. It elaborates on how people are people affected directly by the changes in the climate and the natural disasters especially in Australia. The article is useful in pointing out the problems in the rural areas of Australia but does not related to the research topic directly as it fails to discuss the cause of climate changes and the bushfires in Australia. In addition, it fails to offer remedies to the problems that are emanating from changes in the climate.

Nicholls, Neville. “Comments on “influence of location, population, and climate on building damage and Fatalities due to Australian bushfire: 1925–2015”.” Weather, Climate, and Society 3.1 (2016): 61-62. Retrieved from https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/

Neville explains in his article the major damage which has been caused by the continued bushfires in Australia and evaluates what other writers have to say regarding the issues. He pinpoints the challenges that the people in Australia should expected to face as a result of the widespread fires which are killing many species that dwell in the forests. The article related to the topic of research through examining the major cause of the bushfires in Australia, the causes as well as the probable solutions to this problem.

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