bua 3305 final p

this assignment should be about 5-6 pages 

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I will upload some document, review them and complete the work according to them.

one main document will be for the final project and the whole assignment should be according to that.

I will also upload some other documents which will provide specific information about different parts of the project. 

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BUA 3305: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide

For your final project in this course, you will choose a small business or organization for which you will complete a management information system
analysis and design project report. You will apply the skills and knowledge you have gained throughout the course to clearly identify a business
problem that an information system could address (within the scope of the semester). The purpose of this final project is to assume the role of a
systems analyst, whose primary task is to assist an organization or business in finding ways to align appropriate technologies with its needs in a
way that delivers improved service and value while streamlining processes and reducing expenses. A system analysis and design report formally
documents a prioritized assessment of business problems based on perceived value with a proposed information system-based solution that
benefits the business and its customers.

The project is divided into ​five milestones​, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality
final project submissions. These milestones will be submitted in ​Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

● CO2: Apply critical thinking (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) to solve problems related to
computer information systems

● CO3: Demonstrate effective written communication skills
● CO5: Analyze the needs of various types of users within an organization in order to ensure that functional area concepts are appropriately

applied in an information system

Specifically, your report must include the ​critical elements​ in the following sections and subsections:


I. Executive Summary and Background Information

This section should be a succinctly written management summary, about one page in length or less, that summarizes the project
proposal in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. ​NOTE:
Even though this section is at the beginning, it is usually written last. This section must address the following critical elements of the

A. Problems and/or Needs:​ Identify the problems and/or needs of the small business or organization that are of the highest

B. Project Scope: ​Describe what the project will include and exclude.
C. Data Collection:​ Identify specific resources from which you will collect any data you need in order to complete the project (e.g.,

forms, reports, industry and journal articles, etc.).
D. Statement of Business Requirements:​ Clearly identify (without using technology jargon) the requirements that the system

you recommend will need to have in a Statement of Business Requirements. Examples of what these requirements might look
like are as follows: “The system shall generate a real-time report that includes…” “The system’s reports shall be accessible
online.” “The system shall update inventory items in real time.” These requirements can be in a bulleted list void of technical

II. The Information Architecture
This goal of this section is to arrange the system information in such a way that it is understandable and useful to the various
stakeholders within the organization. To do this, a systems analyst must first determine the business goals and objectives of the
company, which will drive the strategy. Secondly, the relevant business areas and the specific information needed to support the
critical success factors for the business must be identified. This section of your report should include the following critical elements:

A. Business Goals and Objectives: ​Describe the company’s goals for the next




years and any associated intermediate
milestones or objectives that will serve as status checkpoints​.

B. Business Strategy: ​Explain how the company plans to achieve its goals, meet customer expectations, and sustain a
competitive advantage. Be sure to refer to Porter’s Model.

C. Critical Success Factors:​ Assess what factors must be addressed for the company to stay financially solvent.
D. Business Areas and Descriptions:​ Describe the organizational structure within the business and what various departments

do for the company (e.g., accounting, marketing, production, HR).


III. System Analysis

This section should be written after conducting the client interview, essentially providing a high-level overview of the existing system
and its perceived problems from the client’s vantage point. This section of your report should include the following critical elements:

A. Overview of Existing System:​ Briefly describe the current system’s technology architecture or manual system.
B. Definition of User Needs:​ Define how various user groups (within the various business areas) will use the system and what

they need it to do so that you can ensure the recommended system will address the needs of all affected departments and their
particular requirements.

C. Problem and Opportunity:​ Identify a problem that, if exploited, provides an opportunity for the organization (based on a
SWOT analysis).

D. Technique Used While Gathering Study Facts:​ Assess what strategies you will use to get the information needed for
analyzing the system (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, observations).

E. Statement of Alternative Solutions:​ Identify at least three possible solutions, listing the pros and cons of each, and explain
how they would address problems that the current system does not.

F. Recommendation:​ Based on the alternative solutions suggested above, and the data collected and analyzed, recommend
which solution is preferred and explain why. Then justify whether the project is worth pursuing for the company.

