Budget, Budget Narrative, & Sustainability Plan

The budget is a crucial piece in the logical progression of developing your proposal. Look back at the other key components—needs statement, objectives, goals, methodology, and evaluation—and consider how these pieces must be represented in and supported by the budget. One can see why a funding reviewer might begin by looking at a budget. It should fully, clearly, and succinctly depict the story of the project. The budget narrative expands upon the line items of a budget, offering further explanation of costs and needs, as appropriate.

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A sustainability plan explains to funders how you will continue a project after funding has been exhausted. Not only does this plan demonstrate a proactive stance toward your project, but it also provides a funder assurance that its interests will be served beyond the project timeframe.

In preparation for this Discussion, consider the components of your project that you have determined to this point. Review this module’s Learning Resources that focus on the budget, budget narrative, and sustainability plan. Note: You may select one of the two budget formats for your Discussion post: the budget example on pp. 162–163 or use the Sample Budget Worksheet on p. 328 as a guide to develop your budget.

Post the following to the Discussion board:

  • Your Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan. Include a brief description of your project to provide context to your colleagues.


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Dollar Amount Requested for Fringe Benefits

Grand Total Dollar Amount Requested

Name #1

Project Director

Name #2

Project Coordinator

Name #3

Clinical Coordinator

Name #4

Academic Coordinator

Name #5

Project Evaluator

Name #6

Project Secretary


Consultant Costs


Staff Travel

Itemized Equipment

Supplies (itemize by category)

Other Expenses

Grand Total Direct Costs

Grant Writing

Budget Worksheet

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