BUS402 WK3 Discussion Forum 2


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    Please review Chapter 4’s section concerning Porter’s 5 Forces, read the Forbes article

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    Porter or Mintzberg: Whose View of Strategy Is the Most Relevant Today? (Links to an external site.)

    (Moore, 2011) and view the required You Tube video

    Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy (Links to an external site.)

    , regarding Porter’s five forces. In the video, Mr. Porter discusses how Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for assessing the potential for profitability in an industry. As an example, Mr. Porter applied these five forces to the airline industry. Think of another industry where profitability is low. In an initial post of at least 250 words, apply the five forces to your chosen industry and demonstrate how those forces can lower profitability.

    Required Resources


    Abraham, S. (2012).

    Strategic management for organizations

    . Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

    • Chapter 6: Creating Strategic-Alternative Bundles
    • Chapter 7: Choosing the Best Strategy/Support


    Moore, K. (2011).

    Porter or Mintzberg: Whose view of strategy is the most relevant today? (Links to an external site.)

    Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/karlmoore/2011/03/28/porter-or-mintzberg-whose-view-of-strategy-is-the-most-relevant-today/

    • This article compares two points of view to consider which may be the most relevant today and will assist you in your Porter’s Five Forces discussion forum this week.
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      Privacy Statement (Links to an external site.)

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