IV. System Evaluation
A system evaluation is a feasibility study analysis on the viability of the proposed system solution. The feasibility study should focus on
answering whether the proposed solution is viable economically, technically, operationally, legally, etc. The goal of a feasibility study is
to underscore potential problems that could ensue if the project is undertaken, given an analysis of the various outlined factors, to
determine if the project is worth pursuing. This section of your report should include the following critical elements:

A. Economic Analysis:​ Justify the financial investment (ROI, IRR, NPV, etc.) of the system you are recommending for the

B. Technical Analysis:​ Explain whether the needed technology exists and if it is stable.
C. Operational Analysis:​ Assess whether the organization has the capabilities to operate, use, or maintain the proposed

D. Schedule Analysis:​ Estimate how long the development effort will take and identify whether that amount of time is consistent

with the client’s timeline.
E. Legal and Contractual Analysis:​ Explain any legal or contractual considerations.


F. Political Analysis:​ Explain any political considerations that could hamper the development effort.

V. System Design

A system design lays out the system design​ architecture for each of the elements of the proposed information ​system,​ such as the type
of computer system, CPU, memory, secondary storage, operating system, application programs, network, database management
system, etc. In ​this section, you will identify the model or version, quantity, speed, cost, etc. for each element of the recommended
system listed below. Any items from the list below that are not applicable should be addressed with “N/A” in your report.

A. Hardware Design​: Identify relevant computer type CPU, RAM memory, HD storage, quantity, speed, cost, etc.
B. Software Design​: Specify version, features, OS, cloud-based, cost, etc. as applicable.
C. Personnel Design​: Specify any particular IT skill set required of the personnel who will be working with the system.
D. Network Design​: List requirements for internet, intranet, Wi-Fi, personal hotspot, etc.
E. Database Design​: Identify relevant version, features, cloud-based, cost, etc. as applicable.

VI. System Implementation

This section translates the various system planning activities into operational actions necessary to bring the information system to
fruition so it can accomplish the strategic goals and objectives of the business. This section of your report should include the following
critical elements:

A. Facility Planning: ​Describe the venue and specific accommodations (e.g., electrical, lighting, cooling)
B. Conversion Plan​: Outline the transition plan from the older system to the new system (e.g., direct cutover, pilot)
C. Training:​ Determine whether any new training is recommended or needed based on the existing skill sets of staff.
D. Testing:​ Recommend the level of testing needed (e.g., unit, system, volume).
E. Documentation:​ Identify what, if any, system documentation is recommended (user manuals, user guide, quick setup guide,


VII. Appendices
In this section, you will include any ancillary material used for the project. It does not count toward the required minimum of five pages
for the final report. See the list below for examples of appendices you might include in your report, but note that you are not limited to
this list:

● Questionnaire

● Forms
● Reports

Milestone 1​: ​Final Project Review and Topic Exploration
In Module 1, you will identify three prospective small business or organization clients that you are considering focusing on for your final project topic,
and contact your first choice to inquire whether they will agree to work with you. ​This milestone is graded with the Milestone 1 Rubric.

Milestone 2​: ​Industry Analysis Report, Interview Questionnaire, and Meeting Agenda
In Module 2, you will narrow your focus and confirm a specific small business or organization client for your management information system
analysis and design project report. To gather some of the information needed to complete this project, you will perform some industry research and
then interview a contact from your small business or organization client. ​This milestone is graded with the Milestone 2 Rubric.

Milestone 3​: ​Interview Debrief Report
In Module 3, you will write an interview debrief report and start organizing the background information section of your final project. ​This milestone
is graded with the Milestone 3 Rubric.

Milestone 4​: ​SWOT Analysis and Systems Analysis
In Module 4, you will conduct a SWOT analysis and ​organize the information required for ​the system design section of your final paper in order to
determine what type of information system you will recommend as a solution for the business problem. ​This milestone is graded with the
Milestone 4 Rubric.

