BUS3101-W5 Assignment 3


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Complete the following assignment:

Apply the chaos theory to retail store of your choice, for instance, Nordstrom’s, Dillard’s, and so forth. If you are unsure if your choice of a retail store is acceptable, please check with your facilitator.

Identify core components and processes. 

Examine how SWOT analysis can be used.

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As a continuation of retail store project:

  • Identify      chaos in the retail business 
  • Examine how      systems principles apply to the internal management of the store 
  • Examine how      systems principles apply to the store and community 
  • Determine      how to estimate the community’s total demand for retail goods 
  • Identify      the core components and critical processes of the store 

Submit your assignment to the W5: Assignment 3 Dropbox.


Assignment 3 Grading Criteria 



Provided a complete analysis. 


Synthesized several ideas into one application.


Provided quality suggestions for SWOT analysis.


Presented a structured report free of spelling and grammatical   errors and cited sources in APA format when necessary.




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