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​​​​​​​Imagine you are the CIO of an online retail organization that has experienced above-average growth because of the surge in internet shopping. The company has put together a strategic plan for the next 5 years that centers around expanding the online retail business and moving into the international marketplace.

The board of directors has charged you with mapping out the next 5 years of infrastructure needs for the company. They would like to see your plans supported by current research.

Using the information from the

Arctic Inc. Strategic Plan

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document, create a 4- to 5-page executive brief in which you:

  • Create a risk assessment of 5 potential technology issues faced when completing the strategic plan with a focus on cloud expansion.
  • Write a risk identification and mitigation plan for high-risk issues found during the risk assessment.
  • Develop an enterprise infrastructure plan that would support the growth-oriented strategic plan following a cloud-based operating structure.
  • Propose controls and governance policies that will manage technology change in the company, keeping pace with growth.
  • Develop 3 key performance indicators to measure the success of the strategic plan.

Cite at least two sources to support your infrastructure needs according to APA guidelines.

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