Milestone 5​: ​System Design
In Module 5, ​you will organize the information required for ​the system design section of your final paper. You will identify the exact specifications for
construction of a technical, computer-based solution for the business requirements you identified in Milestone 4: System Analysis. ​This milestone
is graded with the Milestone 5 Rubric.


Final Submission:
Your final submission will be a five-page management information system analysis and design project report.

Deliverable Milestones

Milestone Deliverables Module


1 Final Project Review and Topic

1 Graded separately; Module 1 Rubric

2 Industry Analysis Report, Interview
Questionnaire, and Meeting Agenda

2 Graded separately; Module 2 Rubric

3 Interview Debrief Report 3 Graded separately; Module 3 Rubric
4 SWOT Analysis and Systems

4 Graded separately; Module 4 Rubric

5 System Design 5 Graded separately; Module 5 Rubric


Final Project: Management
Information System Analysis and
Design Project Report


Graded separately; Final Product Rubric

Final Product Rubric

Requirements of Submission:​ Your report must be submitted as at least a five-page Microsoft Word document (not including appendices), with
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins. The sections above must be clearly labeled, and any sections or subsections
that are not relevant for any reason should still be addressed but noted with “N/A.” You must reference at least three sources, cited in APA format. It
should be a complete, polished artifact containing ​all ​of the critical elements of the final product. It should incorporate of feedback gained throughout
the course.

Instructor Feedback​: Students can find their feedback in the Grade Center.

Rubric Note:​ ​Any category that does not apply should still be addressed and noted with “N/A” to receive full points for that category.

Critical Elements Exemplary ​(100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Summary and

Problems and/or

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of problems and/or needs of the
small business or organization
with the highest priority.

Identifies the problems and/or
needs of the small business or
organization with the highest

Identifies the problems and/or
needs of the small business or
organization with the highest
priority, but lacks in detail or

Does not identify the problems
and/or needs of the small
business or organization with the
highest priority.

Summary and

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the description of

Describes what the project will
include and exclude.

Describes what the project will
include and exclude, but lacks in
detail or clarity.

Does not describe what the
project will include and exclude.


Project Scope

what the project will include and

Summary and
Information: Data

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of specific resources for
collecting data needed to
complete the project

Identifies specific resources for
collecting data needed to
complete the project.

Identifies specific resources for
collecting data needed to
complete the project, but lacks in
detail or clarity.

Does not identify specific
resources for collecting data.


Summary and
Statement of

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of requirements needed of the
recommended system.

Identifies requirements needed
of the recommended system.

Identifies requirements needed
of the recommended system, but
lacks in detail or clarity..

Does not identify requirements
needed of the recommended


Business Goals
and Objectives

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the description of
the company’s goals for the next
three to five years and any
associated intermediate
milestones or objectives that will
serve as status checkpoints.

Describes the company’s goals
for the next three to five years
and any associated intermediate
milestones or objectives that will
serve as status checkpoints.

Describes the company’s goals
for the next three to five years
and any associated intermediate
milestones or objectives that will
serve as status checkpoints, but
lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not describe the
company’s goals for the next
three to five years and any
associated intermediate
milestones or objectives that will
serve as status checkpoints.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the explanation
of how the company plans to
achieve its goals, meet customer

Explains how the company plans
to achieve its goals, meet
customer expectations, and
sustain a competitive advantage;
and refers to Porter’s Model.

Explains how the company plans
to achieve its goals, meet
customer expectations, and
sustain a competitive advantage;
but might not refer to Porter’s

Does not explain how the
company plans to achieve its
goals, meet customer
expectations, and sustain a



expectations, and sustain a
competitive advantage; and
refers to Porter’s Model.

Model, or lacks in detail or

competitive advantage; and does
not refer to Porter’s Model.

Critical Success

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the assessment
of what factors must be
addressed for the company to
stay financially solvent.

Assesses what factors must be
addressed for the company to
stay financially solvent.

Assesses what factors must be
addressed for the company to
stay financially solvent, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not assess what factors
must be addressed for the
company to stay financially


Business Areas
and Descriptions

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the description of
the organizational structure
within the business and what
various departments do for the

Describes the organizational
structure within the business and
what various departments do for
the company.

Describes the organizational
structure within the business and
what various departments do for
the company, but lacks in detail
or clarity.

Does not describe the
organizational structure within
the business and what various
departments do for the company.


System Analysis:
Overview of
Existing System

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the description of
the current system’s technology
architecture or manual system.

Describes the current system’s
technology architecture or
manual system.

Describes the current system’s
technology architecture or
manual system, but lacks in
detail or clarity.

Does not describe the current
system’s technology architecture
or manual system.


System Analysis:
Definition of User

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the definition of
how various user groups will use

Defines how various user groups
will use the system and what
they need it to do.

Defines how various user groups
will use the system and what
they need it to do, but lacks in
detail or clarity.

Does not define how various
user groups will use the system
and what they need it to do.



the system and what they need it
to do.

System Analysis:
Problem and

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the

Identifies a problem that if
exploited, provides an
opportunity for the organization.

Identifies a problem that if
exploited, provides an
opportunity for the organization,
but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not identify a problem that
if exploited, provides an
opportunity for the organization.


System Analysis:
Technique Used
While Gathering
Study Facts

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the assessment
of strategies for obtaining
information needed for analyzing
the system.

Assesses strategies for obtaining
information needed for analyzing
the system.

Assesses strategies for obtaining
information needed for analyzing
the system, but lacks in detail or

Does not assess strategies for
obtaining information needed for
analyzing the system.


System Analysis:
Statement of

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of at least three possible
solutions listing the pros/cons of
each, and explain how they
would address problems that the
current system does not.

Identifies at least three possible
solutions listing the pros/cons of
each, and explain how they
would address problems that the
current system does not.

Identifies at least three possible
solutions listing the pros/cons of
each, and explain how they
would address problems that the
current system does not, but
lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not identify at least three
possible solutions listing the
pros/cons of each, and explain
how they would address
problems that the current system
does not.


System Analysis:

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the
recommendation of a preferred
solution; explains why; and

Recommends a preferred
solution; explains why; and

justifies whether the project is
worth pursuing for the company.

Recommends a preferred
solution; explains why; and
justifies whether the project is
worth pursuing for the company,
but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not recommend a preferred
solution; explains why; and
justifies whether the project is
worth pursuing for the company.



justifies whether the project is
worth pursuing for the company.


Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the justification of
the financial investment of the
recommended system for the

Justifies the financial investment
of the recommended system for
the company.

Justifies the financial investment
of the recommended system for
the company, but lacks in detail
or clarity.

Does not justify the financial
investment of the recommended
system for the company.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the explanation
of whether the needed
technology exists and if it is

Explains whether the needed
technology exists and if it is

Explains whether the needed
technology exists and if it is
stable, but lacks in detail or

Does not explain whether the
needed technology exists and if
it is stable.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the assessment
of whether the organization has
the capabilities to operate, use,
or maintain the proposed

Assesses whether the
organization has the capabilities
to operate, use, or maintain the
proposed technology.

Assesses whether the
organization has the capabilities
to operate, use, or maintain the
proposed technology, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not assess whether the
organization has the capabilities
to operate, use, or maintain the
proposed technology.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the estimation of
how long the development effort
will take and identifies whether

Estimates how long the
development effort will take and
identifies whether that amount of
time is consistent with the client’s

Estimates how long the
development effort will take and
identifies whether that amount of
time is consistent with the client’s
timeline, but lacks in detail or

Does not explain estimate how
long the development effort will
take and identifies whether that
amount of time is consistent with
the client’s timeline.



that amount of time is consistent
with the client’s timeline.

Evaluation: Legal
and Contractual

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the explanation
of any legal or contractual

Explains any legal or contractual

Explains any legal or contractual
considerations, but lacks in detail
or clarity.

Does not explain any legal or
contractual considerations.


Political Analysis

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the explanation
of any political considerations
that could hamper the
development effort.

Explains any political
considerations that could hamper
the development effort.

Explains any political
considerations that could hamper
the development effort, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not explain any political
considerations that could hamper
the development effort.


System Design:
Hardware Design

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of hardware specifications
needed for implementing the
recommended system.

Identifies hardware specifications
needed for implementing the
recommended system.

Identifies hardware specifications
needed for implementing the
recommended system, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not identify hardware
specifications needed for
implementing the recommended


System Design:
Software Design

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of software specifications needed
for implementing the
recommended system.

Identifies software specifications
needed for implementing the
recommended system.

Identifies software specifications
needed for implementing the
recommended system, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not identify software
specifications needed for
implementing the recommended



System Design:
Personnel Design

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of personnel needed for
operating the recommended

Identifies personnel needed for
operating the recommended

Identifies personnel needed for
operating the recommended
system, but lacks in detail or

Does not identify personnel
needed for operating the
recommended system.


System Design:

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of network communication
specifications needed for
implementing the recommended

Identifies network communication
specifications needed for
implementing the recommended

Identifies network communication
specifications needed for
implementing the recommended
system, but lacks in detail or

Does not identify network
communication specifications
needed for implementing the
recommended system.


System Design:
Database Design

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of database specifications for
implementing the recommended

Identifies database specifications
for implementing the
recommended system.

Identifies database specifications
for implementing the
recommended system, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not identify database
specifications for implementing
the recommended system.


Facility Planning

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the description of
the venue and specific

Describes the venue and specific

Describes the venue and specific
accommodations, but lacks in
detail or clarity.

Does not describe the venue and
specific accommodations.



Conversion Plan

Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the by outlining
the transition plan from the older
system to the new system.

Outlines the transition plan from
the older system to the new

Outlines the transition plan from
the older system to the new
system, but lacks in detail or

Does not outline the transition
plan from the older system to the
new system.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the determination
of whether any new training is
recommended or needed based
on the existing skill sets of staff.

Determines whether any new
training is recommended or
needed based on the existing
skill sets of staff.

Determines whether any new
training is recommended or
needed based on the existing
skill sets of staff, but lacks in
detail or clarity.

Does not determine whether any
new training is recommended or
needed based on the existing
skill sets of staff.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the
recommendation of the level of
testing needed.

Recommends the level of testing

Recommends the level of testing
needed, but lacks in detail or

Does not recommend the level of
testing needed.



Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
information system analysis and
design through the identification
of what, if any, system
documentation is recommended.

Identifies what, if any, system
documentation is recommended.

Identifies what, if any, system
documentation is recommended,
but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not identify what, if any,
system documentation is


Appendices Includes any ancillary material
used for the project.



Does not include any ancillary
material used for the project.



Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy to read
format. All sources used are
cited using APA Style, 6th ed.

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
and/or errors made in citing
sources using APA Style, 6th ed.

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas, or
sources used are not cited using
APA Style, 6th ed.

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
ideas, or no sources are cited.


Earned Total

100 %


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Milestone 2: Industry Analysis Report, Interview Questionnaire, and Meeting Agenda ​Guidelines and

For this milestone, you will narrow your focus and confirm the specific small business or organization client for your Management Information
System Analysis and Design Project Report. To gather some of the information needed to complete this project, you will perform industry
research and then interview a contact from your small business or organization client.

To complete this milestone assignment, review the Final Project document and then complete the following steps:

Step 1: Narrow your focus for the final project. Reach out to at least one of the small businesses or organizations that you were considering
focusing on for your final project in Milestone


to confirm that the company is available and willing to work with you.

Step 2: Schedule an appointment date and time for conducting an interview with the small business or organization client who has agreed to work
with you.

Step 3: Review the Industry Analysis Report Requirements document and perform industry research on the small business or organization. You
will use the information you gather through your research to write a concise overview (two to three pages) of the industry of interest in an Industry
Analysis Report. Specifically, your Industry Analysis Report should address the following:

● Identify the small business or organization client that you will be focusing on for your final project
● Briefly address historically the nature of the industry and its potential growth opportunities
● Provide an overview of the industry competitors (factors to consider might include geographic growth, consumer base, price fluctuations,

past performance, and income projections)
● Describe the industry’s business models (i.e., their operations, revenue sources, customer base, products, and financing)

Step 4: Review the Final Project document and create at least three open-ended questions for each section of the project report, as well as any
other open-ended questions that will help you gather the information needed to complete the final project requirements. Your interview
questionnaire should consist of a total of at least forty interview questions.


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Step 5: Create a meeting agenda for a 30-60 minute interview appointment so that your contact will know what to expect and you will be
prepared for the meeting. Be sure to include the following elements in your agenda:

● Identify the date and time of your interview appointment at the top of the agenda
● Outline how the agenda will be structured to include the following elements during the meeting: introduction of participants, formal

interview questions, and general summary and open Q&A session

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your milestone submission will consist of three documents:

1. Industry Analysis Report (submitted as a Microsoft Word document, two to three pages in length, double-spaced, 1


point type, with
references cited in APA Style)

2. Interview questionnaire (submitted as a Microsoft Word document)
3. Meeting agenda (submitted as a Microsoft Word document)

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Identifies the small business or organization

Does not identify the small business or
organization client.



Describes historically the nature of the
industry and its potential growth opportunities.

Describes historically the nature of the
industry and its potential growth opportunities,
but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not describe historically the nature of
the industry and its potential growth



Explains an overview of the industry

Explains an overview of the industry
competitors, but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not explain an overview of the industry


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Describes the industry’s business models.

Describes the industry’s business models, but
lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not describe the industry’s business



Includes at least 40 interview questions, with
3-4 open ended questions related to each
section of the final project.

Includes less than 40 interview questions; or
less than with 3-4 open ended questions
related to each section of the final project; or
questions are inappropriate.

Does not include interview questions.



Identifies the date/time of your interview
appointment at the top of the agenda.

Does not identify the date/time of your
interview appointment at the top of the


Outlines how the agenda will be structured to
include the following elements during the
meeting: Introduction of participants; Formal
Interview Questions; and General Summary &
Open Q&A Session.

Outlines how the agenda will be structured
but does not include all of the following
elements: Introduction of participants; Formal
Interview Questions; and General Summary &
Open Q&A Session.

Does not outline how the agenda will be
structured to include the following elements
during the meeting: Introduction of
participants; Formal Interview Questions; and
General Summary & Open Q&A Session.


No grammar or spelling errors that distract
the reader from the content. All sources used
are cited using APA Style, 6th ed.

Minor errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content. All
sources used are cited using APA Style, 6th

Major errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content and/or
errors made in citing sources using APA
Style, 6th ed.


Total = 100%


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Milestone 3: Interview Debrief Report ​Guidelines and Rubric

In this milestone, you will conduct an interview with your contact from the small business or organization client on which you are focusing your
final project: Management Information System Analysis and Design Project Report. The interview will help you narrow the possibilities of
information systems you can recommend for your final project, based on time and resource constraints. The meeting should help you identify the
scope of what the project will address. This will prepare you to later decide what technology recommendations are appropriate for this
organization in the design phase for Milestone 5.

For this milestone, you will write an interview debrief report and start organizing the background information section of your final project.

To successfully complete this milestone assignment, follow these steps:

1. Incorporating feedback you received from your Milestone


submission, conduct an interview with your contact from the small business or
organization client that you are focusing on for your final project.

2. Summarize the interview in an interview debrief report that addresses the following:
● Record how the interviewee responded to interview questions
● Identify a business problem or need that an information system could address within the scope of the semester. For example: If

inventory levels are unknown, a POS system could be designed that provides real-time, on-demand inventory reports.
● Describe the scope of what the project plan will include
● Determine the type of data you will need to collect to help you assess the extent of the problem or needs (e.g., orms, reports,

industry and journal articles)
● Write a Statement of Business Requirement (bulleted list of the requirements needed of the system)

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your interview debrief report should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Clearly records interviewee’s responses.

Records interviewee’s responses, but is
disorganized or difficult to follow.

Does not record interviewee’s responses.



Identifies a business “problem” or need that
an information system could address.

Identifies a business “problem” or need that
an information system could address, but
lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not identify a business “problem” or
need that an information system could



Describes the scope of what the project plan
will include.

Describes the scope of what the project plan
will include, but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not describe the scope of what the
project plan will include.


Assesses the type of data needed to assess
the extent of the problem or needs.

Assesses the type of data needed to assess
the extent of the problem or needs, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not assess the type of data needed to
assess the extent of the problem or needs.


Statement of

Includes a Statement of Business

Includes a Statement of Business
Requirement, but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not include a Statement of Business


No grammar or spelling errors that distract
the reader from the content.

Minor errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content.

Major errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content.


Total =


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Milestone 4: SWOT Analysis and Systems Analysis​ Guidelines and Rubric

Throughout this course, you have been researching and gathering the information needed to complete your final project. So far in previous
milestones you have identified a pressing business problem or need, defined the scope of a project addressing the issue, assessed what data
must be gathered to support the project, and identified the requirements that the information system must address in order to solve the problem.
Now it is time to start analyzing the information you have been collecting and make a recommendation for a new solution for your small business
or organization.

For this milestone assignment, you will conduct a SWOT analysis and ​organize the information required for ​the system design section of your
final paper in order to determine what type of information system you will recommend as a solution for the business problem.

Follow these steps to complete this milestone:

1. Conduct a SWOT analysis of the existing system and the needs of the business and summarize your analysis in about a page. For a
refresher on how to conduct a SWOT analysis, review ​How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis​ (2:14).

2. Then, gather the following information in a bulleted list beneath each category to help you prepare for analyzing the existing system and
its perceived problems from the client’s vantage point when you write the systems analysis section of the final paper:

● Overview of Existing System:​ What is the current system’s technology architecture or manual system?
● Definition of User Needs:​ How will various user groups use the system?
● Problem and Opportunity:​ Based on the SWOT analysis, identify a problem that, if exploited, provides an opportunity for the

● Technique Used While Gathering Study Facts:​ What strategies you will use to get the information needed for analyzing

the system (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, observations)?
● Statement of Alternative Solutions:​ List at least three possible solutions for a system that would solve the current

system’s problems
● Recommendations:​ Based on defined problems and data collected and analyzed, recommend whether the project is worth


Note that you will need to translate this information into narrative prose for your final project submission. However, for the purposes of this
milestone, you should be simply organizing your thoughts in a bulleted list for each of the system area categories above.


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your milestone should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document about two pages in length (including the
one-page SWOT analysis), in 12-point type, with any sources cited according to APA style.

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Overview of
Existing System

Identifies current system’s technology
architecture or manual system.

Identifies current system’s technology
architecture or manual system, but lacks in
clarity or contains inaccuracies.

Does not identify current system’s
technology architecture or manual system.


Definition of User

Identifies how various user groups will use
the system.

Identifies how various user groups will use
the system, but lacks in clarity or contains

Does not identify how various user groups
will use the system.


Problem and

Identifies a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the organization.

Identifies a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the organization,
but lacks in clarity or contains inaccuracies.

Does not identify a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the organization.


Technique Used
While Gathering
Study Facts

Identifies strategies for getting information
needed for analyzing the system.

Identifies strategies for getting information
needed for analyzing the system, but lacks in
clarity or contains inaccuracies.

Does not identify strategies for getting
information needed for analyzing the system.



Identifies at least three possible solutions for
a system that would solve the current
systems problems.

Identifies one or two possible solutions for a
system that would solve the current systems

Does not identify at least three possible
solutions for a system that would solve the
current systems problems.


Identifies a system and whether the project
is worth pursuing.

Identifies a system but not whether the
project is worth pursuing.

Does not identify a system and whether the
project is worth pursuing.



BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Total = 100%


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